and South
Episode 12
English version: Dec 27, 2024
Episode 12
- Title
- Strategy Deliberations
- Unsuccessul Detective
- Madeline In Need Of Groceries
- Request For Help By The Enemy
- Salem Jones Observes
- Cuffey's Gang
- Investigations
- Greene's Reception
- The Women Defending Mont Royal
- Lincoln Visits The Generals
- Petersburg, VA
- Billy Cares To Tom
- Situation Briefing With Grant
- The Last Battle
12.16 - Mild Words
12.17 - Appomattox Court House, VA
- The News Spreads Quickly
- Charles Looks For Augusta
- Painful Departure
- Augusta's Heritage
- Homecoming And Happiness
- Semiramis Is Ready
- Tillet's Legacy
- A Bed With Virgilia
- The Bill
- Before The Execution
- Hard Times For Maude
- George Can't Find Peace
12.30 - George Searches For Orry
- The Reunion (1)
- The Lawyer Has A Heart
- The Reunion (2)
- Mont Royal Under Attack
- The Old South Is Laid To Rest
- The Very Best Friend
- Departure
- Credits
Episode 12
12.01 - Title
Siehe See Episode 7 scene 1
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12.02 - Strategy Deliberations
President Davis is desperate over the situation. Orry shares this
emotions, but he also thinks about his home. But Davis arks Orry to go to the
front, where every soldier is badly needed.

Four years of war have changed America forever. Over a
half-million men and boys have died on the battlefield. Grant and Lee are
deadlocked at Petersburg
and both Sides pray for an end to the nightmare.
Davis.......................... (in thoughts) It doesn't seem so matter now. All those
weapons destroyed. Oh, good Lord, how we could've used those guns. - Oh,
forgive me, I haven't been sleeping well lately. (1)
I understand.
Davis.......................... Sherman is exacting a
terrible price from South Carolina
for leading the way into Secession. You must be worried about your family
Yes, there's been no communication with Charleston
since the rail lines were cut, and that was weeks ago.
Davis.......................... We have one small chance,
Lee is facing almost double his number of troops. And Johnston
has an even worse situation in North
Davis.......................... Yes, I know. But if Lee can
slip away from Grant's army and join up with Johnston
over the Carolina border, both armies combined
might be able to defeat Sherman.
Then it could head north and meet Grant on something like equal terms. (2)
That'll take a lot of luck, Sir. And all the skill Lee can muster.
Davis.......................... It's an outside chance at
best, I know, but the only one we have. Lee is set on trying it as soon as the
roads are dry enough for him to move. He's gonna need every good man that we've
got left.
Yes, Sir.
Davis.......................... May you serve him as well as
you've served me and this government. (3)
Goodbye, Mr. President.
Davis.......................... God go with you, Orry.
Director's error: When Orry talks with Davis for the last time, he wears a reddend
wound plain to see on his left cheek, which he has received from a piece of wood
used by Bent in the previous fight. When he talks to detective Haller shortly
after that, the wound has apparently been forgotten. But when he is standing at
the paraphet next to Charles (the Battle of Petersburg), the wound has returned
to his cheek.

(2) Historical: Ths was Lee's strategy in fact, but it
couldn't be executed due to the exhaustion of his army, the overpowering
strength of the Union and the lack of supply trains captured by the enemy,
ultimately leading to Lee's surrender. Shortly after that, Johnston would also
surrender to Sherman in North Carolina.
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12.03 - Unsuccessful Detective
Bevor going to the frint, Orry has to learn that the Pinkerton detective
has been unable to locate Madeline.

Come in, General. I assume you read my final report.
It's only final when you find my wife.
Sir, you have received a dozen detailed reports. Your wife has simply
You have to keep trying. You must have missed something.
Sir, I can't make a career out of one case. I have other clients.
(grabs him) But I don't give a damn about your other
clients. I just want you to find my wife.
General, I know how you feel, especially with the war and all.
(releases him) I'm sorry. I just can't give up.
I'd do what I can.
Director's error: The opening for the scene at Haller's office shows a line of
houses in Charleston, even though the scene is located in Richmond. This would
not be a problem, but the same buildings were used for several other scenes
taking place in Charleston. Examples: The colums at the entrance on the left
side (Dock Street Theater) are adjecting Miles Colbert's law office, and the
wood-paneled house in the background is where Charles takes over his son at
war's end. The column entrance itself is used as entrance of the
"Stockwood Hotel" in Richmond for the ball with President Davis in

Opening to detective Haller,
Charles takes over his son, Charleston
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12.04 - Madeline In Need Of Groceries
Start 5.50,
Length 0.54
> Madeline Main (no
> Statists:
Location: regufee camp in Charleston
Madeline has great difficulties
to procure groceries for help to the refugees she attends. At the time, she can
only provide water soup and small pieces of bread.

