Characters and Roles
Other Figures to the North
English version: Jan 10th, 2025
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City coach driver in |
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Episode 01, scene 07 |
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Four street robbers in New York |
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Walter Robles (leader), Fred Lerner, Vince Deadrick Sr., Robert F. Hoye |
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Episode 01, scene 07 |
The coach driver, delivering Orry Main and other passengers to the New York depot, is acting grumpily and carelessly throws off their suitcases into the streets.
Four rugged street gang members block Orry trying to press him to paying an overprice to carry his trunk to the train.
Walter Robles, * 08.04.1938 in New York City, NY, stuntman and actor
Fred Lerner
Vince Deadrick Sr.
Robert F. Hoye
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Civil inhabitant |
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Episode 01, scene 20 |
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Laundry woman and whore |
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Terri Gardner |
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Episode 02, scene 05, 06, 13 |
The civilian from the village (picture to the right) warns cadets George and Orry at Benny Havens on the arrival of a corporal (Bent).
The laundry woman helps some cadets and soldiers of the academy, to stand over their long terms of separation from home at least in physical ways. On George's deal, even Orry receivers her service. Later, she gets paid by the friends to lure Elkanah Bent into the trap by occupying his attention until some officer shows up as regularily, finds Bent in bed with her and forces his expulsion from the academy.
Terri Gardner
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Catholic priest Lehigh Station |
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William Bender |
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Episode 03, scene 04 |
(host of the abolitionist meeting)
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Abolitionist in Philadelphia |
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Episode 03, scene 08 |
The catholic priest of Lehigh Station marries George to Constance inside a nearly empty church.
The abolitionist host the meeting in Philadelphia of 1848 and announces the respective speakers.
William Bender
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Congress man, dies in 1865 (shot by Virgilia) |
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David Ogden Stiers |
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Episode 03, scene 08, 09 Episode 05, scene 21, 22 Episode 07, scene 16 Episode 08, scene 24 Episode 10, scene 33 Episode 12, scene 08, 09, 25, 26 |
The congressman looks for an extra-martial
affair with Virgilia,
who is admired by him. He helps Virgilia after the raid on Harpers Ferry from
the assylum, conveys her to the nursing corps of Mrs. Dix, and provides extra
shippings of morphium to the hospital. Only as Virgilia asks him for help on
the murder charge over the dead Southern officer, she gives herself to him. The
quiet and low-speaking Green so much enjoys this that he keeps the information on
the charge's repeal from her until the war closes. Virgilia is so upset on that
that she shoots him dead.
David Ogden Stiers, 31.10.1942 in Peoria, IL, actor and musician, first successful role in "M*A*S*H" of 1977-83, voice actor in Disney movies, guest orchestral conductor, openly homosexual, + 03.03.2018 (75) in Newport, OR on bladder cancer
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Doctor at Lehigh Station |
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Episode 03, scene 39 |
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Run-off slave |
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Jacob Stewart |
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Episode 03, scene 39 |
In a side room at Belvedere, the doctor takes care of whip marks on the back of run-off slave Abner from Raleigh, NC and reports to George on the mistreatments. George (calling him Joel) is thereby convinced to secretly help running slaves.
Jacon Stewart
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David Muir, Patricia Allison etc. |
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Episode 5, scene 24 |
While a small group of people are preparing
signs for the presidential election of 1860 in a small cellar room in
Philadelphia, Virgilia works on convincing them to support abolitionist Gerrit
Smith for to continue John Brown's fight to free the slaves.
David Muir
Patricia Allison
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Two men at the depot of Philadelphia |
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Episode 6, scene 41 |
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Lou Hancock |
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Episode 6, scene 41 |
Two men, surrounded my more of them, block Orry at the Philadelphia depot when changing trains, ideitifying him as a Southener by his accent.
The woman from South Carolina notices Orry's struggle and puts him on a self-made cockade to mark him as a supporter to the Union.
Lou Hancock
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Lehigh Station, at least 2 men |
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Episode 06, scene 45 |
During the explosive sentiments at the start of the war, a mob appears at Belvedere and demands Orry to be delivered to them. Two men especially made themselves as leader of the pack before getting calmed down by George and Orry.
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Two men in Washington |
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Episode 07, Scene 02 |
When Brett asks for Billy's whereabouts in Washington, she gets harrassed by two Yankees and only can get herself free by using the horse whip.
