North and South
Episode 4
English version Dec 8, 2024
04.02 - The Hazard's At Mont Royal
04.07 - Virgilia And The Carriage
04.10 - Thanks With Second Thoughts
04.11 - Escape Assistance For Grady
04.12 - Grady's Escape Discovered
04.14 - Madeline Learns The Truth
04.15 - The Basement Appartment
04.18 - Two Cadets Gradutated Again
04.19 - Billy Dares To Propose
04.21 - Old Times And New Problems
04.24 - Charles Sees Through Ashton
04.30 - On Water And Dry Bread
Siehe See Episode 1 scene 1
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04.02 - The Hazard's At Mont Royal
Start 2.41, Length 7.42
> Orry Main (no text)
> Cadet Charles Main
> Maude Hazard (no text)
> Staney Hazard (no text)
> Isabel Hazard (no text)
> Cadet Billy Hazard
> Justin LaMotte (no text)
> Statists: more guests and dancers, slaves, music band
Location opening: Mont Royal, driveway
Location scene: Mont Royal, parlor and hall
their invitation, the Hazard Family visits the Main's in 1855 at Mont Royal.
Virgilia behaves flawless and the mood is generally good. On a great ball,
George hints to Madeline that he knows about Orry's longing for her, but
Madeline stays reserved. James takes the chance to get Billy into a discussion
on states rights. Forbes LaMotte advances to Brett, but then is lured out of
the house by Ashton.
(big ball with
music and dance at
Charles....................... (to Billy, laughes) And there is the favored man himself, Miss Ashton's beau and intended.
Clarissa....................... But don't worry, Billy. Ashton has a good many callers, but there isn't one who as gotten her to accept. Courage.
(dance ends, Virgilia's dancing partner bows and turns off)
George........................ Well done, Virgilia.
Virgilia........................ My word's not something I take lightly, George. You should know that.
DeVere........................ (appears) Miss Virgilia? Galen DeVere, your servant. May I have the single honor of this dance?
George........................ And knowing her that's what worries me.
(dance begins, James and Ashton walk over to the hall)
James.......................... (to Ashton) One moment, sweet Ashton. (walks up to Billy, Charles and other young men ) Gentleman, these long and studious faces. Is there no mirth extant? You, gentleman, young Lochinvar of the North, are you availing youself sufficiently about decadent Southern delights? (4)
Billy............................. We... we dance and drink a good deal up North too, you know.
James.......................... And court the ladies as well, I suppose. The essential liberties, long may they prevail.
Billy............................. It's save to say, all Americans are in favor of that.
James.......................... Yes, but some of us would go to greater length than others do defend.
Charles....................... Huntoon obviously has some rather definite views on state's rights, Billy.
James.......................... Definitely. Somewhat prickly from the Northern point of vantage.
Billy............................. Is that so?
James.......................... Well, perhaps not prickly, merely logical. In the matter of the basic freedoms, such as private property, for example.
Billy............................. Universally respected, as far as I know.
James.......................... Under the State's Rights doctrin the holding of slaves is a matter to be decided by the sovereign states themselves, rather than an overreaching and power hungry and - I must say it - a meddling federal government.
Billy............................. Well, Sir, that's wrong. Slaves are human beings, not... not things, not private property.
Well, then you best read the constitution. (Charles turns off). I quote from
the tenth Amendment of that revered document: 'The powers not delegated to the
George........................ (to Madeline while dancing) You seem very quiet, Madeline.
Madeline.................... (surprised) Am I? I'm sorry, I've forgotten my manners.
George........................ No, your manners are impeccable. It's your spirit I'm talking about. I know a man who suffers much the same way you do.
Madeline.................... Are there others like me? That's the tragedy of feeling sorry for oneself. It obliterates one's sympathies for others.
George........................ Very clever, Madeline, but you needn't be with me. I'm your friend. And I'm his friend, too.
(dance ends, Ashton walkes up to Brett and Forbes)
Ashton....................... My now, aren't you two the pair. Are you proposing already, Forbes?
Forbes........................ Well, I guess you could say that in a way, Miss Ashton. What I proposed was...
Brett............................ Forbes has invited me to the races, Ashton, to see his stallion win.
Ashton....................... Oh, how exciting. I just love stallions. They're so wild, so wild and powerful.
Forbes........................ Then you'd love Cannonade. I rode him over today, he's in your stable.
Ashton....................... Oh Forbes, do take me to see him right this minute. I wanna see him upclose. I wanna touch him.
Forbes........................ Well, I suppose I could. Miss Brett?
Brett............................ No, thank you, Forbes. I'll wait and see him at the races. You and Ashton go.
Ashton....................... Let's hurry, Forbes. (walkes with him) I wanna see that stallion. Maybe I'll ride him.
Forbes........................ In that dress?
Ashton....................... I suppose I could take it off. (laughes, they walk on)
Billy............................. (walkes up to Charles) Very dense is that swamp of politics.
Charles....................... You're lucky to get away with both your temper and your honor intact.
Billy............................. For the most part, I'm a lover, not a fighter. This is a party. (Ashton and Forbes passing by) Good evening, Ashton. -- (to Charles) Why is your cousin so cold to me?
Charles....................... You're determined to get burned, are you?
Billy............................. If I can't take Ashton away from James Huntoon, then I don't deserve her.
Charles....................... You're missing something that will be a lot better for you: Brett. She's a darling. And she's capable of loving. That's a faculty, Lady Ashton does not possess. One in ten-thousand, Billy. I know her.
Billy............................. Will you excuse me? (walkes up to Brett, asks her for a dance)
(4) Use of language: Lochinvar is a small, clear and cold lake in Scottland, hier symbolically used as "cool and clear as ice"
(5) Historisch: Tenth Amendmend to the U.S. Constitution, ratified on 15.12.1791, part of the "Bill of Rights", assigns powers to the states as long as they were not assigned to the Union otherwise or expressivly being prohibited from the states. James cites the amendmend's text word for word and derives from it the right to own slaves. (Wikipedia)
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Start 10.22, Length 2.19
> Grady, slave
> Statists: more slaves at their quarters
Location: Mont Royal, slave quarters, by night
Virgilia strolls along the slave quarters and occadionally meets with James Huntoon's coachman Grady for a quick talk.
(Virgilia walks alongside the slave quaters, slaves greeting her with "Ma'am", watches boy slaves fighting until parted by their mother)
Virgilia........................ (bumps into Grady)
Grady.......................... Frighten you, Missy?
Virgilia........................ Fright, no. Excuse me.
Grady.......................... I'm sorry.
Virgilia........................ Well, it's... there's no reason to apologize, I mean it's absolutely fine and I'm alright. You're...
Grady.......................... Grady. Coachman for Mr. Huntoon.
Virgilia........................ Grady. I see. (holdes out her hand in a man's way) Well, I'm Virgilia, Grady... Hazard... I am Virgilia Hazard.
Grady.......................... (shakes her hand carfully) It's been my pleasure, Ma'am.
