North and South
Episode 1
English version Dec 1, 2024
Start 0.00, Length 2.09
Participants: none
Location: none (studio graphics)
Mont Royal, driveway Virgilia Hazard (Kristie Ally)
Grady (George Stanford Brown) Slave whippings at Resolute
Madeline LaMotte (Lesley-Anne Down) Table scene at Belvedere
Ashton Main (Terry Garber) Worker's cabins at Hazard Iron
George Hazard (James Read) Saber drill at West-Point
Orry Main (Patrick Swayze) Slaves working the fields
Lineup for duell Madame Conti (Elizabeth Taylor)
Orry Main in battle of Churubrusco Gun drill at West Point
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Start 2.09, length 2.17
> Ashton Main, as little child
> Brett Main, as little child
> Slave woman als child's maid
> Statists: slaves at work
Location: Mont Royal, at the slave cabins
In the year 1842, 6 years old Brett in her childish interrests presents an bird's nest to her slightly older sister. But Ashton distrusts her sister's discovery and crushes the egg.
(Ashton and Brett run through the gate, pass the slave cabins, reach a used bird nest.)
Brett............................ Over here, Ashton. Come and see. A green heron left it, I think. She'll be coming back to nest.
Ashton....................... (takes the egg from the nest) Then she'll be disappointed (runs away)
Brett............................ (follows) Ashton! Put that back. That isn't yours!
Ashton....................... It is now.
Brett............................ No! Please! You can't take a mother bird's baby!
Ashton....................... I'm sorry, Brett. You're right. You found it, you put it back. If I can't have it, nobody can. (crushes the egg, fight with Brett)
Slave........................... (appears) Miss Ashton! Miss Brett! You stop it now! I say, stop it, hear? Come along, you're wanted to the big house. Mr. Orry's just about to go. Come along now, little ladies. It's time to say goodbye to your big brother. (takes the children, they walk off)
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Start 4.26, length 3.22
> Priam, slave
> Semiramis, slave
> Ashton Main, as little child
> Brett Main, as little child
> Statists: slaves lined up
Location: Mont Royal, driveway
Orry Main, 16 years old brother of the girls, leaves the family and the home plantation Mont Royal in South Carolina for two years to receive a military education at West Point. He is waved goodbye by his father, the plantation owner Tillet, his mother Clarissa, his young sisters and a lineup of house slaves.
Orry............................. (rides up)
Clarissa....................... You made sure you saw to Mr. Orry's trunk?
Semiramis................... Oh yes, Ma'am.
My brother Priam put it on the steamer in
Clarissa....................... Thank you, Semiramis.
Semiranis.................... You're welcome, Ma'am.
Orry............................. (dismounts, to Priam) He's as eager to get started as I am, Priam.
Priam........................... Yes, Sir.
Orry............................. (to Tillet and Clarissa) I'm gonna miss all of you so much.
Clarissa....................... Remember to keep warm. You won't be used to the cold up north. And come back to us. (kiss)
Orry............................. I will.
Clarissa....................... Safe.
Tillet............................ I expect, you'll do well, Orry.
Clarissa....................... Now Tillet, tell him what you told me.
Tillet............................ Son, I know we've had our disagreements in the past. Sometimes your behaviour has been a little less restrained that I might have wished for.
Clarissa....................... Your father's forgotten how he was at your age.
Tillet............................ (to
Clarissa) Perhaps I have. (to Orry) I want you to know I'm very proud of you.
It's no small thing for a man to have a son at
Orry............................. Thank you, Sir. I'll do my best for you.
Tillet............................ I know you will. (embraces Orry)
Brett............................ (runs up with Ashton) Orry! Orry!
Orry............................. What in the world happened to you two ladies?
Ashton....................... Brett fell down and I had to help her up.
Brett............................ (gives him a flower) I picked this for you.
Orry............................. Why, thank you, Brett. That was sweet.
Ashton....................... I found you a present, too.
Brett............................ (low) Liar.
Ashton....................... But Brett wouldn't let me keep it.
Orry............................. Well,
I tell you what: This will be from you both to remind me how much I love you. And
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Start 7.48, length 5.33
> Maum Sally, servant
> Villefranche, coachman
Location: road in the woods
his way Orry meets beautiful Madeline Fabray from New Orleans and her servant
Maum Sally having an accident with their carriage. Orry saves them from am
snake and offers Madeline to take her zu where she was heading, the
neighbouring plantation Resolute, after the coachman is unable to fix the
damaged carriage.
Maum Sally................ (out of the carriage) Help! Help!
Orry............................. (rides up, dismounts, sees into the carriage)
Maum Sally................ Oh, praise the Lord, somebody heard us.
Orry............................. (recognizes the snake) Please don't move. A snake's gotten in the carriage.
Maum Sally................ Sweet Jesus.
Orry............................. Please be very still, no matter what happens.
Maum Sally................ It is poisenous?
Madeline.................... I'm sure it is, Maum Sally. Or the young gentleman wouldn't be so conserned for us.
Orry............................. (removes the snake, openes the carriage)
Madeline.................... (admiring) You are very brave.
Maum Sally................ Thank you, Sir. Thank you very much.
Orry............................. It was... it was my pleasure.
Madeline.................... Would you help Maum Sally first, please.
Maum Sally................ Miss Madeline, I can wait...
Madeline.................... Maum Sally, if we argue, we both catch cold.
Orry............................. (helps Maum Sally getting out) Careful.
Maum Sally................ Thank you, Sir. Thank you very much. (walks over to the driver)
Orry............................. (helps Madeline getting out)
Madeline.................... We can never repay you, Sir. I don't even know your name.
Orry............................. It's
Orry... Orry Main. I'm from
Madeline.................... My name is Madeline Fabray.
Orry............................. I'm delighted to meet you. (hand kiss)
Madeline.................... My father
and I have only recently come from
Orry............................. It must have been terrifying.
Madeline.................... Maum Sally and I are traveling to meet my father. He has business at a plantation near here.
Orry............................. I'd be happy to escort you there.
Madeline.................... I haven't told you were it is yet. Perhaps it's out of you way.
Orry............................. Well,
I'm headed for
Madeline.................... The military academy?
Orry............................. Yes. I won't be back this way for two more years.
Madeline.................... Oh, I'm so sorry.... That we haven't had more time to talk, that's what I meant.
Orry............................. You know, it's customary in this part of the country for a lady to give a gentleman a token if she wishes to thank him properly.
Madeline.................... I see you collect them.
Orry............................. Ma'am?
Madeline.................... (points to Brett's flower) Tokens?
Orry............................. Oh, this is from a lady who stole my heart six years ago... when she was born. My little sister Brett. (both laugh)
Maum Sally................ (appears) Miss Madeline, Mr. Villefranche tell me we got trouble.
Madeline.................... Oh, how is he, Maum Sally?
Maum Sally................ He got a bumb on the head, that's all. But he told me we will never reach Resolute before dark now.
Orry............................. The LaMotte's place, that where you're going?
Madeline.................... Yes. You know it?
Orry............................. They're neighbours of ours. Let me take you there. Then we can sent back horses and men for the carriage.
Madeline.................... But how?
Orry............................. Do you ride?
Madeline.................... Yes, of course, but....
Orry............................. Then it's settled. (walks over to the horse)
Maum Sally................ Miss Madeline you hardly know this gentleman.
Madeline.................... Oh, I'll be safe, Maum Sally. I feel I can trust him. I don't know why, but I do.
Orry............................. (from the distance) You'll all be safe at Resolute long before dark, I promise.
Madeline.................... (to Maum Sally) You see?
Orry............................. (helps Madeline mounting up, mounts up behind her) Ready? (they ride off together)
(1) Script error: In Episode 5, Scene 13 it is said that Madeline left New Orleans with her father shortly after her birth, that is at least 15 years earlier.
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Orry and Madeline feel the attraction and promise each other to stay in contact during his time at West Point.
Madeline.................... (in the saddle) How much further?
