North and South
Episode 2
English Version Dec 8, 2024
02.07 - Madeline Is Sad As Well
02.11 - Bent At The Court-Martial
02.14 - Bent's Good-bye Threat
02.17 - Reception At Mont Royal
02.19 - Political And Social Roles
02.26 - The First Time At The Chapel
02.27 - George Argues With Orry
02.33 - George And Constance 1
02.36 - George's Farewell From The Army
02.38 - George And Constance 2
02.40 - Madeline In Concerns Over Orry
02.43 - Orry Accompanies The Search
02.44 - Justin Looks For The Traitor
02.45 - Tenderness At The Chapel
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Start 2.41, Length 0.58
> Cadet Orry Main
> Cadet George Hazard
> Cadet-Corporal, instructor
> Statists: more cadets
Location: West Point, training ground
Back to part two of the education, Orry shows lack of concentration on the matter and unexpectingly bad shooting results.
Cadet.......................... Sholder - arms - one - two! Ready - one - two - three! Aim - fire! Recover - arms! Shoulder - arms - one - two. Order - arms - one - two! -- Good. Except for you, Mr. Main. That was a very poor performance. Not your usual level at all. Have to put you down for a month extra musket practice. That is all, gentlemen. Dismissed! (leaves)
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02.03 - Theory Of Tactics
Start 3.39, Length 2.23
> Cadet Orry Main
> Cadet George Hazard
> Dennis Hart Mahan, profeesor of military tactics
> Statists: more cadets
Location: West Point, classroom
Also Orry is ill-prepared and besides the matter in theory class.
I asked you a question, Mr. Main. Why did Napoleon charge the center of
Orry............................. I... I don't know, Sir.
Because, Sir, he had tried both flanks and was repulsed. Napoleon had no choice
but to charge the center. Common sense, gentlemen. A ressource of all great
commanders... - No, Mr. Main, I'm not finished with you yet. (walks up to the
backboard) You are now in
Orry............................. Form a square, Sir.
Mahan........................ Issue the proper command.
Orry............................. Form square! Double column, half distance! Battalion inwards, face, march!
Mahan........................ Good, Mr. Main. Now what?
Orry............................. Right wheel!
Congratulations, Mr. Main. You had just changed history. With that move you
George........................ Right and left into line! Wheel! March! Forward division, forward! Forward guard, left!
Mahan........................ Very good, Mr. Hazard. You may sit down.
(1) Historical: Dennis Hart Mahan, 02.04.1802 - 06.09.1871, legendary professor of military stragegy at West Point (see also episode 1 scene 18) (Wikipedia)
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02.04 - George's Proposal
Start 6.02, Length 0.26
> Cadet Orry Main
> Cadet George Hazard
> Statists: more cadets
Location: West Point, near the barracks
George talks to Orry about the latter's mental state and proposes a visit to the laundry woman Alice Peet.
You've been sleepwalking ever since you got back from
Orry............................. I can't forget about Madeline just like that.
George........................ You don't have to forget her. You just have to stop thinking about her, for a while.
Orry............................. Now how do you suggest I do that.
George........................ By a visit to a dear old friend of mine. A lady by the name of Alice Peet.
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02.05 - Visit To Alice Peet
Start 6.28, Length 0.56
> Cadet Orry Main
> Alice Peet, laundry woman
Location: Alice Peet's flat, outside and inside
It turns out that Alice Peet earns some money also by offering herself to soldiers, and that George has arranged such service with her for Orry.
Orry............................. (enters) Oh, George told me you do the laundry for some of the officers and cadets.
Orry............................. He told me...? Lord, you mean, you're a...
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02.06 - Forgetting Isn't Easy
Start 7.24, Length 0.18
> Cadet Orry Main (no text)
> Alice Peet, laundry woman (no text)
Location: Alice Peet's flat, inside
But after that, Orry still cannot forget about Madeline.
(no dialogue)
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02.07 - Madeline Is Sad As Well
Start 7.42, Length 1.26
> Justin LaMotte (outside)
Location: Resolute, ladys parlor and outside
So sehnt sich Madeline heimlich weiterhin nach Orry. Madeline struggles to endure the rough instrusivenesses by Justin, who more and more shows how strictly he enforces the rules of the patriarchy society and who sees his wife as much as his property as his slaves.
Maum Sally................ Why you not eating, Miss Madeline? What good is it keeping that? Remembering?
Madeline.................... I don't know. But I can't help it. Sometimes, Orry's face is so clear to me.
Justin.......................... (outside, rides up to the house, dismounts) Nathaniel! Get your black carcass over hear! This horse is lame!
Maum Sally................ (to Madeline) What kind of man is he, anyway.
Madeline.................... Perhaps that's why I remember Orry. To help me forget my life here at Resolute.
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02.08 - Bent Drills Fisk
Start 9.08, Length 3.21
> Cadet Orry Main
> Cadet George Hazard
> Cadet Corporal Elkanah Bent
> Cadet Ned Fisk (no text)
> Statists: more cadets
Location: West Point, training ground and riding course
George and Orry watch Bent taking Cadet Fisk out on a hard horse drill, but Fisk is known to be a poor horseman. Bent orders Fisk to take the hot stallion. Thus, Fisk is thrown off in the middle of the woods and gets hurt badly.
George........................ Orry, I don't understand. You didn't like Alice Peet?
Orry............................. Yes, I liked her very much, but I want more than that.
Oh, so do I, eventually. But
Orry............................. She's sweet. Madeline is a hundred times more desirable to me because I love her, George. Until you've been in love, you don't know what it's like. Nothing else seems to matter.
George........................ Then you, Sir, are a romantic fool.
Bent............................ (nearby at horse drill) Squad - dismissed. Oh no, not you, Mr. Fisk. I've decided that you need a drill, Sir. A very special drill, Sir. Now, you dismount.
Orry............................. (to George) Fisk again. Ever since the upperclassmen made him ease up on us, Bent's been all over that poor boy.
George........................ He's gotta take it out on somebody.
Orry............................. So much the better if he happens to be a friend of ours. What is he supposed to being up to?
George........................ I don't know. But we haven't got time to find out. If we're late for class, the demerits will finish us.
Orry............................. Fisk is not a very good rider.
George........................ I know, but at least he's on that gray. She's the gentlest horse here. Come on, we've gotta go. (they leave)
(to Fisk) Follow me, Sir. - You stop, Sir. (dismounts) Alright, Mr. Fisk. Mount
up, Sir. Oh no, Mr. Fisk, you're gonna ride this course on a real mount. Satan.
Mount up, Fisk.
Fisk............................. (hesitates)
What's the matter, Sir? You have trouble following orders, like you friends,
Mr. Main and Mr. Hazard? I said, mount up, Sir! Get up there, Fisk.
Fisk............................. (mounts up)
(beats off the horse) Faster! Satan, faster! (follows Fisk on the gray) Faster,
Fisk............................. (is thrown off and rolls downhill)
Bent............................ (rides up and halts) Hey, go on! Go on! (to the stallion) Good boy, Satan. Good boy.
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02.09 - Fisk Is Wounded
Start 12.29, Length 0.56
> Cadet Ned Fisk
> Cadet Orry Main
> Cadet George Hazard
> Cadet George Pickett
> Cadet Tom Jackson
> Cadet Corporal Elkanah Bent (opening) (no text)
> Statists: more Cadets (opening)
Location opening: West Point, drill court, by night
Location scene: West Point, infirmary
Als Fisk kurz darauf schwer verletzt im Larzarett liegt, will dieser aber aus Furcht nicht preisgeben, wie es dazu kam.