Virgilia........................ (walks on)
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Start 12.41, Length 2.03
> Cadet Billy Hazard (no text)
Location: Mont Royal, veranda and cotton barn
Ashton and Forbes have fun with each other in the cotton barn. Billy, following Ashton, finds them there but turns of immediadely.
Ashton....................... Forbes. You love me, Forbes?
Forbes........................ Yes, I think I do.
Ashton....................... Mmmmh, you are such a man, Forbes. More than I had dreamed of. Even if I decide that I... I have to marry James, for the power and all, I will still want you. (kiss)
Billy............................. (enters the barn, finds them, turns off again)
Ashton....................... (sits up) Billy! Billy! (to Forbes, angryly) You! I was all your fault...!
Forbes........................ (takes control, kisses Ahton and takes her back into the cotton)
Director's error: When Ashton has fun with Forbes in the cotton, she wears the same jewelry in her hair and ears as just before at the ball, but in contrast to that she has no make-up on. If she has put down the necklace of pearls can only be assumed, or otherwise it has been "forgotten" as well.
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Start 14.44, Length 0.22
> Billy Hazard (in civilian clothings)
> Ashton Main (no text)
> Statists: slate holding the horse
Location: Mont Royal, driveway and veranda
In lively mood, Billy and Brett start out for a ride, while disgruntled Ashton watches them.
Billy............................. (to the slave holding their horses) Thank you.
Brett............................ Ready?
Yes. (riding off, laughing)
Ashton....................... (hindes behind a column and watches)
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Start 15.06, Length 1.07
> Cadet Billy Hazard
Location: Mont Royal, garden near driveway
Now Billy and Brett come close and confess their feelings to each other. Ashton confronts Billy, but he has lost interrest in her by now.
Brett............................ (laughes) It's been so nice being with you these last few days, Billy.
Billy............................. I feel the same way. I'm beginning to wish I'd never have to leave. Can you believe that? I do like you, Brett. I do.
Brett............................ Billy... (light kiss, laughes, runs off)
Billy............................. (dreamy) Brett...
Ashton....................... (appears) Damn you.
Billy............................. For what? For knowing what you are?
Ashton....................... (tearfully) You don't care for Brett, you... you're just trying to punish me, because you don't understand.
Billy............................. (composed) Ashton, I understand what I saw.
Ashton....................... (sourly) Oh, do you? Then you know that he's more a man than you'll ever be. You had your chance, Billy. You just weren't man enough to take it. Well, you deserve Brett, you're babies, both of you! (slaps him, turns off)
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04.07 - Virgilia And The Carriage
Virgilia, in company of skave Cuffey, takes a horseback ride through the country site. When rain sets in, they meet Grady being left behind without horses at Huntoon's damaged carriage. Virgilia sends Cuffey to report back to Mont Royal and offers Grady a seat inside the carriage. To quell the riding desire on each other, they arrange to relocate into a bearvy barn.
Cuffey......................... (riding) Miss Virgilia, we best ride on home now. Storm's coming on.
Virgilia........................ Oh no, Cuffey. I don't wanna go home. This is exciting.
Cuffey......................... Mr. Orry, he be mad with me. If you got wet, caught cold.
Virgilia........................ I can handle Mr. Orry. Have you worked for him long?
Cuffey......................... Yes, Ma'am. Him and his daddy, Mr. Tillet, before him. (rain starts in)
Virgilia........................ Are you happy, being a slave to people no better than yourself? They're only human, Cuffey, as you are.
Cuffey......................... Well, I don't like it. But I gots to do what I'm told.
Virgilia........................ But why? We're all equal, Cuffey. Men and women, black and white. Nobody's any better and any worse than anyone else.
Cuffey......................... Miss, we gots to go home, gots to go home. This rain is fixing to come down heavy.
Virgilia........................ Do you wanna escape, Cuffey? Do you wanna run away North? Because if you do, I'll help you today.
Cuffey......................... Go on, Miss, don't talk like that. All I wants to do is get you on home safe and sound. That's all I wants to do.
Virgilia........................ Alright. I'll race you. (they ride on, find Grady at the carriage) What happened?
Grady.......................... Wheel's done busted. Mr. Huntoon and his party took the horses and rode on for home.
Cuffey, how far is
Cuffey......................... Oh, couple hours yet, Miss. Bit more in this storm.
Virgilia........................ You ride on. Tell Mr. George that I'm safe and I'm staying here in this coach until the rain stops.
Cuffey......................... I don't like to do that, Miss? Supposing he blames me for leaving you.
Cuffey......................... Yes, Ma'am. (rides off)
Virgilia........................ (Grady helps her off the horse) Hello, Grady.
Grady.......................... You remember.
Virgilia........................ (boards the carriage) Come inside with me. I wanna talk to you.
Grady.......................... (boards) What do you wants to talk to a slave about?
Virgilia........................ You have pride, Grady. You don't seem like a slave. I wanna be your friend.
There ain't no white lady in
Virgilia........................ I'm from the North. And we hate slavery. I belong to an organization that helps escaped slaves start new lifes - as free men.
Grady.......................... Free... I thinks on it all the time. But risk.
Virgilia........................ It's worth it, Grady. It is, at any risk.
Grady.......................... Saying you wants to help me?
Virgilia........................ Yes. And I'll do anything to prove, you can trust me. That I accept you as an equal.
Grady.......................... You wants to lay with me, don't you? Cause I'm something different.
Virgilia........................ Tss, don't flatter yourself.
Grady.......................... Knows what they'd do to me? Just for... touching you?
Virgilia........................ I won't let them punish you, Grady. Never.
Grady.......................... I don't believe in 'never'. (looks at her) About a mile down, off the track, there is this old barn. They won't be coming back for you till morning.
Virgilia........................ Won't they wonder why we didn't just stay here?
Grady.......................... (stomps out one door) No, Ma'am. Door's done busted, water be coming in the coach.
Virgilia........................ But Cuffey, he'll remember.
Grady.......................... He won't say nothing. He knows me. (touches her face) You sure, you wants this?
Virgilia........................ Yes. Oh yes. (gets out with Grady)
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Grady carries Virgilia into the barn, where they engage in their intimate lust.
Grady.......................... I ain't doing this just for you 'cause you wants it. I do it 'cause I wants it too. (sex)
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next morning, George and Orry ride up to find Virgilia well, while Grady
explains to have selected the hiding place knowing that they would be found.
Orry............................. (rides up with George) Grady, were's Miss Virgilia? (dismounts, George also)
Grady.......................... Inside. She be fine, Sir. (1)
George........................ Thank God. I guess you couldn't stay with the carriage the way it was?
Grady.......................... No, Sir. But I knew you'd be coming. Know you'd find us here.
George........................ (walks inside) Virgilia! Are you alright?
Orry............................. Thank heaven you're safe.
Virgilia........................ Safe, yes. And hungry. George, you certainly took your time getting here. (walks straight out)
(1) Director's error: It's raining buckets when Virgilia and Grady enter the barn. Grady only wears a soaked, ruffled white shirt. The only things in his hands was Viurgilia. His trowsers are fully wet, too. But as Orry and George arrive the next morning, he wears a clean and dry frock, a red vest and a scarf. His trowsers are also clean as new. It is questionable in it's own right as how Virgilia's soaking wet dress and blouse could have been dried until morning, but where Grady does get his perfect clothings from remains absolute unclear.