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Schwesternaufseherin, Washington |
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Rosanna Huffman |
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Episode 07, scene 15 |
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Schwesternaufseherin, Feldlarzarett |
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Olivia de Havilland |
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Episode 09, scene 34 Episode 10, scene 12, 13, 31, 32 |
Virgilia's first try to get admitted as one of Mrs. Dix' nurses fails when Mrs. Reilly delines her application on grounds of having been in an assylum.
In the field hospital in Northern Virginia, Virgilia is especially observed by suspicious overseer Mrs. Neal who several times demands equal treatments to all wounded from her. When a Southern officer bleeds to death by his own hand, Mrs. Neal accuses Virgilia of murder and dismisses her from the nursing corps.
Rosanna Huffman
Olivia Mary de Havilland, * 01.07.1916 in Tokyo, JP, british nationality by birth, 1919 stayed in Caifornia on her way back to England, first stage appearances in 1935, actress in "Gone With The Wind" in 1939, U.S. citizen by 1941, successfully sued against sole ruling of the studios at the Supreme Court in 1946, Oscar in 1946 and 1949, moved to France in 1955 but still roles in America, final role in "North and South", + 27.06.2020 (104) in Paris, F
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Messenter in Washington |
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George Haynes |
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Episode 07, scene 31 |
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Girl as battle visitor at Manassas, VA |
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Episode 07, scene 36 |
The young messenger delivers a letter to Brett in Washington telling her on Justin LaMotte's attack on Mont Royal, having kidnapped Madeline and set the cotton barn on fire, whereas her mother Clarissa got hurt.
Young girl, expecting to see the Battle of Manassas as a spectacle.
George Haynes
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At the Washington hospital |
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Episode 08, scene 23 |
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Hospital administrator in Washington |
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Episode 08, scene 24 |
The elderly couple are in search of her son's name on the casualty lists. They ask Virgilia for help, who sends them over to a nurse.
Mister Fielding (picture to the left) shows some politicians around in the hospital, one of them beeing Congressman Greene.
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White House, Washington |
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Episode 08, scene 35, 36 Episode 09, scene 07 |
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Merchant in Pennsylvania, dies in 1865 (broken neck) |
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Jack Thibeau |
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Episode 08, scene 38 Episode 11, scene 17 |
The young assistant to President Lincoln, comminly simply called "Willy", works in the reception area uf the White House. He provides the President with newly arriving messages and briefes George on current flurrys before letting him proceed to Lincoln for consultations.
The shady businessman Morgan, who is only to be seen at Dillard's Tavern, sells low quality iron to Stanley in 1863 to help him maximise his profits in producing inferior cannons from it. One year later, he is confronted by George over this and dies within a fist fight on broken neck.
Clayton Moore
Jack Thibeau, * 12.06.1946 in
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Train engineer in |
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Tony Reed |
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Episode 10, scene 02 |
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Journalist in Virginia |
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Episode 10, scene 09 |
The locomotive engineer reports to George on free track ahead, when this military transportation ride was stopped cold by Colonel Mosby's rebels and all U.S. soldiers were taken prisoners.
The journalist Crawford challenges General Grant for a statement with his driving questions. Grant later confesses to himself that the journalist might have been right with his pessimistic view on the situation.
Tony Reed
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Greene's butler in Washington |
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Episode 10, scene 33 Episode 12, scene 08 |
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Investogator in Washington |
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Charles Boswell |
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Episode 12, scene 08 |
David (picture to the left) is butler in Sam Greene's Washington residence.
The investigator visits Sam Greene to get informations on the whereabouts of Virgilia Grady in pursue of the murder charge in a field hospital. Greene declines any knowledge and hides the fact that he himself has rented a secret apartment for Virgilia..
Charles Boswell
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Reverend in Lehigh Station |
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Episode 12, scene 28 |
The reverend comforts Maude Hazard at the execution day of
her daughter Virgilia.
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Depot agent at Lehigh Station |
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Mark Voges |
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Episode 13, scene 37, 44 |
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Pinkerton investigator |
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Bruce MacVittie |
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Episode 14, scene 06, 35 Episode 15, scene 18 |
The depot agent of Lehigh Station employs Elkanah Bent in 1865 for some weeks as telegram messenger while Bent uses this to wait for the return of George Hazard.
The Pinkerton man Jupiter Smith supports George in 1866 to 1867 in looking for Elkanah Bent. He gathers informations abount Bent having abused a young woman in Illinois, and then accompanies George to St. Louis.
Mark Voges
Bruce MacVittie
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