(no dialogue)
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12.05 - Request For Help By The Enemy
So, Madeline takes
the courage to visit U.S. General William T. Sherman in his headquarters. Camp
guards and even Sherman's Chief of Staff Cates can't stop her to speak to the
General. She asks Sherman for some supplies, and he agrees to provide them from
army stock.

US Guard 1................. Hold up! (Madeline stopps
her carriage)
US Guard 2................. Can I help you, Ma'am?
Madeline.................... I've come to see General
US Guard 2................. I'm sorry, Ma'am, the
general never talks to civilians unless he sends for them. - (Madeline drives
on) Hold it!
US Guard 1................. Ma'am, hold the carriage.
Ma'am! - Attention! (they salute, Madeline stopps
Cates........................... I'm General Cates,
General Sherman's chief-of-staff. Is there something I can help you with? (2)
Madeline.................... Thank you, Sir, but I
must speak to the general personally.
Cates........................... I'm afraid, that's
impossible. The general sees no-one without an appointment. And all his
appointments are made through me.
Madeline.................... Well, then I would like
you to make one for me. Now.
Cates........................... General Sherman is
the commanding officer of the entire army, Madam.
Madeline.................... Exactly.
That is why I must see him.
Cates........................... Even
if you were a relative, Madam...
(looks out of his tent) Cates! Let her pass. (1)
(Madene disemparks and walks over)
Cates........................... (to
himself) I'll be damned.
Sherman..................... (lifts his
hat) Bill Sherman, Ma'am, at your service.
Madeline.................... Madeline Main, General.
(handkiss) I wonder if I might have a moment of
private conversation with you.
Sherman..................... Of course. (to the guards) Gentleman, as you were.
Madeline.................... I traveled a long way to
see you, General. (sits down)
Sherman..................... You showed good spirit back there.
(sits down)
Madeline.................... I had to. I understand,
the city of Charleston
was spared because of it's beauty?
Sherman..................... We didn't spare Charleston because of it's
beauty. We needed it for military use.
Madeline.................... What of it's people, General? Do you find them beautiful, also? The victoms of war? The innocent who have suffered? I have
come here to ask you for help for those people.
Sherman..................... What would you have me do?
Madeline.................... Thousands of refugees
have fled to Charleston.
The poor, the weak, the orphaned. Those
who've had no choice in the war. Those who have operhaps suffered the
Sherman..................... I had no choice either.
Madeline.................... I've tried very hard to
understand that, Sir. I run a camp for refugees, mainly mothers and their
children who have nowhere else go to. Your armies have won a victory. Can you
find it in your heart to help the conquered.
Sherman..................... What kind of help, Madam? Where is
this place? How many are there?
Madeline.................... It's on the outskirts of
There are hundreds, I'm afraid, and more every day. What we need most is food.
Sherman..................... (thinks)
I'll ask Cates to take you to the quatermaster. You shall have provisions
from us for your camp. (the rise)
Madeline.................... I knew,
if I spoke to you...
Sherman..................... You are a woman of great courage,
and courage nearly always wins.
(1) Historical: William
Tecumseh Sherman, 08.02.1820 - 14.02.1891, West Point class of 1840,
05/1861 Brigadier General (volunteers), 05/1862 Major General (volunteers),
07/1863 Brigadier General (regulars), 08/1864 Major General (regulars), 1869
U.S. General in Chief following to Grant (Wikipedia)
(2) Historical: "General Cates" is ficticious.
Chief-of-Staff to Sherman at that time has been General Joseph Dana Webster.
Historical error: Sherman at that time has been on his way from
Savannah, GA to North Carolina with parts of his army, but he himself didn't
get near to Charleston but took a more northern route to Columbia. To cover
this distance, Madeline would have needed several days of trip with her
single-horse cart.
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12.06 - Salem
Jones Observes
Salem Jones
observes Semiramis working the garden when he gets picked up.