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04.10 - Thanks With Second Thoughts
Start 24.54, Length 0.39
> Clarissa Main (no text)
> Orry Main (no text)
> Charles Main (in civilian clotings) (no text)
> Ashton Main (no text)
> Brett Main (no text)
> Maude Hazard (no text)
> George Hazard (no text)
> Constance Hazard (no text)
> Staney Hazard (no text)
> Isabel Hazard (no text)
> Billy Hazard (in civilian clothings) (no text)
> Statists: slaves
Location opening: Mont Royal, driveway, by night
Location scene: Mont Royal, dining room
Am Abend bedankt sich Virgilia bei James für die freundliche Fürsorge seines Sklaven Grady.
James.......................... Yes, well, Grady is a good nigger. Just the boy to have at your back in a any time of need.
Virgilia........................ Well, I simply cannot thank you enough for him, Mr. Huntoon. I asure you, he made a distressing situation into almost a... pleasure.
James.......................... I've never understood what people have against a good personal servant myself. I find it no different than any other amenity. And a slave is more loyal than a hireling.
Virgilia........................ (smiles)
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04.11 - Escape Assistance For Grady
Start 25.33, Length1.44
> Grady, slave
> Ashton Main (no text)
Location: Mont Royal, cotton barn
Shortly after, Virgilia secretly meets Grady at the cotton barn to give him money, a destination address in Philadelphia and instructions for his runoff, all while Ashton peeks at them.
Virgilia........................ (embraces Grady) Oh, Grady, I could care for you.
Grady.......................... I almost believes that.
It's true, I swear it. (kiss) Did you talk to the man from
Steamer puts out tomorrow night for
Virgilia........................ Here... (gives him some money) Here, this is all the money that I have. Will it be enough?
Grady.......................... That's more than...
Virgilia........................ Never mind. You needed it. (Gives him a piece of paper) Now-- Can you read this?
I taught myself.(reads) '
Virgilia........................ It's a safe house, run by friends. Quakers. (kiss) You go quickly, and I'll be with you soon. (they part)
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04.12 - Grady's Escape Discovered
Start 27.17, Length 5.22
> Cadet Charles Main
> Brett Main (no text)
> Cadet Billy Hazard
> Statists: slaves
Location opening: Mont Royal, veranda
Location scene: Mont Royal, dining room
long after, Grady's escape is discovered. James Huntoon busts into Mont Royal
at dinner time. An emotional exchange of words, in that Billy attacks James
even physically, leads to Virgilia admitting to be the one who helped Grady
escape. George and Orry conclude, that an immediate departure of the Hazard's
is unavoidable now.
Ashton....................... Take that away, Rachel. (the made clears off the plate) A dish of strawberries would suit me just fine.
Orry............................. Aren't you feeling well this morning, Ashton?
Ashton....................... (breathes deeply) Since the Hazard's have come to visit, I've all but lost my apetite.
Orry............................. Would you care to explain yourself, sister.
Ashton....................... (laughes) Why, brother Orry, I meant no offense. It's just that... with the excitement and all, I've no interrest in food.
James.......................... (appears)
Orry............................. (friendly) James, welcome. Join us, please.
James.......................... (angrily) This is not a social call, Sir. Are you aware that one of my slaves has run off?
Orry............................. We did hear, Grady was missing.
James.......................... As much as I hate to say it, Sir, I find it more than a coincidence that a slave, who never showed the slightest sign of dissatisfaction, should decide to run off, while you're entertaining visitors from up North.
Orry............................. (emphatic) Just what are you suggesting, Huntoon?
James.......................... I am not suggesting, Sir. I'll say it straight out: Did you help my slave escape, Miss Hazard?
George........................ (rises) Just a minute, Mr. Huntoon. You're addressing my sister.
James.......................... Yes, I am, Sir. Please be kind enough and let her answer. (Orry rises)
George........................ I think that's an excellent idea.
Virgilia........................ No. Mr. Huntoon has come here for an answer, and I'm afraid he won't leave before he gets one.
If one of his prisoners escapes,
James.......................... That's not an answer, Miss Hazard.
Orry............................. Nor do you deserve one, until you give us reason for your suspicion. A good reason.
James.......................... On the night of the storm, this lady spent the entire night in the sole company with my nigger Grady. Something, no Southern white woman would ever admit to doing. Even though she did claim that he was guarding her.
Billy............................. You're calling my sister a liar?
Ashton....................... (insisting) James, tell them.
Billy............................. Are you?
James.......................... (anxiously) Ashton, I...
Ashton....................... Then I'll do it. (rises) The other night when James was here, Virgilia was with Grady in the cotton dock. I saw them. (smiles)
Clarissa....................... (puzzled) Ashton. Sit down. (Ashton keeps standing)
Maude........................ Daughter, this is one time I think, you'd better speak up.
Ashton....................... Now, what were the two of you doing in the cotton dock, Virgilia? Were you showing him the path to freedom road?
James.......................... And what else did you show him? Did you bed with him? To show your sympathy for his unfortunate situation. I'd expect that of an abolitionist whore!
Billy............................. (jumps up) You pompous windbag! (hits James once, Charles restrains him)
George........................ Billy!
Orry............................. Leave my house, James, now.
Virgilia........................ Not until he get's an answer. - I did help Grady escape, Mr. Huntoon.
James.......................... I knew it.
George........................ (impending) Virgilia. (sits down)
Virgilia........................ You see him as a nigger! And I see him as a man, who deserves to be free. (rises) One day, you'll all understand, what's about to happen here. And when you do, God help you. (leaves)
James.......................... That woman conspired to rob me. And her brother assaulted me. I demand satisfaction. My seconds will call.
Orry............................. There will be no duelling.
Billy............................. Why not? I'll kill that custard-face son-of-a...
Charles....................... (restrains Billy) Billy, that's enough.
Ashton....................... James, come on, before he does kill you. (leaves with James)
George........................ I want to appologize.
Orry............................. Good God, man, it's too late for that now. There's no greater crime down here than to steal another man's slave. And that's just what your sister did by helping Grady escape.
George........................ Yes, but you know Virgilia. She...
When that fool Huntoon spreads the word around, there will be hell to pay,
George. -- You'd all better be leaving for
George........................ (sadly) We'll be gone within the hour.
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Start 32.39, Length 2.00
> Cadet Charles Main (no text)
> Brett Main (no text)
> Maude Hazard (no text)
> Virgilia Hazard (no text)
> Staney Hazard (no text)
> Isabel Hazard (no text)
> Cadet Billy Hazard (no text)
> Statists: slaves, coach drivers
Location: Mont Royal, driveway
Under depressed mood, the Hazard's leave Mont Royal. Only Billy pays Brett a tender good-bye until Ashton snippily cuts in.