Orry............................. Resolute is just around the next bend.
Madeline.................... (drops a tissue) Oh! I've dropped something.
Orry............................. (stops, dismounts, helps her off the horse)
Madeline.................... That was very clumsy of me.
Orry............................. Yes, it was.
Madeline.................... Thank you. (kiss, smiles) Maum Sally would say, that wasn't 'ladylike'. But I should have given you this instead.
Orry............................. I've never met anybody like you, Miss Fabray. I'd be honored if you write to me at the military academy.
Madeline.................... I'd like that. - Well I suppose we should be going. (hands him over the tissue)
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01.06 - Orry Delivers Madeline To Resolute
The owner of Resolute, Justin LaMotte, and Madeline's father Nicholas Fabray are waiting already, when Orry rides in with Madeline. Justin sends help to the carriage, and Madeline follows Orry riding off again with her eyes.
Nicholas..................... Resolute is quite impressive, Justin. You are to be congratulated.
Justin.......................... Yes, well, I certainly hope your daughter shares your opinion, Nicholas.
Nicholas..................... Well, I confess, I'm a bit worried. She should have arrived long before this.
Justin.......................... Well, they probably got a late start. We got plenty of time before dark. Why don't we have a julep while we wait.
Nicholas..................... Very well. (Orry and Madeline ride up) Madeline!
Madeline.................... (dismounts) Oh Papa. There's been a most terrible accident.
Justin.......................... What
Orry............................. (dismounts) Their carriage horses slipped and bolted.
Madeline.................... Our carriage, Papa, was thrown in the river. Monsieur Main, he risked his life to rescue us. And then he told me that he was a neighbour of Monsieur LaMotte's.
Nicholas..................... I am most grateful, Monsieur.
Orry............................. Oh, please, Sir. Anybody would have done the same.
Nicholas..................... What about Maum Sally and Villefranche?
Madeline.................... Oh, they're still with the carriage, Papa, but they're fine.
Orry............................. I told them you'd send fresh horses.
Justin.......................... I'll do better that that. (turns off) Nathaniel! Come over here, boy. I want you to organize a rescue party.
Orry............................. I'd like to stay and help, but I'm afraid I have a steamer to catch.
Nicholas..................... What a shame. But once again, Monsieur: my thanks. (turns off)
Madeline.................... And mine.
Orry............................. Now remember, you promised to write.
Madeline.................... I will. (turns off)
Nicholas..................... (while going off) Now Madeline, you must be exhausted.
Madeline.................... Oh I am, Papa, I am.
Nicholas..................... I haven't properly introduced you to Monsieur LaMotte as yet.
Orry............................. (rides off)
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Start 17.12, length 3.53
> Kutscher
> Statists: pedestrians and viewers, 2 ladies in George's carriage
At the New York City train depot, Orry is being held of and pulled into a fight with some street gang members over his southern accent, until occasionally arriving George steps in to help him. George, coming from Lehigh Station, Pennsylvania, is also on his way to West Point, and the two young men get befriended quickly.
Driver.......................... Station's over there. This is as far as I go. (throws baggage off the carriage's roof)
Orry ............................ (takes up his trunk and turns to walk off)
George........................ (arrives) Well Ladies, good bye. And I'll see you in two years.
Crook 1....................... (pushes Orry's trunk off his shoulder)
Orry............................. Oh, I'm sorry.
Crook 1....................... You'll be needing help getting that to the station.
Orry............................. Oh no, thank you. I can manage it.
Crook 1....................... Will you listen to that? (overdone) Where y'all from, country boy?
Orry............................. I'm
Crook 1....................... ...and
going to
Orry............................. Yes, Sir, that's where I'm headed. So if you could put your foot off my trunk, I got a train to catch. Thank you.
Crook 1....................... Now listen here, soldier boy. Me and my friends will get that on the train, or you'll go on without it.
Orry............................. How much to load it?
Crook 1....................... Two dollars.
Orry............................. It's worth maybe twenty-five cents.
Crook 2....................... Who do you think you are talking to? We ain't no part of your slave labour.
Orry............................. No, Sir. No, you're not. So if you just stand aside, I'll handle it myself.
Crook 1....................... We'll load it or you'll load it. Price is the same. Two dollars.
Orry............................. Don't put your hands on me again, Sir.
Crook 1....................... Or-you'll-what? (fight, George cuts in)
Orry............................. (while fighting) Thanks! Orry Main.
George........................ George Hazard! Glad to know you.
Orry............................. Not as glad as I am to know you.
George........................ (fight
George........................ So am I.
Orry............................. I had no idea this trip would be so eventful.
(1) Historical: At that time New York City had no train depot. And
there was no railroad line up the Hudson River to West Point. When being built
in the 1850s, it started at Hoboken, NJ with ferry connection over the Hudson
River. In 1942 the way to West Point was made by river boat.
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01.08 - Acquaintance On The Train
Start 21.05, length 2.46
> Statists: passengers
Location: passenger car on running train
When Orry shows doubts to master the education, George rips a 10 Dollar note and issues a bet to double that in case Orry would really fail.
George........................ You're probably the first real Southener I've ever met.
Orry............................. You're my first damn Yankee (laughes). Now, I used to think that all Yankees ever did was peddle jackknifes, tin ware and try to beat their neighbours in court. (2)
George........................ Well, we got some like that. And I guess there's probably some Southerners who eat pork and collards, sleep all day and beat their slaves all night. (2)
Orry............................. Some of us do think, slavery's outdated, you know, and favour more modern methods in spite of what some folkes believe.
George........................ Oh, I know that. My family owns an ironworks. We've got labor problems, too.
Orry............................. Hazard Iron? That's you... That's your family?
George........................ Yes. I hope you don't consider that's peddeling jackknifes.
Orry............................. No-no, not at all. You make farm machinery.
George........................ Yea.
Orry............................. I believe that mechanization is the key to the South's future.
George........................ Sounds like you wanna be a farmer, not a soldier.
Orry............................. I do.
George........................ Then why are you going to the Point?
I wanna learn something, George. The military academy is the best all-around
education a man can get in this country. And I wanna improve
George........................ Now, I wanted to be a soldier all my life. Thank God, I got an older brother who can take care of the ironworks, or I couldn't do this.
Orry............................. I think you'll be a good one.
I hope so. We both have to be pretty tough to make it through
Orry............................. They say the hazing is hell. I've never been too great at book learning. I just wonder if I'll make it through it.
George........................ Oh, you'll make it through. I'll bet money on it. (takes a 10 Dollar note)
Orry............................. You will?
George........................ (ripps the Dollar note in two)
Orry............................. What are you doing! That's a ten dollar note.
That's right. Now, when you graduate from
Orry............................. What if I don't graduate?
George........................ Then I'll give you mine. But that's not gonna happen. This is one bet I'm gonna win.
(2) Historical: The
preprejucies said by George and Orry against Northeners and Southeners in fact
reflect contemporary popular views. The South was often viewd as slow moving
with people comfortably living by the slaves' work. The North in contrast was
seen in the South as ambitious and money-hunting. Based on vast distances and
poor communication links, these views survived until well into the civil war.
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01.09 - Justin Courts Madeline 1
Start 23.51, length 1.18
> Statists: slaves
Location opening: Resolute, outside
Location scene: Resolute, dining room
At the table, Justin and Nicholas engage in stimulated talk on concurrent issues. Justin shows astonishment when Madeline joins the conversation, what is approved by her father.
Justin.......................... I trust, the wine is to your taste, Nicholas.
Nicholas..................... A fine vintage, Justin. Fine.
Nicholas..................... You
expect President Tyler to fight over
He must, Sir. It's a point of honor.
Aren't those fears been exaggerated by those who want
Justin.......................... Where did you hear that, my dear?
Nicholas..................... I encourage my daughter to read and question, Sir. She has an excellent mind.
Justin.......................... A mind hardly seems necessary, Nicholas, when one has the face of an angel.