Orry............................. Fisk, we know it was Bent who did this to you. Now, why do you keep saying it was an accident?
Fisk............................. I was thrown. That's the truth.
George........................ Oh, for God's sake, Fisk, why did you keep covering up for him?
Fisk............................. ---
Picket.......................... Fisk, I know this is hard for you to hear. But the doctor told us, that knee may never be any good. Corporal Bent may have kept you out of the Army.
Fisk............................. ---
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02.10 - Justice?
Start 13.25, Length 0.21
> Cadet Orry Main
> Cadet George Hazard
> Cadet George Pickett
> Cadet George McClellan
> Cadet Tom Jackson (no text)
> Statists: more cadets
Location scene: West Point, barracks
Nevertheless, the friends get word that Bent is orderd in front of a court-martial.
Pickett......................... Well, what lit your fire, son?
McClellan................... Justice. One of the tactical officers guessed what happened. He's bringing Bent up in front of the general court-martial for disciplinary excesses.
George........................ Good for him.
Orry............................. Who's the officer?
McClellan................... Dejong. Lieutenant Casimir Dejong.
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02.11 - Bent At The Court-Martial
Start 13.46, Length 0.41
> 1st Lieutenant Casimir Dejong
> Cadet Corporal Elkanah Bent
> Cadet George McClellan (as honor guard) (no text)
> Statists: 4 members of the court
Location: West Point, examination room
Leutnant Dejong befragt Bent vor den Ausschuss zu Fisk's Verletzungen, aber Bent beharrt auf seiner Unwissenheit.
Dejong........................ Corporal Bent, I'll ask you again: What do you know about Cadet Fisk's injuries?
Bent............................ Lieutenant Dejong, Sir, I heard he was thrown from his horse. That's all I know.
Dejong........................ Corporal Bent, you were seen leaving the parade ground with Fisk. You are bound by your honor as a cadet, so think about you answer. How did Cadet Fisk sustain his injuries?
Bent............................ I do not know, Sir.
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Start 14.27, Length 0.38
> Cadet Orry Main
> Cadet George Hazard
> Cadet George Pickett
> Cadet George McClellan
> Cadet Tom Jackson
Location scene: West Point, barracks room
So, the friends are thinking about a trap for Bent.
McClellan................... They believed Bent?
Picket.......................... Blast the man.
George........................ And you know Bent. He'll see the court-martial as a blot on his record, he'll take that out on Fisk.
Orry............................. I think it's time we do something about Bent before he kills somebody.
Picket.......................... What can we do?
George........................ I just remenbered something. Lieutenant Dejong thinks that Alice Peet does laundry for him and nobody else. Now, what if we would use that information to give Bent a little taste of his own medicine.
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02.13 - A Trap For Bent
Start 15.05, Length 2.42
> Alice Peet, laundry woman
> Cadet Corporal Elkanah Bent
> Cadet Orry Main
> Cadet George Hazard
> Cadet George Pickett
> 1st Lieutenant Casimir Dejong
Location: Alice Peet's flat, outside and inside
Alice Peet invites Bent for a special service, knowing that Lt. Dejong will appear to fetch his laundry. This way, Bent gets discovered, but recognizes that this was a trap laid out by George and Orry.
Orry............................. (beneath the veranda) What if he leaves too soon?
George........................ (returns from looking into the window) He won't.
George........................ This will be a day that Corporal Bent will never forget.
Dejong........................ (walks up, knocks the door)
Dejong........................ (steps inside) In the name of decency, Sir, cover yourself.
Bent............................ Shut your mouth, slut!
Dejong........................ That's enough, Bent. Try and conduct yourself as a gentleman - while you still can.
Bent............................ Still can? Sir!
Dejong........................ You are on report, Sir, for more offenses than I can enumerate. But be sure, I will enumerate them. And they'll lead to your dismissal. (1)
Bent............................ Sir, if you just let me explain...
Dejong........................ The way you explain Fisk's injuries? With lies? You be in the commandant's office in ten minutes, Mister, or we'll hunt you down. (leaves)
Bent............................ George. George Hazard. He and Mr. Main planned this, didn't they? To get rid of me. Didn't they?
(1) Actor's error: Probably a word mixup by the actor: Lieutenant Dejong's words don't make sense. Can he enumerate Bent's offenses now or can he not.
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02.14 - Bent's Good-bye Threat
Start 17.47, Length 1.42
> Cadet Orry Main
> Cadet George Hazard
> Cadet Elkanah Bent (no signs of rank)
Location: West Point, barracks room
Bent erscheint in der Stube der Cadeten, teilt ihnen mit dass er aus der Akademie entlassen sei und drohte ihnen Rache an.
Bent............................ I wanted to be the one to tell you, be here, see your faces when you heard the good news. I have been dismissed from this academy. That's right, go ahead. You and your friends can laugh about it later. No more Bent to give us trouble. You two have conspired to rob me of a military career. A career I think I'm suited for better than any man on this post. Let me tell you this: I have friends in high places. And I, too, will one day be highly placed - very highly placed. And you can count on that. And you be on your guard. 'Cause I won't forget you two. I won't forget you two ever. (leaves)
George........................ That man is crazy.
Orry............................. That's why we better believe him.
George........................ To be on our guard, but for how long? The rest of our lives?
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02.15 - Graduation
Start 19.29, Length 0.35
> Officer as Master Ceremony
> Cadet Orry Main (no text)
> Statists: more members of the graduation honors, more cadets
Location opening: West Point, chapel outside
Location scene: West Point chapel inside
In a small cheremony, the cadets of 1846 receive their graduation and assignments to the respective arms of service.
Ceremony..... Cadet Orry Main. (Orry steps to the podium) Cadet Orry Main, you
are recommended for the infantry. (Orry
Orry............................. (rises, steps out to the podium)
Ceremony..... Cadet Orry Main, you are recommended for the infantry.
Orry............................. (bows)
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02.16 - Newly Graduated
Start 20.04, Length 1.11
> Cadet Orry Main
> Cadet George Hazard
> Cadet Ned Fisk
> Cadet George Pickett
> Cadet George McClellan
> Cadet Thomas Jackson (no text)
> Statists: more cadets
Ort West Point chapel, outside
Die Cadeten feiern ihren erfolgreichen Abschluss auf der Akademie. Nachdem Orry zur Infanterie zugewiesen wurde, gibt George seine bessere Karrierechance auf, um mit Orry gemeinsam in den bevorstehenden Krieg gegen Mexiko zu ziehen. Orry löst die Wette mit dem geteilten 10-Dollar-Schein ein.
Orry............................. (to George) I still can't believe I made it through. Now, I wouldn't have, George, if it wasn't for you.
George........................ Oh, hogwash.
Orry............................. No, it's true. I graduated, second from the bottom. You pulled me up there every inch of the way.
George........................ I sure didn't want to lose my bet. (takes out the half note)
Orry............................. Bet? - I almost forgot. (laughes) I've never been so happy to lose a bet in my whole life. (pays him out)
George........................ Thank you.
Orry............................. (seriously) I want to thank you, George.
George........................ Don't mention. I mean that.
Fisk............................. (follows up) George! Orry!
George........................ Ned!
Orry............................. Fisk, congratulations!
Picket.......................... (follows up with the other graduates) Well, how does it feel, soldiers?
Orry............................. Felt like somebody took about fifty pounds of battle gear off my back. (all laughing)
McClellan................... (to George) I hear you rank near the top. Congratulations. That means the Engineer Corps.