Ashton....................... (appears while Billy embraces Brett, crappy) Mr. Hazard, Sir. You've already taken advantage of my brother's hospitality. Don't think you can take advantage of my sister's. (Billy turns off and boards the carriage)
George........................ Orry, you know that I regret any trouble that's been caused. I never intended...
Orry............................. George, I think it's best we don't visit each other for a while. At least before by neighours forget what happened.
George........................ Well, I doubt that your neighbours will ever understand or forget, Orry. Virgilia was wrong in her methods. But she was doing what she thought was right. Goodbye, Orry.
Orry............................. George, I... Goodbye.
(carriages roll out)
(1) Actor's error: Virgilia kisses Billy before entering the carriage. There is no reasonable cause for this kiss.
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04.14 - Madeline Learns The Truth
Start 34.39, Length 6.04
> Nicholas Fabray (†)
> Statists: coachman, pedestrians in the street
Location opening: Fabray house, outside
Location scene: Fabray house, hall, stairs, bedroom
visits her dying father in Charleston. The old man confesses to have intercepted
Orry's letters and thus made her marry Justin, a move he now sees as an error.
Before he dies, he entrusts Madeline that her mother, who had died at her
birth, was one-forth negro.
Madeline.................... (rushes into her father's house) Uncle John!
Uncle John................. I knew he was feeling poorly, Miss Madeline, but he wouldn't let me do nothing for him. He would not even let me send for you till now. The doctor, he say your daddy is dying. Miss Madeline, your daddy is dying.
Madeline.................... Take hold of yourself. I'm going upstairs now.
Maum Sally................ You be wanting me to come with you, Miss Madeline?
Madeline.................... No, Maum Sally. You stay there with Uncle John. (rushes upstairs into her father's room)
Nicholas..................... (in fever) Laurette...
Madeline.................... No, Papa, it's me, Madeline.
Nicholas..................... (speakes slowly) You look so much like your mother.
Madeline.................... Hush now, save your strength for getting better.
Nicholas..................... My... my sweet Madeline, we both know, I'm not going to get better.
Madeline.................... Papa...
Nicholas..................... We had a beautiful marriage, your mother and I. I wanted a marriage like that for you. But I know now, I did you a terrible wrong.
Madeline.................... No, you did what you thought was right for me.
Nicholas..................... I took Orry's letters, so that you would agree to marry Justin.
Madeline.................... I know. And I forgave you a long time ago for that.
Nicholas..................... (breathes hard) There is something else I have to... I have to tell you.
Madeline.................... No, don't try and talk anymore.
Nicholas..................... About your mother. Laurette made me swear, I will never tell you. You mother's skin was fair, like your's. But... Laurette's grandmother, your great-grandmother was a Negress... a slave.
Madeline.................... (thinks) If my mother didn't want you to tell me, why are you breaking your promise and tell me now?
Nicholas..................... (strained) To protect you. I don't want you hurt, if the wrong people ever find out the truth and use it against you.
Madeline.................... Papa, who else knows?
Nicholas..................... (breathes hard, dies)
Madeline.................... Papa! Papa... I love you... (cries) I love you. (cries)
Maum Sally................ (appears) He is with your mother now, child. Nothing more you can do.
Madeline.................... You knew about my mother? Why didn't you tell me?
Maum Sally................ It was the way your folk wanted it. When you was little, it made me worry, what would happen if someone found out. But no-one ever did. And now, we know - you and me - and that's all.
Madeline.................... Justin-- if he ever found out...
Sally................ If he found out, you know what he do.
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04.15 - The Basement Appartment
Start 40.43, Length 5.38
> William Still, abolitionist
> Statists: pedestrians (opening)
Location opening: Philadelphia, street, winter time, at night
Location scene: Philadelphia, basement appartment
Virginia and her now-married husband Grady are now living in a dark and cold
basement room in Philadelphia. They receive visit by Mr. Still, a member of an abolitionistic
movement, but they refuse to cooperate with him because they seek a far more
radival approach against slavery.
Still.............................. Grady, you'd be doing a great service. I guarantee you that nothing is as potent in persuading of the public to the evils of slavery as the testemony of a man wo has endured it.
I don't know, Mr. Still. It's dangerous. What if some slave catcher from
Still.............................. I understand your concern. But only you can answer that question, of course.
Virgilia........................ We're not interested. You don't want the truth. You want some watered-down version of it.
Still.............................. The Pennsylvania Antislavery Society wants the strongest possible condamnation of slavery. All we ask is that there be no appeal for violent uprisings in the South. That kind of talk frightens many people, whites and free blacks, that would otherwise support our cause, and - if I may be quite blunt - cost us a lot of money they would otherwhise donate, out of which, of course, you'd get payed. (2)
Virgilia........................ My husband and I will not prostitute ourselves for a frew peaces of silver.
Still.............................. Please, listen to this. I strongly believe, that both of you can be of use to the Abolition. Everyone of us in our society does not agree with me. It's taking a great deal of time to convince everyone to extend this invitation, and I doubt, that it will be repeated. Your believes are considered among some to be extreme.
Virgilia........................ (laughes bitterly) At least we live by our believes, Mr. Still.
Grady.......................... (rises) Look at you, Mr. Still. Dressed so fine, hobnobbing with those whites who dabble at politics, makes it easier to forget how it really is for your own kind. Why, you're no more a free man than I am. Can I ask you, (takes the book "Uncle Tom's Cabin") you read this? (3)
Still.............................. Of course. Everyone in the Society has read it.
Grady.......................... And you still believe, that talking and making speaches gone get rid of what's described in 'Uncle Tom's Cabin'? The whippings? The cruelties?
Still.............................. Mrs. Stowe's book and our speeches will bring attention to these matters. And that's the way the Society wants it.
Grady.......................... Then slavery never be abolished by the likes of you.
Virgilia........................ It must die bathed in fire and blood. And other Northeners who read this book, they'll think so, too.
Still.............................. No no no. Look, any move towards violence will only lead to prolonged suffering. To increasing acts of repression that... -- Well, I'm afraid I'm waisting my time.
Grady.......................... Yes, Sir, you is.
Still.............................. I pray, that your way does not prevail
Virgilia........................ Get out. (Still leaves)
Grady.......................... Hmmm, cold is cutting through like a knife. Would you put a small wood in the oven, Virgilia?
Virgilia........................ There isn't any more wood. (puts two dishes at the table) When the fire dies, we'll just crawl under the blankets again.
Grady.......................... (looks at the meal, sweeps his dish off the table) It's not fit for pigs.
Virgilia........................ Grady, it's not your fault that you lost the job at the docks. There are hundreds of men out of work right now.
Grady.......................... You bought me my freedom, and this (shows around) is what I... Why in God's name did you ever marry me?
Virgilia........................ Because I love you. You're the only man I ever wanted. We share the same fight. We're at war, you and I. Not with each other, but with the rest of them outside these walls.
Grady.......................... Men like Still don't seem to know, there is a war.