(no dialogue)
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12.07 - Cuffey's Gang
It shows that the leader of the gang that found Salem
Jones is former Mont Royal slave Cuffey wo is still biased against Jones. But
Jones is able to convince Cuffey to join forces.

Cuffey......................... So you been sniffing
around Mont Royal, Mr. Jones?
Jones.......................... Cuffey.
Lord, am I glad to see you.
Cuffey......................... Yes, Sir, it's your
Cuffey all right. The nigger boy you used to cuss and beat and work half to
death. I'm the boss now.
Jones.......................... No! Please, don't!
Cuffey......................... Respect, Mr. Jones,
respect for the boss of these woods. When all the white owners lickety-split
north and Sherman's Yankees come through here like the biggest firestorm you
ever did see, we're gonna be boss of this whole river. What's left of these
here plantations is gonna be mine. Take a bite, Mr. Jones. Or are you still too
high and mighty to eat with a black donkey?
Jones.......................... No. No!
Cuffey......................... Bite it now.
Jones.......................... (cries
Cuffey......................... Wouldn't
want you complaining about my hospitality.
Jones.......................... Heard you joined the
Yankees. How come, you...
Cuffey......................... They ain't no different. At Hilten Head they called me 'Private Cuffey'
and still put a shovel in my hand.
Jones.......................... When war's over,
you'll gonna have to deal with those same white men. You gonna need somebody
who knows laws and squatters' rights, how to run a plantation. I got me a bunch
of boys, swamp rats, know how to slit a throat better
than your meanest buck. We're the same kind now, my friend. We need each other.
Cuffey......................... (thinks,
then) Untie him. Let's talk - Salem.
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12.08 - Investigations
Kommisar Hughes fragt Sam
Greene nach Virgilia. Sam räumt nur ein, sie zu kennen, jedoch nicht zu wissen
wo sie sich derzeit aufhält.

David.......................... Here you are, Sir.
Greene........................ Thank you, David.
David.......................... (knocking)
Excuse me, Sir. (answers the door) Yes, may I help
you, Sir?
Hughes....................... I'd like to see
Congressman Greene.
David.......................... The congressman is
Greene........................ Who is it, David?
David.......................... It's a gentleman to
see you, Sir.
Hughes....................... Yes, Sir. I'm officer Hughes. If I could have just a few
moments of your time, in private. It's important.
Greene........................ David.
David.......................... Yes, Sir. Take your
hat, Sir? (takes coat and hat)
Greene........................ That'll be all, David.
(David leaves, to Hughes) Please.
Hughes....................... Thank you. I understand
that you know a woman named Virgilia Hazard Grady.
Greene........................ Yes, as a matter of
fact I do. Some years ago I helped her secure a position with Miss Dix's
Nursing Corps. Please sit. I was deeply distressed to hear, a warant had been
issued for her arrest.
Hughes....................... Have you had any
contacts with her?
Greene........................ Not for some time.
Hughes....................... Sir, it's very
important that we talk with Mrs. Grady. Perhaps you could help me find her.
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12.09 - Greene's Reception
Shortly thereafter, Sam and Virgilia
are greeting guests on a reception. Virgilia asks Sam about the investigations
against her, demands Sam to end them, and again submits herself to him in an
adjecting room.