George........................ No, I decided against the engineers.
Orry............................. Why didn't you tell me you picked the artillery. Good for you. Not like us poor sloggers who had no choice but the infantry. (all laughing)
George........................ As a matter-of-fact I chosed the infantry myself.
Orry............................. No…
You didn't think I'd let you go to
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02.17 - Reception At Mont Royal
Start 21.15, Length 2.04
> Clarissa Main (no text)
> Lieutenant Orry Main (newly an officer)
> Lieutenant George Hazard (newly an officer)
> Ashton Main, als Mädchen (no text)
> Brett Main, als Mädchen (no textr)
> Statists: guests, slaves
Location: Mont Royal, alley and driveway
At Mont Royal, the new officers were welcomed by a great summer reception.
(steps on a bench) Alright, y'all! C'mon! Gather 'round! C'mon
(waves) C'mon c'mon c'mon! (lifts his glass) To our guests of
honor: Lieutenant George Hazard, and our son, Lieutenant Orry Main (applause).
We salute their graduation from the military academy, and we honor them as they
go to fight for their country in the war with
Orry............................. George, say something.
George........................ No.
Tillet............................ Yes, yes, come on.
(steps on the bench) Ahm, thank you very much. You have been so kind. Ahm,
well, I guess the best thing I ever did at West Point was to make a good friend
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02.18 - Little And Big Flirts
Start 23.19, Length 2.26
> Lt Orry Main
> Lt George Hazard
> Ashton Main, as a girl
> Brett Main, as a girl
> Supporting Roles: two other girls, girls maid
> Statists: guests, slaves, LaMotte's driver
Location: Mont Royal, alley and driveway
Ashton childishly flirts with George. Then Justin and Madeline arrive, and George succeeds in giving Orry a moment of private conversation with Madeline.
Ashton....................... Why, Lieutenant Hazard, you handsome old thing, will you get me a plate of barbecue?
Brett............................ You've alrady had three, Ashton.
Ashton....................... It's not my fault I forgot.
Emily........................... A lady never forgets.
Ashton....................... And what would you know about that, Miss Emily Rose Smith.
Emily........................... Mother says, a real lady never eats anything in public.
Ashton....................... I declare, you just take my senses away in that uniform, Lieutenant. No wonder I forgot.
George........................ Well, Ashton, you'd be mighty tempting if you're about five years older.
Ashton....................... Well, I will be, Lieutenant, in about two more years.
Slave........................... (appears) Ashton, Brett, you come here and take you nap. Come on.
Ashton....................... Oh fie....
Slave........................... Come in, let's go. (they walk off)
Orry............................. (to George) My little sister. (smiles)
George........................ (sees a carriage coming up the alley, halts) That's Madeline, isn't it?
Orry............................. Come on, I want you to meet her. -- Mr. and Mrs. LaMotte, I'd like you to meet my friend George Hazard.
George........................ (to Madeline, hand kiss) It's a very great pleasure, Ma'am.
Madeline.................... And for me, Lieutenant.
I unterstand, you're a Yankee, Mr. Hazard. From
Yes, I am. The '
(to Madeline) If you excuse me, my dear. (to Orry)
Orry............................. Justin.
Madeline.................... (to Orry) He's a very good friend, isn't he?
Orry............................. He's the best I'll ever have. - It's nearly killed me, being away from you.
Madeline.................... Please, we mustn't say things like that to each other.
Orry............................. Why not? We feel them.
Madeline.................... There's nothing we can do.
Orry............................. You don't love him. You are not his.
Madeline.................... I can never be yours. I have to go now, Orry. (low) It is good to see you again. (leaves)
(2) Historical: The state of Pennsylvania has the symbolic name of "Keystone State", since he is one of the 13 original states of the United States and since the U.S. constitution was drafted and declared there.
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02.19 - Political And Social Roles
Start 25.45, Length 1.54
> Lt George Hazard
> Lt Orry Main
> Clarissa Main (no text)
> Supporting Roles: two guests and supporters of Justin
> Statists: guests
Location: Mont Royal, parlor
In men's conversation, Justin appears to support South Carolina to leave the Union. When Madeline cuts into the conversation to contradict this views, she is forcibly pulled from the room.
(to George) Wilmot's from
Because he favoured negotiating with
Justin.......................... Ha, Congressman Wilmot has attached a proviso to a bill outlonging slavery in newly aquired territories. (2)
George........................ Which got that bill defeated in the Senate, by your own John C. Calhoun. (3)
Justin.......................... Nevertheless, Sir, it was an insult of the entire South. There is only one way to redeem our honor.
Tillet............................ Are you speaking of secession, Justin?
Justin.......................... I am. And I think we should get right on with it.
Tillet............................ Now, I think that's going too far. We've struggled too hard to establish this country. I'd hate to see it torn apart.
Justin.......................... Tillet, you know very well, the South should be better off as a separate nation.
Madeline.................... How can you say that, Justin? (talks die down) I'm a Southener, born and bred. I've heard the men speak of secession since I was a child. And I think it would be a tragic mistake.
Justin.......................... Is that a fact, Ma'am?
Madeline.................... What if we were a separate nation, and the rice and cotton market went soft? It's happened before.
Guest 1....................... That isn't the point.
Guest 2....................... It's a matter of honor.
Madeline.................... We need the north. We have no factories, no resources of our own. We can't survive on speeches. (4)
Justin.......................... My dear, you forget yourself. Nobody here in this company cares what you have to say. (pulls her out)
George........................ (restrains Orry) They're married, Orry. He's an arrogant ass, but there's nothing you can do about it.
Orry............................. I'd like to horsewhip him.
George........................ So would I. And he deserves it. But it's not the time or the place.
(1) Historical: Congressman David Wilmot, 20.01.1814 - 16.03.1868, Democrat from Pennsylvania. (Wikipedia)
(2) Historical: Proviso, addentum application, first put to the floor 08.08.1846 by David Wilmot and later repeated several times, to not expand slavery to the areas expected to win in the coming war with Mexico. ("Provided, That, as an express and fundamental condition to the acquisition of any territory from the Republic of Mexico by the United States, by virtue of any treaty which may be negotiated between them, and to the use by the Executive of the moneys herein appropriated, neither slavery nor involuntary servitude shall ever exist in any part of said territory, except for crime, whereof the party shall first be duly convicted.") All of these proposals were unsuccessful, but fules secession talk in the South. (Wikipedia)
(3) Historical: John C. Calhoun, 18.03.1782 - 31.03.1850, leading politician from South Carolina, 1810-17 seat in the U.S. Congress, 1817-24 U.S. Secretary of War, 1825-33 7th U.S. Vice President under Andrew Jackson, 1833-50 U.S: Senator for South Carolina, intermediate 1844-45 U.S. Secretary of State, advocate of slavery, state's rights, limited central power and nullification. (Wikipedia)
(4) Historical: Madeline's objection, that the South doesn't have enough ressources and industry to survive independently, is factually correct, but was all but acceptable by the society driven by tradition and self-conciousness of the time
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02.20 - The Reprimand
Start 27.39, Length 1.17
> Supporting Role: LaMotte's driver
> Statists: guests
Location: Mont Royal, driveway
Outside the house, Justin reprimands his wife, threatens consequences to her if she objects to him in public once more, and returns without her.
Driver.......................... Leaving now, Sir?
Justin.......................... (pulling Madeline by) Get away from here, boy.