Virgilia........................ Still and his kinds surrendered a long time ago. But there are others, who share our believes. Our kind of abolishion. And after your people are freed, after we punishes the South for all they've done, then we will deal with Still and his people - every man and woman who's opposed us in our struggle. (kiss)
(1) Historical: William Still, 07.10.1821 (also Nov. 1819) in New Jersey - 14.07.1902, free black man, abolitionist, leader of the local chapter and co-founder of the Underground Railroad, author, historian, residing inb Philadelphia since 1844. (Wikipedia)
(2) Historical: The very different approaches of the various anti-slavery movements are shown up here. While Virgilia wants an end to slavery by force ("fire and blood") and a blanket punishment of the South, Mr. Still advocates the diplomatic approach and tries to avoid violent uprisings to not lose any sense of negotions of the South.
(3) Historical: "Uncle Tom's Cabin", 1852, novel by Harriet Beecher Stowe (Massachusetts), story about the life in the South in the view of slaves, very supportive for the demands in the North on abolishing skavery, deepens the conflicts between North and South. (Wikipedia)
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Start 46.21, Length 2.17
> Statists: pedestrians, workers
Location: Charleston, cotton mill, outside
anti-southern Novel "Uncle Tom's Cabin" gets to Mont Royal via Mail from
Philadelphia, causing consternations from Brett. Orry recognizes the social
blasting power of this work, but simply denotes it to Brett as being trash.
Brett............................ (drives up to "Hazard and Main Textile Mills" in a carriage) Hello, Orry.
Orry............................. (walkes up to her) Brett. Anything wrong?
Brett............................ (worried) Orry, some mail came today.
Orry............................. And you didn't get a letter from Billy. Now, Brett, you know that they run cadets ragged at the Point. He and Charles don't even have time to breethe, much less write.
Brett............................ Well, I did get a letter from Billy.
Orry............................. Well, then what...
(handes him a parcel) This came, too. It was sent to the whole family. There is
no card or letter, just the post mark from
Orry............................. We don't know anyone there?
Brett............................ Billy wrote, that his sister was living there... with Grady.
Orry............................. (finds the book "Uncle Ton's Cabin" in it) This is trash. I'm gonna burn it.
Brett............................ Orry, I read some of it. It scared me. This woman wrote horrable things about us. What if people up North believe them.
Orry............................. Brett, this book was written by a Northener. She based it on... on... on reports from abolitionists and escaped slaves. She never even bothered to come down here and find out, if any of it was true.
Brett............................ George and Constance, and Billy, they know that we're not like that. Don't they?
Orry............................. Of course they do, Brett. They understand.
Brett............................ But Orry, you didn't understand.
Orry............................. What?
Brett............................ When Virgilia helped Grady leave…
Orry............................. (thinks) Go home, Brett. (Brett drives off, Orry trows the book away)
(1) Übersetzungsfehler: In der deutschen Fassung nennt Orry den Titel des Buches "Onkel Tom's Hütte", da das gezeigte Buch den englischen Original-Titel trägt. In der originalen Fassung wird der Titel nicht vorgelesen.
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Start 48.38, Length 3.48
> Clarissa Main (no text)
> Cadet Charles Main (no text)
> Maude Hazard (no text)
> Constance Hazard (no text)
> Cadet Billy Hazard (no text)
> Supporting roles: Parade comandant, music conductor
> Statists: more cadets and officers, marching band
Location: West Point, parade ground
In 1857, a graduation parade is held at West Point for the families of the cadetts. Both families of Charles and Billy are present to watch it and meet the boys.
George........................ (watches the parade, to Orry) They look so young, don't they, Orry?
Orry............................. It wasn't that long ago when you and I marched on that field.
George........................ Now it's Charles and Billy. Best friends, just like we were.
Brett............................ (detects Billy in the formation, to Ashton) Isn't he handsome?
Ashton....................... There all are, especially that one. (smiles to a sergeant - Myles Woodward)
Brett............................ I meant Billy.
Ashton....................... I know who you meant. Oh, but I don't understand what you see in that boy, when there's so many men available.
Brett............................ Billy IS the man for me.
Ashton....................... Well, I suppose you have to settle to whoever comes along, not being posessed of the same adventurous spirit as myself.
Brett............................ (ironically) And I'm sure you're betrothed just adores that side of your nature.
Ashton....................... James Huntoon? Ha, that sod.
Brett............................ Ashton!
Ashton....................... There's only one thing about him I find attractive: he has a brilliant future in politics. And politics, my dear sister, is where the power is.
Brett............................ But you do love him, don't you?
Ashton....................... (laughes) Don't be ridiculous. I couldn't possibly love just one man. Think how disappointed the rest of them would be.
Brett............................ (looks puzzled, parade finishes, music ends)
Musician.................... Ready - tube! (tubes are taken down)
Lieutenant.................. Batallion!
Parade soldiers......... Company!
Lieutenant.................. For the good of the service!
Parade soldiers......... For the good of the service!
Lieutenant.................. Dismissed!
Parade soldiers......... Hurra! (formation dissolves)
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04.18 - Two Cadets Graduated Again
Start 52.26, Length 3.10
> Clarissa Main (no text)
> Cadet Charles Main
> Cadet Billy Hazard
> Cadet Sergeant Myles Woodward
> Statists: more Cadets
Location: West Point, at the barracks
the parade, the families greet the newly educated cadets Charles and Billy and
they talk about their futire assignments. Ashton uses a chance to fire up
Brett's jealoucy, but then turns to Myles Woodward.
George........................ Things haven't really changed all to much of it.
Orry............................. Not at all.
Billy............................. (appears with Charles) Hallo.
George........................ There they are.
Charles....................... Hello, George.
George........................ Congratulations, Billy.
Billy............................. Thank you.
George........................ We couldn't be more proud of you.
Billy............................. Mother.
Maude........................ Oh Billy.
Myles......................... (appears) Billy!
Billy............................. Myles.
Myles......................... Congratulations on your assignment.
Billy............................. Thank you, thank you. I'd like you all to meet Miles Woodward, second Lieutenant, classmate and friend. (1)
Orry............................. Myles.
Billy............................. Orry Main.
Maude........................ You're been sent on assignment so soon, son. We thought we'd at least have you home for a while.
Why, I'd been assigned to staff duty at the Engineer Corps, headquater is in
Maude........................ Is that safe?
Billy............................. (laughes) Yes.
George........................ It's the best assignment, Billy could have been given, Mother. And one of the safest.
Myles......................... The engineers aren't even allowed to carry weapons, Mrs. Hazard.
Billy............................. That's right. The army is leaving the fighting for men like Charles.
No, Ma'am, I'm afraid not. The army is sending me about as far away as they
can. To
Orry............................. Second cavalry.
Charles....................... That's right.
Charles....................... Texans and Spaniards, and the best mannerd regiment in the army.
George........................ Robert E. Lee is in command of the second, Charles. He must have liked the way you sat a-horse. (2)
Better than how I stood in class. In fact, if it weren't for Billy, I probaby
wouldn't have gotten through it. (George and Orry nod to each other) I do hear,
Lee thinks
Orry............................. Ladies, George and I will now show you where we used to live.
George........................ Yes, by all means. (leaves with Orry, Constance, Maude and Clarissa)
Billy............................. Goodbye, Myles. (turns off with Brett)
Ashton....................... (to Charles) I always thought you were little crazy, Charles. But I guess it's why I like you so much.