Mr. Collins................. That's exactly what I
told him.
Mrs. Collins............... I think that was right.
Mr. Collins................. Yes. Here we are. (they enter the house)
Virgilia........................ Good evening, Mr.
Collins. So nice of you to join us. Please come in.
Mrs. Collins............... Thank you.
Greene........................ Good evening. (to Collins) A pleasure to see you.
(to Mrs. Collins) Hello, we haven't met. Congressman
Sam Greene. I believe you know the junior senator. (to
Virgilia) My dear.
Virgilia........................ (to
guests) Please, excuse me. I haven't had a chance to speak to Sam all evening.
Greene........................ Hah, the fair sex. A
man can never leave them alone for too long. Would you excuse us please. (to Virgilia) Yes?
Virgilia........................ Sam, the police are
everywhere. They're asking questions about a woman with my description. What if
my landlady--
Greene........................ Your landlady won't
say anything. I pay her very good money for this house and for her silence.
Virgilia........................ But you said you
would take care of Mrs. Neal and you'd get the murder charge dropped. That was
months ago.
Greene........................ I'm doing all that can
be done.
Virgilia........................ Oh, I'm not
complaining, Sam. It's just that I thought that a man as important as you would
be able to take care of it sooner. After all, I'm innocent. I had nothing to do
with that man dying.
Greene........................ I told you, these
things take time.
Virgilia........................ Sam, do you wanna go
into the study? (enter the room) I thought about this
all day, about being alone with you.
Greene........................ Tell me more,
Virgilia. What else have you thought about all day?
Virgilia........................ About what a
wonderful lover you are.
Greene........................ Am I... am I as good
as Grady?
Virgilia........................ There's no-one like
you, Sam. No-one.
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12.10 - Women
Defending Mont Royal
A U.S. cavalry
troop under Major Fisk rides in at Mont Royal to torch the estate as ordered. Only
Clarissa's determination gets Fisk to give in and he rides out again. (Fist
never learned that he had been on the plantation of his former West
Point-comrade Orry Main).

US Corporal............... First
squad, forward.
Brett............................ (appears)
What do you want here?
Fisk............................. Major Fisk, Ma'am.
(salutes) Kilpatrick's Cavalry
Corps. I wish we could spare your house, but we can't. Have everybody
clear out, please. (1)
Brett............................ Please, Sir, my
husband is an officer in your army. This is his house, too. You can't burn it.
Fisk............................. This war is hard on
everybody, Ma'am. I...
Brett............................ There are only
women here. We didn't start this war, we're just
trying to survive it.
Fisk............................. That's all any of
us are trying to do, Ma'am. I'm sorry, but all of this has got to go.
Brett............................ We're not leaving.
Clarissa....................... (appears)
You heard my daughter, Major.
Brett............................ Mother!
Clarissa....................... We're not leaving.
Fisk............................. Sergeant, carry
them off the veranda.
Clarissa....................... (pulls
a pocket gun) You'll have to burn this house down around me.
Brett............................ No!
Fisk............................. (thinks)
Sergeant, I think this house is close enough to Charleston that it would make an excellent
headquaters for our senior staff. Move the men out. Good night, ladies. (rides off)
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12.11 - Lincoln Visits
The Generals

Both sides read the same Bible and pray to the same God. And each invokes his
aid against the other. The prayers of both cannot be answered,
the Almighty has his own purposes. - Seventeen states have ratified the
amendment abolishing slavery. (1)
George........................ Yesterday I heard that
the Confederate Congress in Richmond
vonted entire regiments of slaves into their army. (2)
Well, the issue is all but finished now. We began this war to end it, and now
we cannot seem to end the war.
US Sergeant............... (to
his detachment) Honor detail, color guard - present - arms. Shoulder - arms.
Left wing - march.
US Lieutenant........... (hands
over a message) For the general's stuff, Sir.
US Captain................. Thank you, Lieutenant.
Grant........................... Sheridan's
cleaned out the last pockets of resistance in the Shenandoah
Valley. He's got twelve-thousand cavalry here near Dinwiddie Court
House. If he can make it to this junction, Five Forks,
he'll be well beyond Lee's lines.
He'll need help.
Grant........................... I promised Sheridan an infantry
corps, more if he needs. Mr. President, I want Phil to take and hold Five Forks. He'll cut Lee's only railway south. I can get
my troops between Lee and Johnston. If we can break through Lee's line here at Petersburg, we can force
the city's evacuation. And then Richmond. The Confederacy would have
to capitulate.
I believe, we must give some thought to what happens
George........................ You mean our terms for
peace, Mr. President?
Yes. We can't dictate harsh terms. Both sides share the blame for this war,
as both have shared it's terrible cost. Now both
must share in the victory.
Grant........................... You mean, let them
off easy?
Yes, that's the way we put it when I was a boy.
Grant........................... Sir, are you saying,
we should just dismiss the Confederate armies?
I'd like to see all these men back to work on their farms and in their shops.
I want civil governments re-established in all the Secessionist states just
as soon as possible.
George........................ Are you willing to
deal with the state governments as they now exist, Sir?
If we have to, yes, until Congress can organize elections or establish some
other permanent arrangement.
Grant........................... I'm afraid you won't
be very popular in some quarters, Mr. President.
I've never been very popular in some quarters, Sam. (all
Grant........................... Some people want the
South to bleed for what's it's done, Sir.
Hmm, the South has bled enough, General. So have we.
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12.12 -
Petersburg, VA
Before the battle on Petersburg
starts on April 2nd, George sees Orry and Charles standing there on the opposite
side. Nevertheless, he has to fordward the command for attack. The numerically
superior Union soldiers are storming forward and are pushing Orry, Charles and
their defenders back. Billy, himself wounded, finds Tom lying on the ground and
carries him back to safety while Union soldiers under George's command enter
the enemy's positions. There he suddenly faces Orry directly. But they only can
exchange a quick glimpse before being engaged in hand-to-hand fighting
respectively. Finally, the Yankees take the victory and let their banners fly
in the evening breeze.