(1) Historical: John Tyler, 29.03.1790 - 18.01.1862, 1841-45 10. U.S. President (Wikipedia)
(2) Historical: Texas has declared his independence from Mexico in 1836 and looks for the adminssion into the United States. But Mexico doesn't respect the independence and threatens the U.S. with war in case of it's admission. The related question of the expansion of slavery is addressed by Virgilia in Scene 28.
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01.10 - Arriving At West Point
Start 25.09, length 2.27
> Supporting roles: cadets and instructors, music band
> Statists: more arrivals
Location: West Point, outside
George, Orry und andere Rekruten kommen in West Point an und sind von den laufenden Formalausbildungen fasziniert.
Instructor 1................ Aim - fire! Aim - fire!
Instructor 2................ Once again, gentlemen, we shall charge ahead. Move.
Instructor 3................ Go, gentlemen, slice the melons.
Instructor 4................ Ready - fire!
Instructor 1................ Charge - cartridge! Draw - rammers! Ram!
Instructor 4................ This company can load and fire three times a minute!
George........................ It's like a always knew it would be - only better.
Instructor 5................ One - one - one two one - one...
Orry............................. You think we will ever be able to learn all this?
George........................ Are you joking? We'll be experts in no time.
Orry............................. Well, so far we haven't even been able to find our barracks.
George........................ (sees a cadet marching up, to Orry) He looks helpful. (to the cadet) Ah, excuse me, Sir. My friends and I are plebes...
Cadet.......................... No, Sir! You are not.
George........................ Sir?
Cadet.......................... You are things, Sir. To become plebes you must first survive the entrance examination. Until then you are lower then plebes. You are the lowest of the low. You are things, Sir. Remember that. (walks off)
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Start 27.36, length 2.02
> Ned Fisk
> Statists: more arrivals, cadets at the barracks
Location opening: West Point, barracks
Location scene: West Point, barracks room
In the room, they are greeted by Cadet Ned Fisk, son of a small farmer from Ohio, wo shows strong biases against slave-holding plantation owners.
Orry............................. (enters the barrack) I'm beginning to wish I'd never seen this trunk.
Fisk............................. (points to empty beds) I guess these belong to you two.
George........................ (enters the barrack) Thank you.
Orry............................. Thank you
Fisk............................. I'm Ned Fisk.
George........................ George Hazard.
Orry............................. Orry Main. Thank you.
I come from
I'm from a place called
Fisk............................. You're a planter, are you?
Orry............................. My father is. We grow cotton.
Fisk............................. With slave labour. You can sleep some place else. I may have to be here with your kind, but I don't have to like it.
Orry............................. And just what's 'my kind', friend?
Fisk............................. Slave owners. My Pa's got a small tabaco farm. He can't get decent prices because of the Southern competition. I had to wait two years to get here, because there was no money for the trip. (1)
Orry............................. Well, that's unfortunate, but it is hardly my fault.
Fisk............................. The hell it isn't. It's your's and every slave owner's in this country.
George........................ Well, there is nothing anybody can do about it here. So, we'll just have to live and let live, right?
(1) Historical:
The slave-holding plantations in the South stood in competition on their
produces with the medium and farmers in the coming border states as well as in
the mid west. But at that time the South has switch to grow cotton and rice and
has left the laborous tabaco to the smaller farmers, which has separated the
markets again already. Fisk also generallizes the situation, because owners of
only a few slaves had their competition with the gread plantations as well.
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01.12 - Justin Courts Madeline 2
Start 29.38, length 2.15
> Nancy, slave
> Statists: slaves
Location: Resolute, outside and veranda
Justin continues to court Madeline, presenting annemidies like a morning horse ride. On the other hand, he punishes every little mistake by his servants with an iron hand.
Justin.......................... (rides up with Madeline, dismounts) Your visit has been distressively brief, Miss Fabray. Or may I call you Madeline?
Madeline.................... (dismounts) Well, yes, it has been a short visit. And I'm not sure we know each other well enough for first names yet.
Justin.......................... Perhaps we should get to know each other better.
Madeline.................... (to Nicholas) Good morning.
Nicholas..................... Good morning. Well, you two seem to be enjoying yourselves.
Justin.......................... It was a wonderful ride.
Nicholas..................... Well, it's a pity, we have to leave this afternoon.
Justin.......................... You see, my dear? It's the opinion of the majority.
Madeline.................... And the majority rules.
Justin.......................... Well, a well-brought-up young lady is ruled by her father. Isn't that right, Nicholas?
Alas, I am ruled by my business appointment in
Madeline.................... Shall I help her, Papa?
Nicholas..................... No-no-no-no, enjoy your breakfast. I shan't be too long. (leaves)
Justin.......................... Your father is very indulgent with his slaves.
Madeline.................... Maum Sally is our freed servant. And my father is kind to everyone, no matter who they are.
Justin.......................... Of course.
Madeline.................... Don't distress yourself, Nancy. I have to change anyway. If you'll excuse me. (walks off)
Of course. (slaps
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Start 31.53, Length 7.57
> Cadet Orry Main
> Cadet George Hazard
> Cadet Ned Fisk
> Cadet Elkanah Bent
> Cadet Sergeant Ulysses S. Grant
> Cadet George Pickett
> Cadet George McClellan
> Cadet Thomas Jackson
> Nebenrolle: Drummer
> Statists: more Cadets
Location: West Point, court
Cadet Elkanah Bent introduces himself to the young men as their drill master. He quickly out picks Orry and George for his sadistical methods and treats them to exhaustion. With this pressure upon them, they find friends in their comrades George Picket, Tom Jackson and George McClellan.
(drum roll, the cadets run out and take formation)
(appears) My name... is Bent. Cadet Bent. I, Sirs, am your drillmaster. Elkanah
Bent, Sirs, of the great and sovereign state of
Fisk............................. Yes, Sir.
Bent............................ I can't hear you, Sir.
Fisk............................. YES SIR!
To most of us from the Southern states, the word '
Fisk............................. No, Sir. - I mean, yes, Sir.
Bent............................ (to Orry) What is your comment on that, Sir? Or do you have one?
Orry............................. No, I don't.
Bent............................ You will reply: 'No, I don't, SIR'!
Orry............................. No, I don't, SIR!
Thank you, Sir. I know how difficult that must have been, Sir. Because you
gentlemen from
Orry............................. No, we don't, SIR.
Bent............................ Good, Sir. I'm pleased you agree with me. Surprised, but pleased nonetherless. (to George) And you, Sir, how do you feel about the South as compared with your section of the country, Sir? The East, I believe. Which do you think superior, Sir?
George........................ Why, the East, Sir.
Bent............................ What did you say?
George........................ I said, the East, Sir. Nothing but dirt farmers down South. Present company excepted, Sir - as always.
Mr. Hazard, the pot maker from
(Orry and George receive two water filled buckets each) (3)
Bent............................ Now, Sirs, you will raise these buckets to your sides and keep'em at a 90-degree angle to your bodies at all times. Now, Sirs. The principle which I spoke is commonly called the 'goose step', Sirs. On command, you will stand on one leg thus, your right leg, Sirs. On the command 'front', you will fling the raised leg forward thus, Sirs. Now, Sirs, begin. (drum) Stand - and - front - down - front - down - front - down - Continue, Sirs! Front - down - front - down - front - down - front - down - front - down - front - down - Not one drop of water is to be spilled, Sirs! Not one! Keep your arm up, Sir! And front - down - front - down - front - down - front - down - front - down - Arms up, Main! Front - down - front - down - front - down - front - down - front - down - front - down - front - down - front - down - front - down - Arms up, Sirs! Up, Sirs! Front - down - front - down - front - down - Get your legs out, Sirs! Front - down - Keep your arms up, Sirs! Front - down - front - down - front - down - front - down - front - down - front - down - front - down - front - down - front - down - Up, Main! Up, Sirs! Front - down - front - down - front - down - front - down - And up, Sirs! Front - down - front - down - front - down - front - down - Yes, Sirs! Up, Sirs! Front - and continue, Sirs! Front - down - front - down - front - down - front - down - front - down - front - down - front - down - front - down - front - down - Let's see 90-degree, Sirs! Front - down - front - down - Up, Sir! Up Sir! Front - down - front - down - front - down - No slacking off, Sir! Front - down - front - down - front - down - front - down - front - down - front - down - front - down - front - down - front - down - front - down - Get your arm up, Sir! Front - down - front - down - front - down - front - down - front - down - front - down - front - down - front - down - front - down - Up, Sir! Front - down - front - down - (Orry collapses, to George) Halt, Sir! Stay where you are, Sir! (to Orry) Up on your feet, Mr. Main. You have not yet mastered the principle.