Charles....................... Oh, and here I thought it was because I'm Billy Hazard's best friend.
Ashton....................... An unpleasant association, that I won't hold against you.
Charles....................... (scornful) Oh, I'm truly grateful, dear. (laughtes, leaves)
Billy............................. (to Brett) I got all your letters. I must have read each one of them at least a dozen times.
Brett............................ Writing kept me from missing you too much. (Billy kisses her)
Ashton....................... (comes up, insincere) Why, Billy Hazard, aren't you even gonna say hello to me?
Billy............................. (sourly and short) Hello, Ashton.
Ashton....................... Well that's not much of a proper greeting. (reaches out her hand) Here. (Billy takes the hand, Ashton pulls and kisses him, Brett interferes, Ashton laughes) Why, Brett honey, why are you getting all excited about? Billy's like a brother to me, and there's no harm in kissing one's relations, now is there? (Brett angrily turns off)
Billy............................. Brett... (wants to follow)
Ashton....................... (keeps him, laughes) Billy Hazard, you're not gonna run away from me again, are you?
Billy............................. As far as I can get. (leaves for Brett)
Ashton....................... (to herself) That'll never be far enough, sweet Billy. (takes Myles as her escort)
(1) Director's error: Billy introduces Myles Woodward to his family as "Second Lieutenant". But the rank insignia at Myles' uniform marks him being no officer but a Cadet Sergeant instead.
(2) Historical: Lieutenant Colonel Robert E. Lee, since 1855 second in command of the 2nd U.S. Cavalry Regiment under Colonel Albert Sidney Johnston at Camp Cooper, TX. More on this see footnote to episode 7 scene 9.
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04.19 - Billy Dares To Propose
Brett and Billy steel themselves away from the ball to sit and talk on a bench. Here, Billy proposes to Brett, who gladly accepts.
Billy............................. Well, you're a wonderful dancer. I have to brush up on my dancing for the next ball. (walkes up to a bench with her) How about here? (they sit down, kiss) I love you, Brett, so much.
Brett............................ I love you, too. But am I the girl you really want, or is Ashton?
Billy............................. Brett, It's you. It's you. (Kuss) I can't imagine what it would be like, not to love you. (kneels down) Would you do me the honor of becoming my wife?
Brett............................ (emotionally) Yes. Oh, yes. (embrace)
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Start 57.11, Length 2.38
> Cadet Sergeant Myles Woodward
Location: West Point, at the barracks and chemistry lab
Ashton and Myles sneek into a storage room where she seduces the young man right away.
Ashton....................... What is this old place anyway?
Myles......................... It's the chemistry lab. You said you wanted to go to some place in private.
Ashton....................... Well, it certainly is that. What is that smell? Yankee perfume?
Myles......................... That's the brimstone. We mix gunpowder here.
Ashton....................... (ironically) How exciting.
Myles......................... It will be, I promise.
Ashton....................... You Yankee boys are all alike, thinking y'all got something special, something we Southern girls ain't never seen before. (unbottons his jacket) Whenever we buy new slaves, the overseer strips them naked, to make sure they're healthy. I used to hide in the barn and watch, especially when we bought male slaves. (heavy kiss)
Myles......................... You like it, don't you?
Ashton....................... Now, that all depends on the man.
Well, I haven't had any complains so far. (hot kiss) Ah, if you're as good as
you taste, I give you a little souvenir for a night to remember (shows a golden
button on his uniform) All the little girls want a souvenir of
Ashton....................... So that's what all the little girls want. This little girl want's more. (sex)
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04.21 - Old Times And New Problems
Start 59.49, Length 4.30
> Statists: host, guests
Location: "Benny Haven's" tavern, inside
George and Orry engage in beer and singings of the old times at Benny Haven's tavern. George brings up Billy's request to court Brett, but Orry refuses to comply, because he also sees the untenable political situation now and fears, that this couple could be torn to opposite sides.
(singings)................... Come fill your glasses, fellows, and stand up in a row / To singing sentimentally, we're going for to go / In the army there's sobriety, promotion's very slow / So we'll sing our remimiscenses to Benny Havens, oh! / Benny Havens, oh! Benny Haven's, oh! / We'll sing our remimiscenses to Benny Havens, oh! / May the army be augmented, promotion be less slow / May our country in the hour of need be ready for the foe / May we find a soldier's resting-place beneath the soldier's blow / with space enough beside our graves for Benny Havens, oh! ... (1)
George........................ Just like the old days, isn't it, Orry?
Orry............................. Only this time we don't have to be worried about getting caught.
(singings)................... ...and place enough beside our grave for Benny Havens, oh! ...
Orry............................. George...
George........................ (seriously) I've missed you, old friend. Two years is a long time. And don't you tell me how busy you'd been at the mill. I know that what Virgilia and Grady did...
Orry............................. George - I feel that I let you down in that. Now, what Virgilia did, was wrong. But it wasn't your fault. I shoulda told you that then or written you.
George........................ It's important, that you're telling me now. When we were at the Point together, you told me that in order to remain friends we couldn't talk about our differences. Well, we GOT to talk about'em, Orry. As much as we can.
Orry............................. (nods, drinks)
George........................ I think, a wedding might help our two families.
Orry............................. (astonished) Whose?
George........................ I know, they're a little young, but... Billy asked me to talk to you about Brett. He wants to court her, and he'd like your approval.
Orry............................. (thinks) I can't give it. Not now, anyway.
George........................ Why not? Billy is a fine young man with a good head on his shoulders.
Orry............................. George, you don't need to point out Billy's attributes. When there is no-one I would rather see my sister married to. Well, they're on flirtation walk right now on my blessing.
George........................ Then I don't understand your reluctance to their possible marriage.
Secession talk is starting up all over again. When
George........................ But secession talk didn't stop me becoming partners with you, and I don't see why it should stop Brett and Billy.
Orry............................. Oh, think about it, George. A Southern girl being married to a Northern officer. What would their life be like?
George........................ I've always hoped, that the North and South could find a way to solve the differences. And seeing that out there today, watching that parade, made me think that they could.
Orry............................. (breathes hard) Now, you know, that I am basically in favor of the marriage. But I just need a little more time to be sure.
George........................ (thinks, takes his jug) Here's to friendship, Orry.
Orry............................. Here's to it. (tipps the jug, they drink)
(1) Historical: The song "Benny Havens Oh!" dates back with it's first verses by Lucius O'Brien (1838), being constantly amended and lives on as a tradition of the place. The verses sung here are still in use today. Melody: traditional "The Wearing of the Green". (for Benny Havens called in the song lyrics see episode 1 scene 20)
(3) Historical: Again relating toe South Carolina's second attempt of secession. See also footnote to episode 3 scene 29.
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Start 1.04.19, Length 0.57
> Cadet Sergeant Myles Woodward
Location: West Point, chemistry lab
After having sex, Ashton demands more and asks puzzled Myles to get other cadets in, but just those being friends of Billy.