Madeline.................... You had no right to drag me out of there in front of all the people.
Justin.......................... I had no right? You humiliated me in front of my friends.
Madeline.................... I expressed my own views. They have nothing to do with you.
Justin.......................... You're not entitled to any views whatsoever, except those are mine and mine alone. Women with intellectual pretentions are not tolerated here. Your father should have taught you that.
Madeline.................... He taught me to think.
Justin.......................... That was his mistake. Up North, women are preaching for free niggers and free love. We won't have that here. You will know your place, and you will stay in it, or you will suffer for it. (turns off)
Madeline ................... I already have.
Justin.......................... (turns back) You think so? If you ever speak out and embarrass me on any subject whatsoever ever again, you will suffer as you have never suffered before. If you're so intelligent, you will remember that. (leaves)
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02.21 - Orry Is Worried
Start 28.56, Length 1.41
> Lt Orry Main
> Statists: guests
Location: Mont Royal, garden
Orry finds Madeline int eh garden and arks her to a rendezvous at the old chapel.
Orry............................. (walks up to Madeline) Are you allright? (1)
Madeline.................... Thank you, yes. (looks around)
Orry............................. Don't worry, he won't see us. I cannot stand to see him treat you that way.
Madeline.................... I'm fine, Orry, fine.
Orry............................. I want you to meet me tomorrow, just to talk.
Madeline.................... What can we talk about? All the things that will never be?
Orry............................. Madeline, please. There's an old abandoned church near the marsh...
Madeline.................... All Saints Chapel.
Orry............................. Yes. I'll be there at noon, and I'll wait for you, if you can get away.
Madeline.................... I don't know...
Please, Madeline. I'm leaving for
Madeline.................... I'll try. - Now let me go back... alone. (leaves)
(1) Director's error: Orry walks from Mont Royal's back terrace to Madeline standing in the garden, after her being reprimanded by Justin. There are several guests standing on the lawn and childred running around. The exact same setup is used briefly for Ashton's wedding in episode 5, scene 8, what took place several years later according to the script. When halted at the right moment, Orry can be seen in his Lieutenant's uniform, what makes it a clear error!
scene in the year of 1846, Orry ass Lieutenant scene in the year of 1858, Ashton's wedding
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02.22 - A Prank With Priam
Start 30.37, Length 1.27
> Priam, slave
> Semiramis, slave
> Salem Jones, overseer
> Statists: more slaves
Location: Mont Royal, slave quarters, by night
A couch driver allows himself a bad prank and agains the orders hands Mont Royal-slave Priam some alcohol for a drink.
Priam........................... Semiramis, you stay away from Salem Jones, now.
Semiramis................... Priam, I ain't got no choice.
Priam........................... Stay away.
Semiramis................... Neither do you.
Jones.......................... Semiramis, come here, honey.
Semiramis................... Please, Salem....
Driver.......................... (points at Priam, to another slave) Look at that dumb field hand. Reckon I could have some fun with him. (to Priam) You look mighty thirsty, my friend. Care for a sip of corn?
Priam........................... You ain't allowed to have that.
Driver.......................... That's right, but all the white folks looking the other way. I'm Mr. LaMotte's driver. If I say it's fine, it's fine. (Priam drinks) Go on, have another one.
Priam........................... (drinks again) Sure go down easy.
Driver.......................... You can have more, all you want. But we best step out the light here.
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02.23 - Priam Is Drunk
Start 32.04, Length 2.09
> Priam, slave
> Semiramis, slave
> Lieutenant George Hazard
> Lieutenant Orry Main
> Supporting Roles: guests talking to Priam
> Statists: guests
Location 1: Mont Royal, driveway and veranda, by night
Location 2: Mont Royal, hall and dining room
Drunken Priam stumples into the big house, talking incoherrently. Angered Tillet hands free reign to Salem Jones to conduct the proper punishment. George is enraged.
Priam........................... (staggers up to the driveway, drunk) Another drink. I want another drink.
Driver.......................... 'Course you do. And I told you how to get it. Go on now, do just like I said. (pushes Priam up to the house, laughs, stays back)
Guest 3....................... Where you going, boy?
Guest 4....................... What's wrong with him?
Priam........................... (staggers inside) Get out of my way. Leave me alone. (1)
Guest 5....................... What's the matter with that boy?
Priam........................... I'm gonna get me some more, now. I'm as good as any man here. And I wants me another drink.
Semiramis................... (in the dining room) Priam, my God, what happened?
Priam........................... Get out of my way.
Semiramis................... Priam please, please get out of here.
Priam........................... Oh no, just leave me alone.
Tillet............................ Priam! Get to your cabin. You'll regret this.
Driver.......................... (appeares with Salem Jones, grabs Priam) Sorry, Sir. He done gone away from us.
Justin.......................... 'Get to your cabin...' What kind of punisgment is that? I know what we'd would do with him at Resolute.
Tillet............................ You're right, Justin. Priam's dishonored this house, insulted my guests. Mr. Jones!
Jones.......................... Yes, Sir.
Tillet............................ Get'em out of here. Make sure he receives a proper punishment.
Jones.......................... Yes, and just what would that be, Sir?
Tillet............................ (thinks) I leave that to you.
Jones.......................... (satisfied) Yes, Sir. (leaves with Priam and the driver)
Justin.......................... (to Tillet) Well, I guess I'll be leaving. (turns to leave)
Tillet............................ Justin, I'm terribly sorry about all this. (follows him)
George........................ (to Orry) Orry, what are they gonna do to him?
Orry............................. You heard my father. He'll receive the proper punishment.
George........................ You saw the look in that overseer's face. You've gotta put a stop to this.
Orry............................. George, it's my father's house, and you are his guest. Don't forget that. (leaves)
(1) Director's error: Priam stumbles onto the veranda and into the big house. From the outside, the door is fully open at about 90 degrees. But from the inside view, it is open only by a gap and Priam has to stumble around the door blade.
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02.24 - Jones, The Sadist
Start 34.13, Length 1.16
> Priam, slave
> Semiramis, slave
> Statists: more slaves
Location: Mont Royal, slave quarters, by night
The sadistic Jones abuses Priam in cruel fashion with a hot iron.
(rushes in) Please!
Jones.......................... (neglects Semiramis) Alright, I'm ready now. (burns Priam cheek with the hot iron, Priam cries out)
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02.25 - Wild Emotions
Start 35.29, Length 0.44
> Lieutenant Orry Main
> Lieutenant George Hazard (no text)
Location: Mont Royal, study, stairs, upper hall
Orry has loud but unsuccessful arguents over senseless brutality with his father.
Tillet............................ Priam needed to be punished!
Orry............................. I would not punish an animal that way, and neither would you!
Tillet............................ Don't give me any more of you Yankee sermons.
Orry............................. I am not preaching! I am arguing against brutality!
Tillet............................ But it's not your place! Now be so good as to leave me alone. (turns off)
Orry............................. (walks to his room, silently passes George, slams the door)
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02.26 - The First Time At The Chapel
Orry rides up
to the abandoned chapel ruins, and there is Madeline waiting for him. They are
torn between their love, moral restraints and the acklownedgement of
uselessness, and finally Madeline rides off again.
Madeline.................... Hello.
Orry............................. Hello. Was it difficult for you?
No. Justin went to
Orry............................. I have thought so often about being with you.
Madeline.................... Don't. Don't.
Orry............................. I love you. I had to tell you just once.
Madeline.................... You have to stop thinking that.
Orry............................. It's true. And you love me.