George........................ Billy, they'll fire
the signal to advance from Fort
Billy............................. How are we
supposed to hear it in all this?
George........................ Damned if I know. (turns off, looks over to the enemy line)
Billy............................. Company - fall in!
US Soldier.................. Move,
move. Let's go.
Billy............................. What are your
orders, General? - Sir? (comes up) General, what are
your orders? The troops are ready. It's time, Sir. George!
CS Soldier.................. Fire!
George........................ Sound the advance.
Billy............................. (to his company) Shoulder - arms! Right face! Forward -
Pastor......................... (reading)
"Yea, though I walk through the
valley of the shadow of death..."
George........................ Battalion - shoulder -
Billy............................. Forward - march!
Close the lines!
George........................ Forward - march!
Orry............................. Fire!
Billy............................. Company - charge!
(running) Charge!
George........................ Charge!
Orry............................. Here they come!
Return fire!
Billy............................. (on the wall) We made it! They're ours! They're ours! (is being shot) Tom? Tom! (picks him
up) Tom! Stretcher-bearer! Stretcher-bearer! (carries him off) Stretcher-bearer! (3)
George........................ Come on, men! Over the
hill! (shortly exchanges glances with Orry)
Charles....................... Orry, they've got the
Orry............................. Get to Wilcox.
We've got to get out! Get your men out of here! (explosion,
Historical: 3rd Battle of Petersburg, VA, April 2nd, 1865,
U.S. victory, U.S. Lieutenant General Ulyssus Simpson Grant, Major General
George Gordon Meade, Major General Edward Otho Cresap Ord, strength about 97,000,
killed 296, wounded 2,565, missed 500 / C.S. General Robert Edward Lee, strength
about 45,000, losses aggregated 4,250. (Wikipedia)
(3) Director's error: During the
battle, Billy storms up the opposite paraphet, grabs a Southern battle flag and
sways it above his head. In two differend camera angles of this action, he has
two different flags in his hand, first the 2nd Confederate state flag, then the
1st Confederate state flag (already outdated for almost 2 years).

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12.13 - Billy Cares
To Tom
After the battle, Billy gets treated
at the field hospital. But he also fomforts young Tom, who has received a head

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12.14 - Situation
Briefing With Grant
Meanwhile, George unsuccessfully
questions on the whereabouts of Southern General Orry Main. Instead, Grant
wants to go after Lee's retreating troops and cut him off at Lynchburg.