Grant........................... (appears) Cadet Bent! These two men have been drilled sufficiently. You'll return them to ranks, Sir, and dismiss the squad. (4, 5)
Bent............................ Yes, Sir! (Grant turns off) Fall in, Sirs. Squad - dismissed! (leaves)
Picket.......................... Good for you, boys. You stood up to him, called his bluff.
George........................ Call that a bluff?
Picket.......................... (laughes) By the way, Hazard, we haven't really met. My name is George.
George........................ So is mine.
McClellan................... Ah, that makes three of us. I'm George McClellan. (5)
And I'm George Picket, from
Orry............................. Fine, Tom. My name's Orry.
Orry............................. Thank God for that upperclassman, whoever he was.
Picket.......................... Oh, his Name is Ulysses, but they call him Sam. Sam Grant. (they walk off)
(2) Historisch: Oberlin College, higher school for liberal arts in Oberlin, OH, founded 1833, and the first institution of ist kind to accept colored and female students equally. (Wikipedia)
(3) Directors error: The cadets line up first with the barracks to their backs. When Bent
steps in front of them, the great brick building is behind him. But when the
two comrades pump water into the buckets, the whole parade has turned 90
degrees in place to the right with the barracks now to their right of them. A
turning movement is not shown.
(4) Directors error: Cadet Grant first looks out of a door from the front building toe the right of the group. Later to interfere, he steps out from under a barracks balcony to the left. How did he get there?
(5) Historical: Ulysses Simpson "Sam" Grant, George Edward Picket, George Brinton McClellan and Thomas Jonathan Jackson were actual West Point graduates in 1844 (Grant) resp. 1846 (the others) and later all appeared als generals in the Civil War, whereas on different sides. (to Grant: see episode 9 scene 6; Pickett Wikipedia; McClellan Eikipedia; Jackson Wikipedia)
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Start 39.50, Length 0.19
> Cadet Orry Main (no text)
> Cadet George Hazard (no text)
Location: West Point, barracks room
White the comrades are sleeping, Orry writes letters to Madeline in the light of an oil lamp.
(no dialogue)
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Start 40.09, Length 2.42
> Maum Sally, servant
> Uncle John, servant (no test)
> Statists: pedestrians in the streets (opening)
Location opening: Fabray house, outside
Location scene: Fabray house hall, dining room, stairs, bedroom upstairs
Madeline is excited when receiving a letter from Orry. Faithful servant Maum Sally watches this with slight morally concern. When Nicholas announces a visit by Justin, Madeline reacts friendly but reserved.
Maum Sally................ (enters the house, to Nicholas) The mail, Sir. One for you and one for Miss Madeline. (1)
Nicholas..................... Thank you, Maum Sally.
Maum Sally................ (walks upstairs, enters Madeline's room) I have something for you, child.
Madeline.................... Oh, Maum Sally, why didn't you tell me there was a letter for me this morning?
Maum Sally................ Because I only just arrived. (Madeline openes the letter) Now, who or what could be so important?
Madeline.................... Oh... oh, he says, he is always thinking of me, and that he can't wait to see me again. 'Even though the training here at the academy is sometimes... merciless, the thought that-' … the thought that I'll be here when he gets home helps him through it.
Maum Sally................ He says a whole lot for such a short aquaitance. What else he got to say? You're mighty taken with that Mr. Main, aren't you?
Nicholas..................... (appears) Madeline, dear, may I speak with you?
Madeline.................... Yes, Papa.
Justin LaMotte has written to say, he will be here in
Madeline.................... Well, that's fine. I'll have something special prepared for dinner that night.
Nicholas..................... I hope you will be as pleased to see Justin as I will.
Madeline.................... Of course, Papa. He's your friend.
(1) Directors error: Maum Sally enters the Fabray house by the veranda. From the outside,
yellow light shines in the windows above the entrance door and the form of an
opposite side door or window is to be seen. At the inside, the walls are
painted in light blue and the door opposite the entrance doesn't exist. This
discrepancy repeats itself in later scenes at the house veranda.
This shows that the in- and outdoor scenes at the
Fabray house were not filmed at the same lication. Besides, the entrance door
from the outside is just a backdrop on this veranda at 20 South Battery,
Charleston being open to all sides. The
yellow light is the daylight reflection of the next building. This backdrop
also blocks the adjecting window shade so it has to be nearly closed all the
time. All interior shots were made at a very differend location.
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Start 42.51, Length 4.28
> Cadet Orry Main
> Cadet George Hazard
> Cadet Elkanah Bent
> Cadet Ned Fisk (no text)
> Supporting roles: Cadet Sergeant Ulysses S. Grant, Drummer
> Statists: more cadets
Location: West Point, training ground
At saber drill, Bent acts unfairly to Cadet Fisk. Then he selected Orry as his next training partner. But since Orry is well trained with the saber, Bent is beaten quickly.
(one line of saber fight) Mr. Fisk, Sir, you hold your saber like a hoe, Sir.
You parry as though you were scarying crows, Mr. Fisk. Now, you are nothing
more than a misserable clumsy little farmer. And I'm supposed to make a soldier
outta you. En-garde. Set yourself
Bent............................ (stumbles and drops)
(smiles) You're a joke, Mr. Fisk. On a battlefield you'd be cut to ribbons. And
rightly so. You, Sir, are the sorriest excuse for a soldier I have ever seen.
(slits Fisk's neck with his saber, turns to the other cadets) All right, Sirs,
who shall we have next? Let's have you, Mr.
Orry............................. At your service, Sir.
Bent............................ My pleasure. (three lines of saber fight, drops)
Orry............................. (places his saber at Bent's neck)
Grant........................... (on a balcony) Drummer, sound mess call. (drum roll)
Orry............................. (pulls back his saber)
Bent............................ (rises) Squad - dismissed! (leaves)
George........................ (to Orry) Where did you learn to handle a sword like that?
Orry............................. My father thought it was something, every Southern gentleman should know, so he gave me lessons.
George........................ Well, you sure gave Bent a lesson.
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Start 47.19, Length 3.19
> Maum Sally, Dienerin
> Uncle John, Diener (no text)
> Statists: pedestrians in the streets (opening)
Ort opening: Fabray house, outside
Ort scene: Fabray house, parlor and dining room
Madeline is deeply sad over not getting any letters from Orry and thinks that he doesn't love her anymore. When opening up to Maum Sally, Justin arrives and makes costly presents to her.
Maum Sally................ (appears) Look, child. There were the cuttings, Mr. LaMotte sent from Resolute last fall.
Madeline.................... (low) They're very pretty (breathes hard)
Maum Sally................ You look so sad. Still thinking about Orry Main?
Madeline.................... (nods) I can't seem to do anything else, Maum Sally. Oh, his letters were so wonderful. I think they were part of the reason that I fell in love with him. But he doesn't write anymore.
Maum Sally................ You got to forget about him. Young men always making promises they never going keep.
Madeline.................... That's what Papa says: 'Soldiers have wandering hearts.' He tells me I should forget him, but I can't. I can't, no matter what I do. (cries)
Justin.......................... (appears with Justin) Madeline, it seems our guest has arrived early. He says he could not deny himself the pleasure of our company any longer.