Madeline.................... I... (composed) I came here today to tell you that we can never see each other again.
Orry............................. Why? Because of Justin? You don't love him.
Madeline.................... But I chose him. He's my husband now. If I leave him, I go against everything I was raised to be. And so many people would be hurt.
Orry............................. And if you stay with him, you'd be the only one hurt. Is that what you think?
Madeline.................... Perhaps God will help him to change.
Orry............................. He doesn't wanna change. Look at me.
Madeline.................... Orry...
Orry............................. Now tell me, that you never wanna see me again.
Madeline.................... Oh, I do love you. (kiss) I do. (kiss) I do. (kisses) - No, no, no, no!
Orry............................. I'm sorry. I am sorry. I shouldn't have...
Madeline.................... No. No, don't appologize. You see, I want it as much as you do. But if we were lovers, you'd never be free.
Orry............................. I don't care...
Madeline.................... Well, I do. I won't let you give up the rest of your life for me. Your future, and your honor. And that's what this would be. And I won't be responsible for it.
Orry............................. Madeline...
Madeline.................... Forget me, Orry. It's the only way. (leaves and rides off)
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02.27 - George Argues With Orry
Start 39.49, Length 2.56
> Orry Main (in civilian clothings)
> George Hazard (in civilian clothings)
> Nebenrolle: Salem Jones
> Statists: slaves at the cotton barn
Location: Mont Royal, cotton barn and jetty
George und Orry erkennen, dass sich ihre Standpunkte in der Sklavenfrage nicht vereinen lassen. Dennoch festigen sie ihre Freundschaft und wenden sich dem gemeinsamen Ziel in Mexiko zu.
Orry............................. (walks up to George on the dock) Just thought you might want to know, my mother's been to the sick house twice today. Priam's face is healing.
George........................ (clears his throat) Your Mother is very conscientious about caring for your slaves, isn't she?
Orry............................. Yes. I'm not sure they could care for themselves. They're like children.
George........................ Well, they're not permitted to be anything else.
Orry............................. George, you don't understand. Priam shamed my father in front of his guests.
George........................ You're right, I don't understand that, and I don't understand how you could stomach what they did to him.
Orry............................. That was wrong. And I told my father so.
George........................ There is something wrong with the whole system, Orry. I'm beginning to see what Virgilia's been talking about.
Orry............................. Well, it is not up to you to change it. We're sick and tired of Yankees coming down here and telling us how to run our lifes. Why don't you go back to Hazard Iron and clean that up and help your own workers.
George........................ That is not the point!
Orry............................. Thas IS the point! This is our way of life. It has been for over a hundred years. How would you like me come up to Lehigh Station and telling you how to run your life? And change the way you've always lived? And I mean this, George. You and... we are good friends. And if we wanna keep that friendship, there are certain things that we can never say to each other, certain things we can never talk about.
George........................ (thinks) I guess you're right.
Orry............................. I don't want to.
George........................ We're supposed to be fighting Mexicans, not each other.
Orry............................. (laughs, they go off)
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02.28 - Bent And His Father
Start 42.45, Length 2.32
> John Edwards, Senator
> Statist: Edward's assistant in adjecting room
Location opening: Washington, int the streets
Location scene: Washington, Senator Edward's office room
Elkanah Bent appears in Washington, D.C. at the office of his biological father, Senator John Edards. Bent demands, that the Senator opens him a path back into die Army and points out his pivotal contribution to the upcoming war against Mexico.
Edwards..................... You assured me, when I arranged for your appointment at the military academy, that you'd ask for nothing more. (1)
Bent............................ I told
you, Sir, that was before your favor was undone be enemies whishing to destroy
me. Now my country needs me in
Edwards..................... A
commission? What reason could I give after your dismissal? And, you're a
Southern boy, from
Bent............................ But you do know me, Sir. Even if the world is not aware that you're my father.
Edwards..................... Is that why you came here, to destroy me?
Bent............................ I could have done that when my dear foster mother first told me the truth. (sits down) I never had any love from you. I never even knew who my real mother was, except she wasn't your wife.
Edwards..................... Didn't I see to it that you were raised and cared for?
Bent............................ Raised, yes. The Bent family cared for nothing but the money you gave'em to keep me out of your sight.
Edwards..................... I'm a family man in public office. I payed dearly for that one mistake.
Bent............................ Is... that how you... always think of me, Sir? As a mistake?
Edwards..................... If... if a did arrange a commission, would you... would you promise to...
...leave you alone? (rises) Of course, Father, dear. You needn't worry. I
wouldn't embarrass the Honorable Senator Edwards. I may be a bastard but I'm not
a fool. I have great leadership abilities. My instructors at
Edwards..................... Elkanah, you should learn to curb your enthusiasm for yourself.
Bent............................ I'll do that, Sir. And you take heart, Senator: I might get killed on the battlefield. (leaves)
(1) Historical: John Cummins Edwards, 24.06.1804 - 14.10.1888, U.S. Congressman, 1848-48 U.S. Fovernor of Missouri (Wikipedia)
(2) Historical: Officers of the army were not only made by the education of academies like West Point. They also could be appointed by the influence of high-standing figures like politicians and big land owners. This way, it is plausible that the Senator supports Bent's commission as a captain in the U.S. Army despite of Bent's former discredits.
(3) Historcal error: John Edwards (see above) has never been a senator, but was a member of the U.S. House of Representative during the time of the movie plot 1841-43.
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02.29 -
Start 45.17, Length 4.50
> Lieutenant Orry Main
> Lieutenant George Hazard
> Captain Elkanah Bent (newly in rank)
> Supporting Role: U.S. Sergeant on retreat Rückzug, Bent's adjutant
> Statists: U.S. soldiers, Mexican soldiers
Location: battlefield of Churubrusco, Mexico
The Battle of Churubusco took place in August 1847. Orry and George are trying with their men to hold the bridge. Then Bent appears, at the rank of Captain, and sends them directly into enemy fire, supporting his orders with his revolver. Orry gets wounded badly by a granade, and George risks his own life to carry Orry out of the danger zone.
(Fighting at the bridge, American soldiers in retreat)
Mexicans.................... Fuego! Fuego!
Orry............................. Rally! Regroup! Stand your ground! Stand your ground! (Mexicans advance) Rally! Rally!
George........................ Fall into line!
Orry............................. George! George, over here.
George........................ I can't find my men after the quarrel. Orry! (ducks down) There's cover behind that wall. Company D, fall into line behind the wall! Fall into line, men! Fall into line! Behind the wall! Behind the wall! Hurry up!
Orry............................. Behind the wall! Take cover!
George........................ Take your positions behind the wall! Return the fire! (granate hits) I told you to stop, Sergeant. Stop!
Sergeant..................... We've been ordered to retreat. (runs off)
Orry............................. Start firing! On your feet! Form a line now! On your feet!
(rides up) I heard that the two of you were here. This is the reunion I
promised you gentlemen at
George........................ For God's sake, Bent, you must be mad. You send a squad down that road, they'll be cut to bits.
Bent............................ That's right, pot-maker Hazard. And you'll be right there with them. Move, or I'll shoot you where you stand for disobeying a direct order from a superior officer! Now!
Orry............................. Let's move it! (runs forward)
George........................ Go now, men. Move quickly and stay down. (runs up to Orry) We can't stay here, and we can't go back.
Orry............................. Just what Bent had in mind. (runs forward)
Orry, no!