Rawlins....................... I knew you'd be
concerned about your brother, George. The field sergeant says he's gonna be
George........................ Thank you, Sir.
Rawlings.................... But I couldn't find
anything in the early casualty reports about General Main. A few of their
senior officers were killed, among them a Lee favorite, A. P. Hill. But not all
the Confederate dead and wounded have been identified. (1)
George........................ You know, I appreciate
anything you can do to help.
Grant........................... George, I want you
in on this.
George........................ Yes, Sir.
Grant........................... Gentlemen, I realize
our army's exhausted, but Lee's men must be even more so. We cannot let them
escape to North Carolina.
George........................ If he and Johnston get
their men to the hill, they can go on fighting for years. That would finally
destroy our nation, Sir.
Sir, you give me Generals Hazard, Ord and Griffin, we'll ride without food or sleep
to put an end to it, so help me God. (2, 3)
Grant........................... Phil, I don't want a
series of bloody attacks on his rear. Don't just chase him, get on his flanks,
so he can't turn south and then head him off. If we can get in his front, we'll
bag the entire army. When Mr. Lincoln heard about our recent victories, he
asked if his four-year nightmare was finally over. Let's make sure, it ends at Lynchburg.
(1) Historical: Ambrose
Powell (A.P.) Hill, 09.11.1825-02.04.1865, West Point class of 1847,
02/1862 Brigadier General, 05/1862 Major General, 05/1863 Lieutenant General, killed
at Petersburg, VA. (Wikipedia)
(2) Historical: Edward Otho Cresap Ord, 18.10.1818-22.07.1893,
West Point class of 1839, 09/1861 Brigadier Geneeral (volunteers), 05/1862 Major
General (volunteers) (Wikipedia)
Historical: Charles Griffin, 18.12.1825-15.09.1867, West Point class of 1847,
06/1862 Brigadier General (volunteers), 04/1865 Major General (volunteers), dies
of yellow feaver. (Wikipedia)
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12.15 - The Last Battle
A unit of battle-worn Confederad
infantry soldiers - Charles among them - take up position in line of battle. On
the other side, likes of Union soldiers are already waiting. There a message
arrived that the war is over. The Yankees erupt in cheers, the rebels are devestated,
some lay down their guns, others just off their hats and pray.

CS Soldat................... Keep it straight! Keep
it straight! Keep those lines straight!
George........................ (sees
the riders with the truce flag) Hold your fire!
CS Soldiers................ No truce flag! We don't
want no truce flag! No... no...
George........................ Dear God, it's over.
It's really over. Yeah....!!
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12.16 - Mild Words
Präsident Lincoln writes down mild
words on the upcoming treatments of the now defeated South.

I believe, neither of us wanted or expected such a terrible conflict. Both
sides read the same Bible, pray to the same God. And each has invoked his aid
against the other. But the Almighty has his own purposes. And if he now wills
the removal of a great wrong that is slavery, and wills also that we of the
North as you of the South should pay fairly for our complicity in that wrong,
impartial history will find therein new cause to attest and revere the
justice and goodness of God. (1)
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12.17 - Appomattox Court House, VA
On April 9th, 1865, several people
are waiting outside McLean's House at Appomattox Court House, VA, mostly Union
soldiers but civilians also. General Robert E. Lee appears accompanied by a
Union officer. Proud and upright but with sad eyes, he rides under a flag of
truce by the quiet viewers, halts in front of the house and walks inside. Then,
General Ulysses S. Grant appears and is greeted with cheers. He also dismounts
and steps inside. The crowd has to wait for some time until the door is opened
again and Lee steps out, followed by Grant, and mounts up with a stony face.
After some steps, he halts, turns, and replies Grant's greeting gesture, before
riding out along the quiet soldiers of whome some take off their hats in
respect. Over the full course of the scene, the generals don't say a word
outside the house.

First Lieutenant......... Sergeant Tucker, bring
those horses around.
(Lee mounts up, turns to Grant, lifts
his hat to greet)
(Grant and his officers return the greeting)
(Lee slowly rides out, US
soldiers take off their headgear)
Historical: The historical
event of the surrender meeting between Lieutenant General Ulysses S. Grant and
General Robert E. Lee at and in the house of Wilmer McLean in Appomattox
Courthouse, VA on April 9th, 1865 is presented here exactly correct to the
point (with the exception of the ficticious character of George Hazard). Correctky,
Lee never wore the rank insignia of a General mit that of a Colonel (3 stars on
the collar, the rank given to him by the Governor of his home state of Virginia
at the start of the war). Correctly, Lee took a new and clean uniform for the
occasion, while Grant used an old and dirty field uniform. Cirrectly, Lee let
his horse go in step when entering, while Grant did that in trot. Correctly,
Grant liftet his head in honor on Lee's departure, such as Lee responded
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12.18 - The News
Spreads Quickly
The news on the
war's end spreads quickly all over the country. When Brett catches it at Mont
Royal, she gladly relays it to Clarissa, wo instantly utters hope on the return
of family members.