Madeline.................... (composed) Monsieur LaMotte. How nice to see you again.
Justin.......................... You're more lovely than ever, Miss Fabray. But I do wish you'd call me Justin.
Nicholas..................... I think it is proper, my dear, after all this time.
Madeline.................... As you wish - Justin.
Justin.......................... Splendid.
Maum Sally................ I will tell Uncle John to have an extra place set for dinner, Sir. (leaves)
Nicholas..................... Thank you, Maum Sally. Justin, I have been saving a very interesting brandy for you. If you excuse me, I will have it to be brought up from the wine cellar. (leaves)
Justin.......................... You're too kind, Nicholas. (to Madeline) I know it isn't proper, but I took the liberty of bringing you this (presents a parcel) I hope that you accept.
Madeline.................... Oh, that was very thoughtful of you, Mist-... Justin. I really shouldn't accept it, but I love surprises. (unwrapps) Oh... it's beautiful. Thank you.
Justin.......................... Not half so beautiful as you.
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Start 50.38, Length 3.26
> Cadet Orry Main
> Cadet George Hazard
> Cadet Ned Fisk
> Supporting role: Cadet Corporal Elkanah Bent (now as Corporal)
Location: West Point, barracks room, then outside, winter night
Orry is depressed also over not getting letters from Madeline anymore. When dispute erupts with comrade Fisk over slavery, George takes him to Benny Haven's tavern outside the academy. But Bent spots this forbidden trip.
(arrouses) I'll never make it, George. Mahan's gonna eat me alive in that
class. I just wasn't cut out for
George........................ Don't say that. You ride a horse better than any man here. You're a good marksman. And Lord knows you're handy with the saber.
Orry............................. That won't do me any good if I can't remember what's in these books.
George........................ I'll get you through it. We'll drill it till you know it backwards.
Orry............................. None of it seems of any use right now. I don't even wanna be a soldier. (rises)
But you wanna improve
Orry............................. Maybe I should find another way.
George........................ I think there's something else that's bothering you. (rises) And I don't think it has anything to do with military history. How long has it been since you heard from Madeline? (Fisk enters the room) Fisk.
Orry............................. Ned.
George........................ (Fisk starts packing) I thought you'd gotten used to us, Fisk. Haven't heard you talking about moving to another barracks.
Fisk............................. I'm not moving to another barracks. I have to resign from the academy. My Pa took a fall from the hayloft. Laid him up real bad. They need me to run the farm because there's nobody else.
George........................ I'm sorry, Fisk. It's tough luck.
Orry............................. If there's anything we can do...
Fisk............................. Well, you can help, Mister Planter's Son. But you won't. You're gonna keep on working your slaves and undercutting prices, so the folks like us will always live hand-to-mouth. Well, you can save your sympathy. Put it in the bank with all your money.
Orry............................. -- (steps out to the veranda)
George........................ (follows out) Come on, what do you say to a trip to Benny Haven's? (2)
Orry............................. At this hour?
George........................ You need a bracer, don't you?
Orry............................. We already have more demerits than any other two men in our class. Over a hundred-fifty each. (3)
George........................ And whose fault is that?
Orry............................. Alright, so those demerits came from Bent. Just the same, over two-hundred skins in one year and we're out. And if we're caught at Benny's...
George........................ We won't get caught. Who'd be crazy enough to go out at a night as cold as this? Come on.
(1) Historical: Dennis Hart Mahan, 02.04.1802 - 06.09.1871, legendary professor of military stragegy at (siehe also episode 2 scene 3) (Wikipedia)
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Start 54.04, Length 0.13
> Cadet Orry Main
> Cadet George Hazard
Location: path in the woods, winter night
Orry, not being used to winter weather, has troubles walking on snow covered woods ground.
Orry............................. (walking, nearly slipping) Oh...oh
George........................ Hey, careful. That ice is soft.
Orry............................. George, you're right. Who'd be crazy enough to go out on a night like this?
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Start 54.17, Length 2.30
> Cadet Orry Main
> Cadet George Hazard
> Benny Havens, host
> Cadet Corporal Elkanah Bent (no text)
> Supporting role: Civilian
Location: Tavern "Benny Haven's", outside and inside, at night
The handsome host Benny Haven serves beer to the friends and helps them to not have to testify it over each other. Then Orry and George hatch a plan to help Fisk.
Benny Haven............ Alright, here we are. (to Orry) Now, you just face the wall there. (to George) You come around here. (to them both) Now remember what I said: Don't face one another, and that'll take care of your boy's honor code. So if an officer was to ask you if you'd see one another drinking, why, you could swear on an oath, that you hadn't seen nothing. (laughes, turns off) (1)
Orry............................. Thank you, Benny. To your health. (they drink) George, listen. I've been thinking. We could make things right for Fisk.
George........................ How's that?
Orry............................. Well, we both get allowances. We could give him the money to hire somebody to run his farm. Then he could stay at the Point.
George........................ (shakes his head) Fisk is too proud. He wouldn't accept charity like that.
Orry............................. Yes, he will, if we make it a loan. We'll just give him a long time to pay it back. Might leave us a little short of cash, though, but it will sure be worth it.
George........................ You're right, it would. (they drink) Let's do it. (turns to face Orry) Now don't you feel better?
Orry............................. Yes. Little. But I just keep thinking... no, no.
George........................ About Madeline?
Orry............................. (nods) I just don't understand why she doesn't answer my letters.
George........................ Could be a hundred reasons. You hardly know her.
Orry............................. I know her well enough to believe that she-- (looks at the window)
George........................ (alarmed) What is it?
Orry............................. Oh, nobody. Just a civilian from the village. (grins)
George........................ Don't you do that to me again. You took ten years off my life.
Civilian....................... (comes in) You boys best get moving. Just seen a corporal go around to the back door.
Orry............................. (runs out with George, slips) Damn.
George........................ Go, go, go.
Bent............................ (storms through the tavern)
(1) Historical: "Benny Havens", since 1832 tavern outside near the academy of West Point (and thus being restricted for the cadets), drinks and homemade food, made immoprtal by a song from 1838 and being written on year after year. Host Benny Havens, 1787 - 29.05.1877. (see also episode 4 scene 21)
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Start 56.47, Length 2.05
> Cadet Orry Main
> Cadet George Hazard
> Cadet Corporal Elkanah Bent
Location: path in the woods, winter night
Bent rushes through the tavern und follows the cadets outside. This way, he breaks through the ice. Orry gets George to pull Bent out, but Orry falls into the icy water himself. Bent leaves the friends behind without a word if thanks.
Bent ........................... Stop, you men! Stop! (breakes through the ice covering the river) Ahh!
George........................ The path's up ahead!
Orry............................. George, George, George, George... (they halt)
Bent............................ Help! Help me!
Orry............................. He's fallen through.
Bent............................ Help!
George........................ (laughes) Good, that ought to slow him down.
Orry............................. George, we can't leave him. He might drown.
George........................ I was afraid you'd say that.
Bent............................ Help me! Help me out!
Orry............................. You see, George.
George........................ It's cracked. Lie down.
Orry............................. Hold on, Bent. We'll get you. Take my hand. There. (pulls Bent out, falls in himself) (1)
George........................ Give me your hand. (pulls Orry out) Come on. (to Bent) Come on, Bent. Bent! You can't stay here.
Orry............................. Bent, you got to go back to your barracks. You'll get pneumonia.
Bent............................ I know, I know. But I can make it without any help from either of you two. (leaves)
George........................ (grimly) That gracious thank-you made it all worthwhile.
Orry............................. At least he can't put us on report. We saved his life.
George........................ (laughes) Don't let that get around in the barracks, or we're in trouble.
(1) Directors error: When Bent and later Orry are pulled out of the "icy stream", the rim of the tub is to be seen that was dug into the ground and filled with water for this scene.
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Start 58.52, Length 0.47
> Cadet Orry Main
> Cadet George Hazard
Location: West Point, barracks room
Despite having been saved by them, Bent reported George and now badly coughing Orry.