Orry............................. (fights his way on)
Orry, get back! (joins the man-to-man fight) Orry, they're firring on their own
Orry............................. (gets hit by a granade, drops unconcious)
George........................ Orry !!
Historical: Mexican American War, 08.05.1846 - 14.09.1847, reason: annexation of Texas to the U.S. on 19.02.1845 against Mexico's will, U.S. Generals Winfield Scott and Zachary Taylor, Mexico hat last under General Antonio Lopez de Santa Anna, 02.02.1848 peace treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo, includes territorial compensation of 529,000 suare miles to the U.S. and acception of Texas' independence (Wikipedia)
Historical: Battle of Churubrusco, Mexico, 20.08.1847, U.S. victory and opening the path to Mexico City / U.S. Gen. Winfield Scott, strength 8,497, killes 139, wounded 865, missed 40 / Mexico Gen's Manuel Rincon, Pedro Maria Anaya, strength 3,800, killed 263, wounded about 460, captured 1261, missed 20 (Wikipedia)
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02.30 - The Field Hospital
Start 50.07, Length 0.55
> Lieutenant Orry Main (wounded)
> Lieutenant George Hazard
> Surgeon
> Colonel Patrick Flynn, doctor in command
> Statists: soldiers and hospital aids
Location: field hospital tents on a lawn
When the surgeon wants to take of Orry's wounded leg routinely, George interceps and succeed to prevent that with the help of the chief field doctor
Surgeon...................... Alright, get him ready.
George........................ What are you gonna do?
Surgeon...................... Take his leg. It's the only way we can save him.
George........................ (grabs the surgeon) No!
Surgeon...................... Lieutenant! You wanna handle this?
George........................ Sir, you take his leg, it'll kill him.
Surgeon...................... I do fifty, sixty amputations every time there's fighting. Nearly half then men survive.
Flynn.......................... (turns to them) Could I take a look?
Surgeon...................... Certainly, Sir. Leg's no good. He'll never be able to use it. If it becomes infected, we...
Flynn.......................... IF it becomes infected, then we'll take it off.
Helper......................... (off) Colonel Flynn, we got a bad wounded over here, Sir. (Flynn turns away)
Surgeon...................... Get that dressed. And get him out of here.
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02.31 -
Start 50.39, Length 1.51
> 1st Lieutenant George Hazard
> Lieutenant Orry Main (ohne Text)
> Lieutenant Pierson
> Supporting Role: paramedic
> Statists: U.S. soldiers, mexicans
Location: Mexico City, in the streets and in Orry's sick room
In Mexico City, Orry recovers slowly in bed, visited by George. A fellow officer informs George in February 1848 to attend the coming armistice celebration ball.
George........................ (climbs outside steps and enters a building)
Orderly....................... (to George) He's right here.
George........................ (sits besides Orry's bed)
Orry............................. (sleeps in feaver)
George........................ (George leaves back into the street)
Pearson...................... Lieutenant Hazard?
George........................ Pearson. Ha, haven't seen you since Churubusco. How are you?
Pearson...................... Fine. But if you'll excuse me, you don't look so good.
George........................ Just a little worried about a friend of mine.
Pearson...................... Well, this might cheer you up: Major Waite's is giving a gala tonight to celebrate the armistice.
George........................ I don't think so.
Pearson...................... Sorry, Lieutenant, all junior officers are under orders to attend. Come on, might cheer you up.
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02.32 - The Ball
Start 52.53, Length 4.48
> 1st Lieutenant George Hazard
> Colonel Patrick Flynn
> Major Lafferty
> Statists: U.S. solders, dance women, music band
At the ball, George recognozes chief doctor Patrick Flynn, who helped preventing Orry's amputation. The colonel finds George having an eye on his daughter Constance and helpüs him to a quick dance, then invites George to his home.
George........................ (to Flynn) Excuse me, Sir. It didn't get a chance to thank you. Back in the field hospital...
Flynn.......................... Ah, yes. An amputation it was.
George........................ Well, it would have been, Sir, if it hadn't been for you.
Flynn.......................... As I remember, you were very insistant. I'm afraid you have the advantage over me, Lieutenant.
George........................ Oh, First Lieutenant George Hazard, Eighth Infantry, Sir. (1)
Flynn.......................... Pleased to meet you. And how is your friend?
George........................ They say, he's getting better.
Flynn.......................... Oh, he will, son. It just takes a long time, you know, a wound like that.
George........................ You sound like you've seen a lot of them.
Too many. And too many dead. That's why I'm leaving the Army. I should be back
(change of dance)
(bows to
(to George) I see, you've noticed my
George........................ Yours, Sir?
Flynn.......................... My daughter. Or couldn't you tell?
George........................ I hadn't realized, Sir. But it could be the best piece of luck I've had in a long time.
Flynn.......................... Well, you could wait a while until she gets a chance to break free.
George........................ Or you could give us an introduction.
Flynn.......................... I think I can arrange something. Why don't you follow me, Lieutenant. And be prepared to move fast. (spills his drink over Major Lafferty) Oops! Sorry, Lafferty, I didn't see you. Oh, that's a terrible waste of whiskey, isn't it? Here, come let me get something for the inside of you.
Lafferty....................... (leaves with Flynn)
(takes over to dance with
George........................ I'm afraid your father and I changed his plans.
George........................ Are you sorry I cut in?
George........................ Miss Flynn, I think that you're the loveliest girl I've ever seen.
George........................ I could dance with you forever.
Lafferty....................... (appears) Excuse me, Lieutenant, but this is my dance, I believe.
George........................ Yes, Sir. (walkes back to Flynn)
Don't loose heart, lad. Why don't you finish your talk with
George........................ ---
(1) Director's error: George introduces himself at the ball as "First Lieutenant", but wears the shoulder straps of a "Second Lieutenant" until leaving the army.
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02.33 - George And Constance 1
Start 57.41, Length 2.15
> 1st Lieutenant George Hazard
> Colonel Patrick Flynn
Location: Mexico City, Flynn's quarters outside and inside
Constance gets surprised by George's visit at their quarters, but it gets overcome quickly thanks to their sympathy for each other.
George........................ (knocks the door)
Flynn.......................... (openes) Welcome, Lieutenant. Come right in.
George........................ Good evening, Sir. (enters)
Constance.................. (appears from the kitchen in an apron) Lieutenant Hazard.
George........................ I'm sorry, Sir. I could have sworn you invited me for dinner.
Flynn.......................... Because I know how you love surprises, darling. And I didn't want you telling me not to.
George........................ If this is an inconvenience, I can come back another time.
Flynn.......................... Nonsense, me boy. We've got more boiled beef than we can eat. Isn't that so, Constance? She's a lovely cook.
My father thinks he's very clever,
Lieutenant Hazard. He doesn't want me feeling obligated to go back to
Flynn.......................... Speaking of going back: I've got to go to the consulate to see about my passport.
Constance.................. Well now, I thought you went there yesterday, Father.
Flynn.......................... Don't wait up for me late. I may stop at the cantina for a wee dram before I come back. You enjoy your supper, lad. (goes off)
Oh, thank you, Sir. (to
Constance.................. No. (smiles) I just feel overrun sometimes. But then I always laugh.
George........................ Your laugh is one of the beautiful things about you.
Constance.................. Well, Lieutenant Hazard, I hardly think I know you well enough for that kind of a compiment.
George........................ Could we remedy that, then? Over dinner?
Constance.................. Allright.