Brett............................ (runs
over to Clarissa) Mother! Mother, it's true! They stopped fighting! The war is
over! Can you believe it?
Clarissa....................... Oh... oh... Orry will be home. And Billy, too.
You must believe that, dear.
Brett............................ I do, Mama. I have
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12.19 - Charles Looks
For Augusta
Before riding home, Charles visits
Augusta's farm but ohne finds Washington waiting for him. The old black man
tells him that Augusta had died by the birth of his son. The child now is with
an uncle of Augusta and his family.

Charles....................... Augusta! Washington! Augusta! (to the
dog) Hey, fella. Augusta!
(walks inside) Augusta!
Washington! (rushes upstairs) Hello? (enters Augusta's bedroom) -- Washington? Where's Augusta? The house
wouldn't be like this if she were here.
That's right, Sir. If Miss Augusta see it this way,
she'd be in a state.If she...
Charles....................... She left, didn't she? Just like I asked her to. She
went to see her people in Charleston.
No, Sir. She ain't in Charleston.
Miss Augusta's dead. She died when the baby come.
Charles....................... The baby?
(looks at the cradle) I made it myself when Boz was
born. Miss Augusta's baby come early. Not supposed
to get born for another month. There ain't no more
doctors around here, so I fetched Mama Sarah, the midwife. She couldn't save
Miss Augusta. I buried her like she wanted to.
Charles....................... What about the baby?
Miss Augustas's uncle and his missis knew about the baby. And after she was
gone, he come up from Charleston
and took the boy away.
Charles....................... The boy... he's my
Yes, Sir.
Charles....................... Why didn't she tell
me, Washington?
She had to have known the last time I was here.
She didn't want to worry you none.
Charles....................... Didn't
want to worry me. Oh, my God.
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12.20 - Painful
At her grave, Charles says good-bye
to Augusta.

Washington.............. She wanted
me to tell you, Sir, she knew you loved her, and she loved you very much.
Charles....................... (goes
down on his knees, cries)
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12.21 - Augusta's Heritage
Charles rides to
Charleston and with a touched heart takes over his son.

Mrs. Barclay.............. Can I help you, Major?
Charles....................... I'm Charles Main.
Mrs. Barclay.............. I somehow knew, you'd find your way here.
Charles....................... I know, this must be
very difficult for you, Mrs. Barclay, but I've come to take my son home.
Mrs. Barclay.............. He has your strength. Take
care of him, Sir, he's a fine boy.
Charles....................... I'll never let him
forget his mother. Or you. Thank you for all you've
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12.22 - Homecoming
And Happiness
At Mont Royal,
Brett and Semiramis are watching Charles animatedly talking with Clarissa. Then,
Billy rides in and falls into Brett's arms.

(Clarissa and Charles - back in civilian clothes -
are talking offsides)
Semiramis................... Brett?
Brett............................ Thank God, cousin Charles came home. It's really lifted Mama's spirits.
(sees the horseman approaching) It's Billy! It's
Billy! (Semiramis laughes out) Mama! It's Billy, Mama! It's Billy! (runs to him) Billy! Billy! (embrace,
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12.23 - Semiramis Is
Some times later,
Semiramis sees Ezra packing up a horse. He wants to leave to be
"free" at last, since the war and the obligations with it are over.
When Semiramis claims that he will not leave without her, they finally can show
their love for each other.

Semiramis................... Ezra? What are you doing?
Ezra............................. Fixing
to leave. War over, I free. There ain't nothing left here for me now. It's time I find that new
Semiramis................... (thinks)
Not without me. (kiss)
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12.24 - Tillet's Legacy
In the evening, Clarissa reads
from the legacy of her husband. She justifies her decision to give some land down
at the river to Ezra and Semiramis for an independent life with his view to
keep and continue Mont Royal in it's best tradition.