Myles......................... (dresses) How are you feeling now, honey?
Ashton....................... (relaxed and scarcely dressed) Good. But... I could be better.
Myles......................... Well? I'm a little tired right now. But I do have some friends, who'd be mighty grateful to keep you occupied for a while.
Ashton....................... This other boys, are they like you?
Myles......................... Amateurs, but willing to learn.
Ashton....................... What I meant was, are they friends of Billy Hazard?
Myles......................... Well, I guess so.
Ashton....................... Will you just make sure that they are. 'Cause his fans are the only ones I want. (laughes about his silly face) ...including you. (kiss)
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Start 1.05.16, Length 1.30
> Cadet-Sgt Myles Woodward
> Cadet
> Cadet Charles Main
Location: West Point, at the barracks
When Myles leaves the lab with another comrade, Charles appears looking for Ashton, and he soon geht the hint where her cousin might be hiding.
Myles......................... (leaves the building with a cadet) She was really something, wasn't she?
Cadet.......................... Oh, the hellcat nearly killed me. I got scratch marks on my back to prove it.
Myles......................... (laughes) And she's got her collection of gold bottons.
Cadet.......................... Right.
Charles....................... (runs into Miles) Whoa! Take care, Woodward.
Charles....................... Better learn to watch that flank at all times. Could prove to be your downfall in battle.
Myles......................... Well, that all depends on who's sneeking up behind me. Whether they're an enemy or friend.
Charles....................... Just consider yourself lucky this time, friend.
Cadet.......................... We better get back to quarters.
Charles....................... Ahm, before you go, I'd like to ask you a question. Have any of you seen my cousin Ashton tonight? I'd been sent to find her.
Cadet.......................... No, Sir, not since the parade.
Charles....................... What about you, Woodward? You were her escort at the dance. Where is she?
Myles......................... (grins) Right were I left her. Said she wanted to be alone for a while.
Charles....................... Did something happen? Is she alright?
Myles......................... (laughts suspiciously)
(grabs him) What have you done to her?
Myles......................... Nothing she didn't want done.
(knocks him to the ground)
Go ahead,
I'm warning you! Both of you! If you tell a soul about what you've done
tonight, I'll find you. And God help you when I do.
Myles......................... (runs off with the other cadet)
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04.24 - Charles Sees Through Ashton
Ashton was dressing again when Charles enters the chemistry lab. He sees through her, but has to keep his knowledge to himself in order to keep the family honor intact.
Ashton....................... (dresses, Charles gets in) Are you back so soon. I didn't think you have any more buttons to give me, Myles. (turns, frightens) -- Charles... What are you doing here?
Charles....................... (deliberate) Orry sent me to find you.
Ashton....................... And so you have. How clever of you.
Charles....................... Your friends made it easy for me. Seems they left quite a trail.
Ashton....................... (tearfully) I'm so ashamed. I believed them to be gentlemen, men of honor, and they took advantage of my innocence. I begged them not to tell you. I knew what you'd do if you found out. Oh Charles, you must swear to me, you won't seek revenge. I couldn't bear the thought of you dying in the duell to protect my lost honor.
Charles....................... (slaps her) Finish getting dressed.
Ashton....................... (laughes) You know me better than anyone, cousin Charles. And you want me, I know you do.
Charles....................... Don't shame my family any more than you already have.
Ashton....................... I don't give a damn about the family. But you do, don't you, Charles? That's why you keep my little... our little secret. Because if the truth were known, it would destroy dear brother Orry, humiliate mother and ruin any chance of marriage between Brett and Billy Hazard.
Charles....................... The family would survive, dispite your indiscretions.
Ashton....................... Shall we take the risk? (gives him the buttons) Give these to Billy Hazard. I made sure, his friends gave me tokens of their esteem. (turns, Charles thows the buttons away) I'm only sorry, he doesn't have any more friends. (leaves)
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Orry and Madeline make love at the chapel. When Orry senses Madeline's depressed mood, she confesses her heritage to him. But Orry asures her his love nontheless. They recognize how important it is to keep this hidden from Justin, and they start making plans to emigtrate to the North.
Orry............................. (after sex in the chapel) Why are you so sad today?
Madeline.................... I've been having dreams about my father.
Orry............................. You must miss him very much.
Madeline.................... Yes, I do. But these dreams are nightmares about something he told me before he died. And they frighten me.
Orry............................. What? Tell me.
I've wanted to for a long time. You know, my mother died when I was born? (Orry
nods) And I never knew anything about her family. My father told me, they
quarreld with her over marrying him. Oh, but that wasn't true. The truth is, her
grandmother, my great-grandmother came here from
Orry............................. (thinks, then) Madeline, Ma..Ma..Madeline, look, look look look at me. (determined) I am not most people. I'm the man who loves you, remember? The same way that you father must have loved your mother. Is it that what's frightening you? That I wouldn't understand?
Madeline.................... Partly.
Orry............................. (takes her in his arms) I love you.
Madeline.................... But the real nightmare is Justin finding out. And that he's trying to kill me.
Orry............................. You can't go on this way. I am gonna take you away from here for good.
Madeline.................... We've argued this before.
Orry............................. You had never told me this before. You're right, if Justin ever found out, he would kill you.
You can't leave
Orry............................. It is not as important to me as your life. Don't you understand? You mean more to me than anything else in the world.
Madeline.................... (thinks, then decisive) Alright, I'll go with you.
Orry............................. (surprised) You mean it?
Madeline.................... When?
Orry............................. Ah, ahm... we have to get some things together. (they laugh) Three days from now, you meet me here. And you tell no-one, not even Maum Sally.
Madeline.................... I have to.
Orry............................. No, no-one.
Madeline.................... I have to. I won't go without her.
Orry............................. (thinks) Alright. You can tell her, but absolutely no-one else. (they laugh arroused, sie looks at him) What is it?
Madeline.................... Where will we go?
Orry............................. (thinks) North. It's our only choice.
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Ashton submissivly asks Madeline for help since her escapades at West Point have not been without consequences. Madeline accepts to help under the condition of secrecy.
Ashton....................... I didn't know anyone else to turn to, or trust. I can't go to Orry or Mother or Brett. There's no-one but you. You will help me, Madeline, won't you?
Madeline.................... I can't until you tell me what's happened.
Ashton....................... A few month ago, I... I placed my trust in love into the hands of a young man. And now I find myself in serious trouble, all because of one night's... indiscretion.
Madeline.................... I see.
Ashton....................... I've been just about out of my wits with worry. You know, I'm supposed to marry James Huntoon this spring.
Madeline.................... Does he know, you're carrying his child?
No. He's not the father. It was a boy I hardly knew. I met him at
Madeline.................... Am I to understand that you don't want the child?
Ashton....................... (aroused) I can't have it, it's impossible, don't you see? (calmer) Madeline, I... I know that we never really had a chance to become really close, even though I have felt a real kinship to you. And everyone speaks so well of you, especially my brother. But that's why I dared to come and beg you for help. Can't you give me the name of someone I can turn to? I know that there are people in the low country help a girl in trouble. Please, Madeline.