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02.34 - George Visits Orry
Start 59.56, Length 0.53
> 1st Lieutenant George Hazard
> Lieutenant Orry Main
Location: Mexico City, Orry's sick room
Soon, George talks enthusiasticly to Orry at his sick bed over Constance and thinks about marriage.
George........................ I wrote your parents, told them you're gonna be fine.
Orry............................. Thank you, George.
George........................ I got something else to tell you. I'm in love, Orry. Her name is Constance Flynn, and she's wonderful. Now I know what you meant about Madeline and you. She's warm, she's funny, she's beautiful. She's a first class cook, too. I think I'd been looking for her all my life. When I get up the courage, I'm gonna ask her to marry me.
Orry............................. (dim) That's wonderful, George. I'm very happy for you.
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02.35 - The Proposal
Start 1.00.49, Length 2.30
> 1st Lieutenant George Hazard
Location: Mexico City, at Flynn's Quarters, outside
At a romantic stroll, George delivers his proposal to Constance, which she gladly accepts, but not without reminding him about her irish, catholic heratige.
George........................ What things?
Constance.................. Well,
the killing here is man-made. They could stop it if they wanted to. But in
George........................ Your
father is a fine man. I'm glad I have the chance to know him. Constance,
speaking of
Constance.................. Yes, George?
Constance.................. Why, George Hazard, is this a proposal of marriage?
George........................ You know, it is. (breathes deeply) Constance Flynn, I love you. Will you marry me?
Constance.................. Oh, George, we both know, it isn't as simple as that.
George........................ You mean, because you're a Catholic.
Constance.................. An Irish Catholic. And my father's an abolitionist.
George........................ Oh, so is my sister, even if my family refuses to admit it.
Constance.................. Well, they may refuse to admit they have a daughter-in-law, especially if she goes to Mess and speaks like one of the house maids.
George........................ What ever my family thinks or doesn't think, it doesn't make any difference. I love you and I wanna marry you, if you wanna marry me.
Constance.................. Of course I do. (kiss) You know I fell in love with you during our very first dance.
George........................ Was it my face or the uniform?
Constance.................. It was the way you looked when Major Lafferty cut in on us. Like a little lost puppy dog.
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02.36 - George's Farewell From The Army
Start 1.03.19, Length 3.00
> 1st Lieutenant George Hazard
> Lieutenant Orry Main
> Statists: U.S. soldiers at baseball game and viewers, mexicans
Location: Mexico City, in the streets
George was notifiec on the death of his father and leaves the army to help at Hazard Iron. He has no luck in cherring up Orry, who recovers very slowly and is in bitter moods.
George........................ (watches an improvised baseball game with Orry) Do you think this game Doubleday's so taken with will catch on? (1)
Orry............................. I don't know, but at least it keeps Abner from talking politics.
George........................ Thank God. Sometimes it's like listening to my sister Virgilia. - I got a letter from home today.
Orry............................. How's your mother?
George........................ Better, but I don't think she'll ever really get over my father's death.
Orry............................. George, there's some things people never recover from.
George........................ Anyway, the letter helped me to decide something, Orry. I'm resigning my commission.
Orry............................. Leave the Army?
George........................ Yes.
Orry............................. But you always wanted to be a soldier.
George........................ I did, and I thought it was all brass bands and glory. But Churubrusco opened my eyes, Orry. Nothing like a trip to hell to show you what it's really like. A good soldier should see war as a profession. All I see is a terrible waste.
Orry............................. So, what're you gonna do?
Well, my mother didn't say it in so many words, but I think
Orry............................. I'd take those medals and force every one of them down Bent's throat.
George........................ Amen to that.
You know, they tell stories about'em here. In
George........................ He would have done it to us, if he'd thought he had gotten away with it.
Orry............................. Somehow, Bent always comes out on top, like scum. Well, he left me a souvenir this time. Good as a wooden leg, but it'll never get any better.
George........................ It won't get any worse, either.
Orry............................. (cynical) Oh, thank you for those kind words of comfort, George.
George........................ I'm sorry, Orry, but sometimes I just don't know what to say to you.
Orry............................. Then don't say anything.
I gotta go, Orry. I wanna tell
Orry............................. To what, George? The woman I love is married to somebody else. (leaves)
(1) Historical: Abner Doubleday, 26.06.1819 - 26.01.1893, West Point graduate 1842, Mexican war, rises to Major General in the Civil War, historically (wrongly) often cited as the inventor of the Baseball game. (Wikipedia)
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02.37 - George Confronts Bent
Start 1.06.19, Length 1.52
> George Hazard (not in civial clothing)
> Major Elkanah Bent (new rank)
> Supporting roles: two mexican jadies of joy
> Statists: U.S. soldiers, mexicans
Location: Mexico City, in the streets
Now clothed as a civilian, George meetsup with Bent and relases his anger at him in a fist fight, threatening Bent for the case that he gets near himself or Orry Main ever again.
George........................ The fruits of victory, Major?
Bent............................ What do you want, Hazard? Your manner is offensive. And what's more, you're outta uniform.
George........................ I'm glad you noticed. Or else I couldn't give you this. (fist fight) Get up, Bent! I always knew you were a coward. If you ever cross me or my friend Orry Main again, I'll find you and I'll kill you. Just as sure as you crippled him. (walks off)
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02.38 - George And Constance 2
Start 1.08.11, Length 3.16
Location: Mexico City, Flynn's Quarters inside
George talks to Constance about missing to ask Orry to be his best man before leaving for home. Constance proposes him to stop by at Mont Royal on his way home. Then they make love.
I was thinking about Orry. I want him to be the Best Man at our wedding,
George........................ He has changed, though, since he was wounded. I didn't get a chance to talk to him before they shipped him home.
George........................ No. Somehow, it didn't seem like the right time.
George........................ You see things very clearly. I'm glad I fell in love with you.
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02.39 - Orry Returns Home
Start 1.11.27, Length 1.47
> Orry Main (now in civilian clothings)
> Ashton Main, as girl
> Brett Main, as girl
> Statists: coach driver, slaves
Location: Mont Royal, alley and driveway
Orry returns home riding in a coach. He tries to hide his stiff leg, but everyone noticed nonetheless. He receives his welcome without emotions and withdraws into the house.
Brett / Ashton........... Orry! It's Orry!
Clarissa....................... Son, why didn't you let us meet you at the station?
Tillet............................ Let me help you, son.
Orry............................. (disembarks painstakingly) Thank you, Sir, I can do it.
Ashton....................... Orry, you've got to see my new afternoon dress. It's got real lace.
Brett............................ Your favorite mare foaled, the filly's the prettiest thing you ever saw.
Tillet............................ How are you, son? I'd like your advice about the bailing machine I bought.
Orry............................. I'm pretty tired right now.
Clarissa....................... And hungry too, after your long journey.
Orry............................. Well, actually, I think, I'd like to be alone for a while, if I could. (limps into the house)
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02.40 - Madeline In Concerns Over Orry
Start 1.13.14, Length 1.10
> Statist: coach driver (opening)
Location opening: Resolute, driveway
Location scene: Resolute, music room
Maum Sally reports, that Orry has changed, as gotten seclured and non-comunicative. When Madeline wants to see him, Maum Sally points out that this is impossible for her to do.
Maum Sally................ (comes in) They are saying that Mr. Orry is not himself. Semiramis told me, he just stay in his room, don't talk to nobody.
Madeline.................... I heard he was badly wounded.
Maum Sally................ Wounds heal. But he doesn't, child.
Madeline.................... Oh, Maum Sally, I have to go to him. I have to. He needs me.