Orry............................. (coughes) (1)
George........................ You sound awful, Orry. You really should report to the medical officer.
Orry............................. No, I'm fine, George. (coughes)
(comes in) Hazard!
George........................ Bent! He really did report us, after saving his life. Can you beat that?
Orry............................. (coughes)
(1) Directors error: Winter scene at daylight. The room's window is covered with ice flowers, but there can sill be seen the green of trees and lawns outside.
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Start 59.29, Length 0.57
> Cadet Orry Main
> Cadet Corporal Elkanah Bent
Location: West Point, Bent's room
When Orry wants to report himself as sick, Bent declines and instead sends him to guard duty as a punishment.
(knocking) Come in! (Orry enters, coughes) What do you want,
Orry............................. Request permission to report to the infirmary, Sir.
Bent............................ Why? You look healthy enough for me.
Orry............................. I think I'm very ill, Sir.
Well, I think you're a malingerer,
Orry............................. Corporal Bent, I swear...
Bent............................ Permission to report to the infirmary denied. And I will show you what happens to shirkers, Mr. Main. As of right now, you start ten hours of extra guard duty. (Orry coughes) You are dismissed, Sir. (1)
Orry............................. (coughes, leaves)
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01.24 - Guard Duty In The Snow
Start 1.00.26, Length 1.31
> Cadet Orry Main
> Cadet Sergeant Ulysses S. Grant
Location: West Point, court, winter night
Permanently coughing, Orry serves guard duty in show storm. After declining older cadet "Sam" Grant's proposal to being relieved, he collapses.
Orry............................. (guard duty, coughes, falls on his knees) Cadet Grant, isn't it?
Grant........................... It is. (helps Orry up) What are you doing out here in this weather?
Orry............................. Working off demerits, Sir.
Grant........................... You're sick, man. You should be in the hospital.
Orry............................. No, Sir. Thank you, Sir. I'm alright.
Grant........................... Shall I ask a tactical officer to have you relieved?
Orry............................. (coughes) No, Sir. I have to work off these demerits, Sir.
Grant........................... You make a good soldier, Mr. Main - if Corporal Bent doesn't kill you first. (turns off)
Orry............................. (coughes, drops to the ground)
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Start 1.01.57, Length 1.42
> Cadet Orry Main
> Cadet George Hazard
> Cadet Ned Fisk
Ort opening: West Point, court
Ort scene: West Point, infirmary
At Orry's sick bed the friends agree, that without Grant's help Orry hadn't survived. They realize slowly the real danger in Bent's ways. Fisk thanks Orry and George for their financial help to stay at the academy.
Fisk............................. And if Grant hadn't had that tactical officer send someone to relieve you, well... you might have frozen to death.
Orry............................. We should've let Bent freeze.
George........................ Well, you're the one who insisted we go back. Anyhow, it's better that it turned out this way. Grant and his friends are keeping their eyes on Bent. That'll make him ease up upon us.
Orry............................. Don't you think that somehow in Bent's twisted mind he'll see it our fault and come down any harder.
George........................ No. He's too much of a coward to go up against Grant. He'd rather bully underclassmen.
Fisk............................. I never met anybody like him before.
George........................ I believe the word is 'bent'. (laughes)
Fisk............................. Well, there's another reason why I'm glad you didn't freeze.
Orry............................. What's that?
Fisk............................. I wanted to thank you for loaning me the money to stay here. I guess I might have been wrong about Southeners.
Maybe some of them, but remember, Bent's from
Fisk............................. Yes.
Orry............................. Oh, George, would you mail that for me? (hands him a letter)
George........................ Sure. Still wooing Madeline?
Orry............................. If she doesn't write me soon, then I...
George........................ I'm sure, she will. But even if she doesn't, I've still got a sister who's not married. (laughes) We got to go.
Orry............................. (coughes) Goodbye.
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01.26 - Orry Visits The Hazard's
Start 1.03.39, Length 2.48
> Cadet George Hazard
> Cadet Orry Main
> Billy Hazard, as boy
> Statists: pedestrians (in the streets, opening), house servants at Belvedere
Location opening: Lehigh Station, in the streets
Location scene: Belvedere, outside
After two years, the cadets are allowed to visit home for the first time. Orry is invited on his way to the south to a stop at his family's house at Lehigh Station, PA. There are welcoed by George's parents William and Maude and his siblings Stanley, Virgilia and Billy.
George........................ (in the open carriage with Orry, waves) Hello, Mr. McCullough. (points out) Our foundry is down here, and there's the new library building.
Billy............................. (runs up to the house) Mom! Dad! They're here! Mom! Dad!
Orry............................. This is your house?
William....................... Hi, George! Hello! Hello George!
Come on!
At last.
(disembarks) Hallo, Mother.
Welcome home, son. (embraces George)
Doesn't he look grand?
I thought we'd never get here. Been the longest two years in my life.
How good to have you here, George. (embraces George)
Thank you, Sir. (to Orry) I want you to meet my parents. This is Maude and
William Hazard.
How do you do?
It's a pleasure to know you, Orry. Welcome to Belvedere.
Thank you.
George had written us so much about you.
It's kind of you to have me here.
And these are my brothers Stanley...
And this is Billy.
Are those real sabers?
Sure. Here, take a look. (pulls his saber)
Don't touch that, Billy, it's dangerous. - My brother obviously forgot to
introduce me, Mr. Main.
Of course not.
I'm Virgilia Hazard.
Pleased to meet you, Miss Hazard. (hand kiss) I've heard so much about you.
George told us you're a Southener?
Yes. From
Do you keep slaves?
My family does, yes.
Are you evil, Mr. Main?
Great men like Mr. Garrison keep trying to show Southeners the evil they're
doing. And it's our duty to take... (1)
Virgilia. I thought I asked you to stop reading that abolitionist nonsense. (2)
It's not nonsense, Father. It's God's truth.
Don't you patronize me, Stanley Hazard.
That will be enough, Virgilia. Now, I think we should all go indoors.
Yes, by all means. (to
George........................ I've no doubt.
William....................... (to Orry) George wrote that you might be interested in the foundry.
Orry............................. Yes, Sir, I wanna know all there is to know about Hazard Iron.
(1) Historical: William Lloyd Garrison, 13.12.1805 - 24.05.1879, journalist und popular abolitionist (Wilipedia)
(2) Historical: Abolitionismus: civil movement in the U.S. North to fight and abolish slavery in the southern states. (Wikipedia)
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01.27 - Orry Inspects Hazard Iron
Start 1.06.27, Length 2.27
> Cadet George Hazard
> Cadet Orry Main
> Statists: workers, occupants of workers cabins
Location: Hazard Iron
Orry shows to be interrested in technical developments, and so George and his father William show him around the family foundry Hazard Iron. Orry plans to built a cotton mill at Mont Royal, but he fears the refusal by his father. When he sees the shabby workers quarters he doubts that they have a substantially better live than his home slaves.
William....................... Busiest operation of it's kind in the country.
George........................ Our boulerplates are on everything from ship to fire engine, anything that uses a steam generator.
Orry............................. Like a cotton mill?
George........................ Like ten or twelfe of them.
William....................... Now I take it that you found it impressive?
More than that, Sir. Your foundry is a revelation. Now I'm sure it's a good
idea to built a cotton mill in
William....................... Surely he must be aware that the economy of the South would be much stronger if more cotton were processed there.
Orry............................. Yes, Sir, but he has a very strong bias against any form of industry.
William....................... Now, that's a shame.
Would you excuse me for just a moment please. (turns off with
Orry............................. Yes, Sir. (points to the wooden barracks) Who lives there?
George........................ Our workers. Immigrants, mostly. Irish, German, Welsh. A lot more than when I left. I know, they're not much better than your slave quarters, aren't they?
Orry............................. They're worse.
George........................ Well, at least our workers have a choice. We don't own them. We don't force them to work here. They can leave whenever they want.