Madeline.................... (thinks) I will help you, Ashton. But I can't condone what you'r willing to do. But I don't believe it's right to ruin so many lives because of one night of passion. There's a woman, Aunt Bell Nin, dhe lives back in the marshes. She said I could call on her if ever I needed her help. But you can't go there alone, it wouldn't be safe. I'll have to go with you.
Ashton....................... Bless you, Madeline, you are the dear--...
Madeline.................... Shhhh! It'll have to be done tomorrow. (seriously) And Ashton: no-one must ever know, for both our sakes, do you understand?
Ashton....................... (nods)
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Start 1.17.40, Length 2.20
> Aunt Bell Nin, medical midwife
Location: In the Swamps, swamp flat inside and outside
Madeline, Ashton and Maum Sally take a small boat to the swamps outside of Charleston, where black woman Aunt Belle has her flat. This woman recognices Ashton's trait at once and warns Madeline, that her helofulless could bring herself in danger. Then she resolutely performs an abortion on Ashton.
Madeline.................... There must be something to give to her, she's in such pain.
Aunt Bell.................... It will pass. Let her be, now. Follow me. (steps out on the porch)
Madeline.................... Maum Sally, you stay with Miss Ashton. I'll be just downstairs. (follows)
Aunt Bell.................... I want you to know, I'm doing this for you, not her. That girl misstreats her people. There's an evil streack running through her blood.
Madeline.................... I know. But I couldn't refuse. She had no-one else to help her.
Aunt Bell.................... Don't make it a habit of risking your hide for her kind. She'll just turn against you, even despise you for knowing her dark secret.
Madeline.................... I don't believe that.
Aunt Bell.................... Never let her know, you have a secret or two of your own.
Madeline.................... You're talking crazy, Aunt Bell.
Aunt Bell.................... You best be warned. (walks back inside, Madeline follows)
Ashton....................... (shouts) Get away from me! No!!!
Aunt Bell.................... Madeline, grab that bottle of corn and pour about half of it down her throat.
Ashton....................... Get away from me! Let go of me! Let go of me!
Aunt Bell.................... And you, Missy, shut up and lay still, or I'm sending you back out into the swamp to have your bastard, like it or not.
Madeline.................... Ashton, Ashton, drink this. Drink. It'll be over soon, I promise. (Ashton dinks, coughes) Drink. (Ashton dinks again)...
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Start 1.20.00, Length 4.04
> Clinton, slave
Location: Resolute, outside, hall, stairs, room
When Madeline returns, she is exposed by Justin as a liar and locked up in a room.
Thank you,
Sally................ (to
Justin.......................... (awaits her in the hall)
Oh, Justin. I'm sorry, I'm late.
Did you have a nice trip to
Madeline.................... Yes.
Justin.......................... You said, you wanna to shop. What did you buy?
Madeline.................... Nothing, I'm afraid. I... I didn't see anything I liked.
Nothing? Well, I hope at least you had a nice lunch with your friends from...
Madeline.................... Yes.
Justin.......................... Which hotel?
Madeline.................... The Imperial. Remember, I told you.
Yes, so you did, my dear. Which is why I spent the day there. From eleven this
morning until four thirty this afternoon. Your friends from
Madeline.................... You're hurting me.
Justin.......................... Or was there more than one? You always running off, helping the slaves, you tell me. You been sleeping around the whole county?
(slaps Justin) I went to
Justin.......................... Now, tell me the truth, if I have to beat it out of you.
Maum Sally................ (appears) Don't you hurt her.
Justin.......................... (turns tu Maum Sally) What did you say?
Maum Sally................ It ain't right, your beating on Miss Madeline. She ain't done nothing wrong.
Justin.......................... (slaps her down)
Madeline.................... Justin, no! It's me you wanna hurt, not her.
Justin.......................... You're right for once. (grabs her again, pulls her upstairs)
Madeline.................... Maum Sally, go, please go! (stubmles, Justin pulls her up) No!
Justin.......................... Damn you. Come on!
Madeline.................... Justin no! Please! No! No!
Justin.......................... (pushes her in an unused room) Now I ask you just one more time: Where were you? And who were you with?
Madeline.................... I didn't betray you.
Justin.......................... I asked you, where you were.
Madeline.................... I had a private errand to attend to. It was nothing more than that.
Justin.......................... (throws a chair into some porcelain). Stop your lying. I want an answer!
Madeline.................... I gave you one. I didn't betray you.
Justin.......................... I could beat it out of you.
Madeline.................... No!
Justin.......................... But I won't. You're supposed to be a lady. And whipping is only for slaves. So, I'll wait till you're ready. But you will do stay here in this room, until you tell me the truth. Days, weeks, months. It's up to you to decide.
Madeline.................... No, Justin, don't leave me in here. Please, don't leave me.
Justin.......................... You can rot in here for all I care.
Madeline.................... Justin, don't let me in here...
Justin.......................... (slams the door, locks up from outside)
Madeline.................... Justin! Justin! Oh God, oh God. (cries)
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An der Kapelle wartet Orry vergeblich auf Madeline, um sie nach Norden zu bringen.
(no dialogue)
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04.30 - On Water And Dry Bread
Start 1.24.41, Length 3.58
> Leah, slave
> Maum Sally (†)
> Statist: Overseer
Location: Resolute, room, stairs
up Madeline is kept by scarce food. Even Maum Sally nay not take care of her.
Madeline suffers a mental breakdown. When Maum Sally secretly wants to let her
out, Justin intercepts and pushes the maid down the stairs, where she dies of
broken neck.
Leah............................ (is let in by the overseer) Mistress, these are sorry days, your being like this.
Madeline.................... (hastingly eats the dry bread) Don't be concerned for me, Leah, you'll only suffer for it. How's Maum Sally? She hasn't been to see me.
Leah............................ Mr. Justin, he won't let her. He keeping a close watch on her. Mr. Orry Main and his mama, (Madeline rises) they come asking about you, and a lot of folks too. But the master he say, you don't wanna see nobody.
Madeline.................... (sits down again) I understand. Leah, could you bring me some more water? It's for washing.
Leah............................ (shakes her head) Mr. Justin, he say that's all you to get.
Madeline.................... Thank you.
Leah............................ I'll be seeing you tomorrow, Mistress. (leaves, the overseer locks up the door)
Madeline.................... (collapses, crowls to the door)
Maum Sally................ (walks up outside, can't find the right key quickly, low) Miss Madeline.
Madeline.................... Maum Sally?
Maum Sally................ I come to get you out, child.
Justin.......................... (appears, catches the keys) I told you, I'd kill you. (to the door) Your free nigger woman won't help you now, slut. (pushes Maum Sally to the stairs)
Maum Sally................ No, Mr. Justin, please, please. No, no, please, Mr. Justin, Mr. Justin, please (Justin slaps her face) Aaaaaahh! (falls down the stairs, dies on broken neck)
Madeline.................... (behind the door) Maum Sally, I'm sorry. I'm sorry. (cries)
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Start 1.28.39, Length 1.20
Episode 4
Start 0.00, Length Folge gesamt 1.29.59
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