Maum Sally................ That is the one thing that you can never do.
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02.41 - Orry Has Changed
George visits Orry at Mont Royal. Orry drinks heavily and acts indifferent and bitter. On on George's request to be his best man for the wedding, Orry snaps in and accepts. The they hear that slave Priam has run off and is being searched.
George........................ I'm sorry, I didn't give you more warning you about my visit here. I hope it's not inconvenient.
Orry............................. My company manners are a little rusty, George. I haven't been getting out much lately.
George........................ You never used to drink straight whiskey before.
Orry............................. People change. (drinks)
George........................ It's not gonna help you feel any better.
Orry............................. I think I'm the judge of that.
George........................ Do you? Well, I don't think you got the judgement of a mule right now. All you can do is sit there and feel sorry for yourself.
Orry............................. If you came here to lecture me, George, you can leave now.
George........................ (slams his fist) Damn it, Orry. The world has not come to an end. You got your whole life ahead of you.
Orry............................. (resigned) You won't understand. (drinks)
George........................ Yes, I do. You think your life is over, because you've been hurt and you've lost the woman that you love. But you got a lot left to. Like a family, and friends who care about you. But if you sit there and keep to yourself and keep pouring whiskey on that hurt, there's nobody's gonna help you.
Orry............................. (unconcerned) I know, you're right. (drinks) I just don't know were to start.
You can start at Lehigh Station, by being the Best Man at my wedding to
Orry............................. (smiles slowly) I would be very proud to stand up with you, George.
Tillet............................ (rides up with Salem Jones, dismounts) Keep on looking, Mr. Jones. See me after supper.
Jones.......................... Yes, Sir, Mr. Main. (rides off)
Tillet............................ (steps up the veranda) Good evening, George. Orry.
Orry............................. Looking for what?
Tillet............................ Ah, one of our people seems to have misplaced himself, so he'll likely be home before dark. Seems you have a bad affect on him, George. Starts acting up whenever you're here.
George........................ Priam.
Tillet............................ (nods) Priam. (enters the house)
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02.42 - Priam's Run-off
Start 1.17.21, Length 2.41
> Clyta, slave
> Priam, slave on the run
Location: slave quarters at Resolute, at night
Madeline is called to the slave quarters, where run-off slave Priam is hiding at. When she sees his abuse marks and understands that a return to Mont Royal is impossible, she gives him some money and informations to his further run.
Clyta tells me you've run away from
Priam........................... (meekly) Yes, Ma'am.
Madeline.................... You don't mean to do that, do you?
Priam........................... I'm sorry, Ma'am, I just can't.
Madeline.................... But the Main family is good to you.
Ain't the family. It's
Madeline.................... Yes, I've heard of him.
Priam........................... He's going kill me. I'd rather die running.
Madeline.................... Why did you come to me?
Priam........................... Folks have said, you got about the kindest heart around here. And I just don't know nowhere else to go.
Clyta........................... I told Priam, maybe you could help him, if anybody can.
Madeline.................... (hands him out some money) This is all I could give you, Priam. I whish it were more.
Priam........................... Thank you, Ma'am, thank...
Madeline.................... No, don't thank me. Don't. The day after tomorrow at nine o'clock a train will pass the flag stop. Do you know where that is?
Priam........................... Yes, Ma'am.
Madeline.................... You stay out of sight till then. Not here, somewhere near the flag stop. The train will slow down. You be on it when it speeds up, you hear?
Priam........................... Yes, Ma'am.
It'll take you to
Priam........................... God bless you, Ma'am. God bless you.
Madeline.................... Good luck, Priam. And God bless you, too. (leaves)
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02.43 - Orry Accompanies The Search
Start 1.20.02, Length 0.25
> Salem Jones (no text)
> Cuffey
> Statists: armed posse riders
Location: Mont Royal, veranda and driveway
When Orry hears that the search will lead to Resolute, he takes part in it.
Orry............................. (appears at the veranda) What is it, they found Priam?
Tillet............................ (a-horse) Not yet. But last night he was seen over at Resolute. We could use your help.
Orry............................. (thinks) Cuffey, saddle my horse for me.
Cuffey......................... Yes, Sir. (runs off)
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02.44 - Justin Looks For The Traitor
Start 1.20.27, Length 3.17
> Ezekiel, slave
> Clyta, slave
> Aufseher
> Tillet Main (last appearance)
> Orry Main (no text)
> Salem Jones (no text)
> Madeline LaMotte (inside)
> Maum Sally (inside)
> Statists: more slaves, rosse rider, Cuffey as coach driver
Location: Resolute, outside and ladies parlor
At Resolute, Justin whips elderly skave Ezekial brutally after his nephew Forbes states to have seen Priam on the Plantage. When the search posse arrives, Justin invites the men into the house. Madeline watches the scene from her window in shock and wants to take all blame to herself. When she sees Orry among the arrivals, she gets Maum Sally to pass a quick note to him.
(Justin whips the old slave Ezekial near the house, who cries out with every beating)
Justin.......................... Once more, Ezekiel: My nephew Forbes saw Priam out his window last night. Now, who on this plantation was helping him?
Ezekiel......................... Don't know, Mr. Justin. I swear to God.
Justin.......................... Zeke. But if I find out you're lying to me, God himself woudn't be able to help you. (whips)
Madeline.................... (in her room) It's my fault.
Maum Sally................ Ain't nobody's fault. It's just the way things are.
(Ezekial is taken down)
Justin.......................... Whichever one of you knows and isn't telling, is whipping the rest of you. Remember that. You, Clyta, you're next.
Clyta........................... No, Mr. Justin! No! No!
Madeline.................... (in her room) Clyta, my God! I have to tell him.
Maum Sally................ Won't help Clyta none, and things just be worse for you.
one hit, the
Justin.......................... (to the overseer) Get these niggers back to work.
Overseer..................... You heard Mr. LaMotte.
Justin.......................... Tillet. Orry.
Tillet............................ Justin. Forbes.
Justin.......................... I think your slave's gone. Why don't you come up to the house and have a drink.
Forbes........................ And we'll get our shotguns and help you chase'em down. (all move up to the house)
Madeline.................... (in her room) It's Orry. (writes a note) Maum Sally, you have to find the right time, but please give this to Orry before he goes. - Please.
Maum Sally................ (nods a bit, leaves)
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02.45 - Tenderness At The Chapel
Start 1.23.44, Length 4.12
> Statists: riders
Location: abandoned chapel
Madeline is relieved when Orry arrives at the chapel and she gets conformation that he is comparativly well. They hold hands for some time.
Madeline.................... (embraces Orry) Oh, I had to see you. I thought I'd die if I didn't.
Orry............................. Don't want... I don't want you to feel sorry for me.
Madeline.................... I don't feel sorry for you. I still love you, I just wanted you to know that. Because when I heard you'd been wounded, I nearly went out of my mind, wondering if you were alive or... dead.
Orry............................. I wasn't sure for a while. But I know now, I'm very much alive. (kiss)
(they hide, as riders passing by)
Orry............................. You took a terrible chance coming here, didn't you?
Madeline.................... It isn't important.
Orry............................. You remember, a year ago you said, there were things you would never let me give up. (Madeline nods) Well, I can never... never let you risk yourself for me.
Madeline.................... But I'm not afraid.
Orry............................. I'm afraid for you.
Madeline.................... Well then, this is all we have. (embraching)
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02.46 - Credits
Start 1.27.56, Length 1.17
Episode 2
Start 0.00, Length 1.29.13
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