Orry............................. Well, an empty belly is a pretty good reason to stay.
George........................ Are you saying that you don't like the way we run the foundry?
Orry............................. Well, I don't have to like everything about what you do any more than you have to like everything we do.
George........................ (laughes) I guess you're right. I guess there's probably room for improvement on both sides.
Orry............................. I know there is. That's why I wanted to visit and learn from you Yankees.
George........................ You're really serious about this cotton mill, aren't you?
Orry............................. After the army, I'm dead serious, if I can talk my father into it.
George........................ And if Hazard Iron supplies the parts, you won't get a better deal.
Orry............................. I plan on using that argument on my father.
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01.28 - Dinner With The Hazard's
Start 1.08.54, Length 3.26
> Stanley Hazard (no text)
> Cadet George Hazard
> Billy Hazard, as boy
> Cadet Orry Main
> Statists: servants
Ort opening: Belvedere, outside
Ort scene: Belvedere, stairs and dining room
When sitting for supper together, Orry for the first time is confronted with George's sister Virginia's fanatic abolitism, who identified him as member of a shave-holding family from the South as her personal enemy depiction.
Servant....................... Soup, Mr. Stanley.
William....................... Late again, Billy?
Billy............................. (comes in, sits down) Sorry, Sir.
Maud.......................... Now, don't forget to put your napkin on you lap, Billy.
Isabel.......................... Salt and pepper, Mr. Main?
Orry............................. Oh, thank you, Miss Truscott.
Isabel.......................... You're welcome, Mr. Main. I'm sorry you have to leave so soon.
Yes, well, there is a friend I have to see in
Virgilia........................ A friend, Mr. Main? I think it must be a lady.
William....................... (to George) And how do your instructors feel about the president?
George........................ Well, Sir, they like him. Even when they don't agree with him.
Orry............................. (to Isabel and Virgilia) But I've enjoyed my stay here very much.
William....................... (to George) Have you read something on Mr. Polk's views? (3)
Well I think, that Polk will annex
But it's wrong.
George........................ And if he does, there'll be war. I just hope that Orry and I don't graduate too late to fight it.
Orry............................. They say we'll see action with General Zachary Taylor. Wouldn't that be something? (4)
Mr. Polk believes in Manifest Destiny, alright. And if this country's stretched
from the
Virgilia........................ Unless God strikes him to dead first, which he deserves. Why, can't any of you see? Expansionism is just another name for perpetuating the foul institution of slavery.
Maude........................ Virgilia, be quiet.
No, Mother, not this time. I can't just sit by and listen to my own brother and
a slave owner tell us how eager they are to fight, when everyone knows that
this is a devil's war. George, to annex
George........................ I see, you're still reading your abolitionists, Virgilia.
Virgilia........................ I'm doing more than reading, George. I've joined their cause. And my allowance goes to support it.
William....................... Virgilia.
Virgilia........................ I have the right, Father. I'm a grown woman and I must decide for myself now. And I will fight the ungodly evil that lives in the South.
Orry............................. Miss Hazard, perhaps if you knew more about our Southern way of life, you wouldn't be so quick to condemn.
Virgilia........................ (snappy) Mr. Main, I know all I need to know. (rises) And I will not sit down at a table with a man who chooses to keep his fellow human beings in bondage. (leaves)
George........................ Orry, I'm afraid I have to appologize for my sister. She sometimes lets her emotions run away with her.
William....................... Why don't you tell us more about you plans with the cotton mill, Orry?
Orry............................. Yes.
(3) Historical: James Knox Polk, 02.11.1795 - 15.06.1849, 1845-49 11th U.S. President, at that time (1844) presidential candidate. Historically correct, he pushed to annex Texas und for Congress to decide on that before his inauguration on Feb 28th, 1845. (Wikipedia)
(4) Historical: Zachary Tayler, 24.11.1784 - 09.07.1850, 1845-47 Mexican War, 1849-50 12th U.S. President, died in office presumably by food poisoning. (Wikipedia)
(5) Historical: "Manifest Destiny": doctrin from 1846 (two years after this scene!) for thriving to expand the U.S. over the whole continent is legitimate and pre-destined. (Wikipedia)
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Start 1.12.20, Length 1.46
> Cadet Orry Main
> Merchant
Location: Fabray house, outside
Bevor riding home to Mont Royal, Orry wants to pay a visit to Madeline in Charleston, but a street merchant tells him, that her father's house was vacant for weeks.
Merchant................... (singing, repeated) Blackberries! Strawberries! Blueberries! Berries fresh, berries sweet, berries out on your front street! Fresh berries! (sees Orry, halts) Ain't nobody home, Sir.
Orry............................. Is this the Fabray house? (1)
Merchant................... Yes, Sir. But they's all gone now.
Orry............................. Gone, where?
Merchant................... Me can't rightly say, Sir. But that house there been closed up for nearly a week now.
Orry............................. Thank you.
Merchant................... Yes, Sir. (carries of) Strawberries! Blueberries! ...
(1) Regiefehler: Die Türklingeleinheit, die sich am rechten Torpfosten (20 South Battery, Charleston, SC) an der Straße befand, wurde zwar entfernt, aber die Löcher für die Schrauben und das Kabel sind noch deutlich zu sehen.
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Start 1.14.06, Length 0.21
> Cadet Orry Main (no text)
> Ashton Main, as girl
> Brett Main, as girl
> Statists: slaves at work and lined up
Location: Mont Royal, alley and driveway
Orry reitet auf Mont Royal ein und wird von seinen beiden Schwestern freudig empfangen.
Brett & Ashton......... (run off the veranda) Orry! Orry, you're home!
Orry............................. (rides up to the house, dismounts, embraces his sisters, no dialogue)
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01.31 - Tillet Refuses Progress
Orry talks to his father about his idea of a cotton mill. But Tillet strictly refuses modern mechanization.
Tillet............................ (looks up)
Orry............................. (enters) Are you feeling allright, Sir?
Tillet............................ I'm just tired, Son.
Orry............................. And you're worried 'bout the cotton crop.
Tillet............................ We didn't get enough rain after the spring planting. Irrigating by hand is keeping the slaves away from other work. Crop's still liable to be small.
Orry............................. We could still make a profit in spite of that, if we milled our own cotton.
Tillet............................ Son, we've argued this point before.
Father, you should have been with me at Hazard Iron. I saw a hunded ways to
Tillet............................ You seem very anxious to change your home. (1)
Orry............................. We can't ignore progress, Sir. We will be left behind. That's what the Hazard's said, and...
Tillet............................ I'm sure, I'm very sure, your friends know a great deal about running their foundry. But a cotton plantation is entirely different.
Orry............................. Every year, the South counts for less on a national level because we cling to manual labour.
Tillet............................ That's enough, Son. I said, I don't wish to discuss it.
Orry............................. Daddy, if you just...
Now, you just got home. Go, join your mother in the parlor. I'll be along
Orry............................. (leaves and walks to the staircase)
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Start 1.15.45, Length 0.46
> Cadet Orry Main
> Ashton Main, as girl
> Brett Main, as girl
Location: Mont Royal, stairs
Von seinen jungen Schwestern erfährt Orry, dass ein neuer Sklavenaufseher Salem Jones gerade den Sklaven Priam auspeitschen will.
Ashton....................... He does, too.
Brett............................ He does not.
Ashton....................... He does, too.
Brett............................ He does not.
Ashton....................... He does.
Brett............................ Not.
Orry............................. Allright. Now, who does or doesn't do what?
Ashton....................... Brett said, Priam doesn't deserve to get whipped, and I say he does.
Orry............................. Whipped? We don't punish our slaves that way.
Ashton....................... We have ever since Salem Jones got here.
Orry............................. The new overseer, Father wrote me about?
Brett............................ Yes. And Priam doesn't do anything bad, but Salem Jones whips him anyhow.
Ashton....................... 'Cause Priam's uppity, like her sister.
Orry............................. What's Semiramis got to do with this?
Ashton....................... Oh, ever since Salem Jones has being sleeping with Semiramis, Priam's been acting strange and getting whipped a lot.
Orry ............................ (thinks) You two go upstairs and be nice. (leaves)
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01.33 - Orry Intercepts Salem Johnes
en Start 1.16.31, Length 1.26
> Cadet Orry Main
> Salem Jones, overseer
> Priam, slave
> Semiramis, slave (no text)
> Statists: more slaves
Location: Mont Royal, at the slave quarters
Orry reitet zu den Sklavenhütten, erfährt dass kein sachlicher Grund für Priam's Bestrafung vorliegt und verbietet Salem Jones die Auspeitschung.
Jones.......................... (whips Priam hard)
Orry............................. (rides up, catches Jones' whip string)
Jones.......................... (angry) Who the hell are you?
Orry............................. I'm Orry Main, Mr. Jones.
Jones.......................... (suddenly friedly) Oh, Mr. Main, Sir. I was coming up to meet you, Sir, just as soon as I finished with this.
Orry............................. THIS is why I'm here. What's Priam done? Why are you beating him?
Jone............................ No crime exactly, it's his attitude, Sir. Priam don't show the proper respect.
A good overseer knows how to get a man's respect without beating him. And we
don't whip slaves at
Jones.......................... Your father told me to handle these slaves any way I see fit.
Orry............................. Well, I don't see fit to let you whip'em. Expecially because it appears you enjoy it. Now you do what I tell you, and you let him go. NOW!
Cuffey! Caesar! Get him down!
(runs up to give a hand)
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Start 1.17.55, Length 1.07
> Orry Main (in civil clothings)
> Ashton Main, as girl (no text)
> Brett Main, as girl (no text)
> Statists: slave servants
Location opening: Mont Royal, veranda
Location scene: Mont Royal, hall and dining room
At supper, Orry receives criticism for his actions by his father. Then her mother announces to them being invited to a wedding at the neighboring plantation of Resolute. On asking, Orry hears that the bride is from New Orleans and her name is Madeline Fabray.
You've been away two years, you'd be two more at the academy, then another four
in the army. You're not running
Orry............................. That didn't make him right. The cruelty that what I saw makes both of you wrong.
Tillet............................ Oh, does it? Well, Salem Jones knows a thing or two. What about that slave raptor that left 55 white people in cold blood? (sits down at the table) (2)
That was over ten years ago and in
Tillet............................ You think it couldn't happen here? Those abolitionists turn up the slaves against us.
Clarissa....................... Tillet, Orry, please. We've got such a short time together while Orry's home, so let's not spoil it.
Orry............................. I'm sorry, Mother.
Clarissa....................... We're invited to a wedding this afternoon. Wouldn't do for us, that fussing.
Orry............................. A wedding? Who's?
Tillet............................ Justin LaMotte. I wrote you about it.
Orry............................. No, Sir, you didn't. Who does he marry?
Oh, Orry, she's the most beautiful girl you ever saw. A creole from
(1) Directors error: Tillet and Orry walking down the hall, to the left can be seen the rails for the camera waggon !!
(2) Historical: Southampton Insurrection, VA 1831 incited by slave Nat Turner, with 60 whites and 300 blacks being killed, Turner among them after being chased and executed. (Wikipedia)
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Start 1.19.02, Length 1.29
> Madeline Fabray à LaMotte
> Reverend
> Nicholas Fabray (no text)
> Maum Sally (no text)
> Orry Main (in civil clothings) (no text)
> Tillet Main (no text)
> Clarissa Main (no text)
> Supporting roles: Cuffey, slave as coachman
> Statists: other guests, slaves
Location: Resolute, outside and veranda
Madeline has just given her consent, when Orry arrives at Resolute with his family. Bride father Nicholas is relieved, that the ceremony was completed without an incident. But the look of servant Maum Sally tells that she sees hard times ahead for Madeline.
Reverend.................. Do you, Justin, take Madeline Eugenie for you lawful wedded wife, promising to love, honor and cherish her, forsaking all others, as long as you both shall live?
Justin.......................... I do.
Reverend.................. And you, Madeline Eugenie, take Justin for you lawful wedded husband, promising to love, honor and obay him forsaking all others, as long as you both shall live?
Madeline.................... I do.
(Tillet and Clarissa arrive in their carriage, Orry ahorse)
Reverend.................. Then to the sight of God and this company I pronounce you man and wife.
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01.36 - Loaded Wedding Reception
Start 1.20.31, Length 3.30
> Orry Main (in civil clothings)
> Tillet Main (no text)
> Supporting Roles : Cuffey, slave
> Statisten: other guests, slaves
Location: Resolute, veranda, hall, parlor
Keeping his duty, Orry pays his respects to Madeline. Then he learns from Madeline's father, that this marriage was planned and wished by him. When Orry wants to leave the reception early, he ca talk to Madeline and they find out that it was her father who had held back Orry's letters and thus got Madeline to accept Justin's hand.
Clarissa....................... We should pay out respects to her.
Orry............................. (to Madeline, tendious composed) My very best wishes, Mrs. LaMotte.
Madeline.................... (formally) You are very kind, Sir. (hand kiss) How nice of you to come. (Orry walks on by, drinks down a glass in one)
Nicholas..................... Monsieur Main. Well, I'm so glad your family could come today. It gives me the chance to thank you again for your courtesy to my daughter.
Madeline.................... Was she planning to marry Justin even then?
Nicholas..................... No, she was not. I had it in mind from the day I met him. I knew he would be a perfect match for Madeline. An older husband, wiser, more settled.
Orry............................. I see.
Nicholas..................... Well, tell me, how is life treating you in the military?
Orry............................. As well as could be expected, Sir. Thank you. Good day. (walks out to the veranda) Cuffey! Saddle my horse for me.
Cuffey......................... Yes, Sir.
Madeline.................... (follows out) Orry, please don't go. I have to ask you something.
Orry............................. What could possibly matter now?
Madeline.................... Why did you stop answering my letters?
Orry............................. What? I didn't. You stopped answering mine.
Madeline.................... I didn't... (a servant passes by) Papa... It was Papa, he destroyed your letters.
Orry............................. What?
Madeline.................... He wanted me to marry Justin. But until now, I never knew how much.
Orry............................. And now it's two late. Every day that I was away from you, I kept thinking about the day I'd make you my bride. (hands over the tissue) You better have this back now.
Madeline.................... Don't you think I dreamed of you, too? (Justin appears)
Orry............................. I better leave.
Justin.......................... Leaving, Main? Well, see you again when you finish military school. Come, my dear. Our other guests are waiting.
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01.37 - Justin Shows His True Face
Start 1.24.01, Length 2.33
Location opening: Resolute, outside, night
Location scene: Resolute, bedroom
Madeline is non in the mood to giver herself to Justin at the wedding night, but Justin takes her by force.
Madeline.................... Justin. I didn't expect you so soon.
Justin.......................... You've been up here half an hour, my dear. I thought you'd be ready for me by now. You're so beautiful, so beautiful. (tries to kiss her) What's the matter with you?
Madeline.................... Nothing.
(drinks up) You're always so distant. But not tonight. (gets pushed away) By
God, I'll will show you what it means to be my wife! (takes her by force)
Madeline.................... (struggles, muffles)
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01.38 - Madeline Sees Her Mistake
Start 1.26.34, Length 1.12
> Madeline LaMotte (no text)
> Justin LaMotte (no text)
Location: Resolute, bedroom
Madeline recognizes in dispair what big mistake she has made.
(no dialogue)
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01.39 - Orry Is Desperate
Start 1.27.46, Length 0.14
> Orry Main (in civil clothing) (no text)
Location: Mont Royal, driveway, night
Orry is deeply desperate when realizing that after two long years he had lost Madeline forever for just a couple of minutes.
(no dialogue)
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01.40 - Credits
Start 1.27.58, Length 1.17
Episode 1
Start 0.00 Length 1.29.15
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