Clarissa....................... The day Orry was born, your father gave me this letter. I kept it in my Bible
all these years. In it, he tried to say what he had a hard time saying. That he
loved me and his new son and would love and cherish all our children. Then he
talked about this land and what it meant to him. And there's just this one
little part I want to read to you. (reads) 'Mont Royal isn't just bricks and mortar and polished
wood. The people who live here give it its real character. I've made mistakes
in my life, done things I'm sorry for. But I've tried to live by a tradition of
family unity, service to others, honor and fair dealing. And it is my prayer, that our children - and their children and
generations to come - will carry on that tradition.' (looks
up) There are two others here who'd become so much a part of Mont
Royal. And they've decided to join their lives, just as Tillet and
I did so many years ago. Ezra, Semiramis, we all want
you to have that corner section by the river to start a new life together.
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12.25 - A Bed With
One evening, Virgilia urges Sam Greene to do
something against the prosecution against her. After losing her temper for a short period, she once more submits to him.

Virgilia........................ I still haven't seen
anything in the papers, Sam. When will you get the murder charges dropped?
Greene........................ I am sick of you
harping on that, Virgilia.
Virgilia........................ Like I'm sich of
servicing you? -- Oh, my God, I didn't mean that, Sam. I didn't. Believe me,
Sam, you're the only friend I've got. Please forgive me, Sam. Please?
Greene........................ I forgive you. (sex)
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12.26 - The Bill
After the act, Sam anounces to not
coming back to her because their relationship would hamper his political
aspirations. When he also tells her that Virgilia has been exonerated at court
due to an eye witness statement, Virgilia feels exploited and shoots him dead.

Virgilia........................ Will I see you
tomorrow, Sam?
Greene........................ Are you asking when
I'll be back with more money?
Virgilia........................ You know, I'm not
asking that. I enjoy being with you, Sam.
Greene........................ Virgilia, the fact is, I won't be back tomorrow or any other day.
Virgilia........................ You can't mean that.
Greene........................ The party feels, I will be the most effective candidate for the Senate.
That means, that knowing you is something of a risk.
Someday somebody's gonna find out about us.
Virgilia........................ But you care about
me, Sam. I mean something to you, don't I?
Greene........................ (laughes)
You really think, I'd risk being ruined politically?
No. My dear, you were a challenge. Like so many of life's challenges, once it's
met, one moves on.
Virgilia........................ Sam, is this because
of what I said earlier?
Greene........................ No. I made up my mind
long before tonight.
Virgilia........................ I let you use me
like one of your whores!
Greene........................ There's no need to be
crude, Virgilia. There's a brighter side. Yes, I'll be free, but then again, so
will you.
Virgilia........................ What do you mean?
Greene........................ You need no longer
worry about the murder indictment against you. A policeman told me some time
ago, that a witness had come forward, a stretcher-bearer. And he absolved you
from any responsibility for that Southern officer's death. So, the only thing
you have to worry about is the assault charge against you by Mrs. Neal. That
should proof to be a minor inconvinience at best.
Virgilia........................ You knew all this
and you just let me go on believing that my life was in danger?
Greene........................ Just
collecting on past favors, my dear. (she slaps
him) You don't have to worry about moving immediately. The rent's paid till the
end of the month. Excuse me. (takes his jacket) Virgilia, take care. (turns to go)
Goodbye, my dear.
Virgilia........................ Goodbye? (pulls a gun) No no, not like this,
Greene........................ Hm?
Virgilia........................ (aims
at him) You're not leaving.
Greene........................ Virgilia, you're
upset. And you don't know, what you're doing.
Virgilia........................ I know exactly, what
I'm doing. (shoots)
Greene........................ (drops,
Virgilia........................ Poor,
poor Sam.
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12.27 - Before The
George visits Virgilia
in her prison cell but can't help her anymore. Virgilia hands George her
wedding ring for his daughter Hope. After a depressing farewell, George leaves.

George........................ I did everything I
can, Virgilia. I'm sorry, there's no chance for a reprieve.
Virgilia........................ It's just as well. I
told them, I wanted it over with as quickly as possible. Do you believe in
fate, George?
George........................ Hm?
Virgilia........................ If Grady lived,
tomorrow would be our anniversary. And it's the day I hang. It's ironic, don't
you think?
George........................ I know, Mother really wanted to see you.
Virgilia........................ No, I'm glad you
agreed with me. I think that it would've been too much for her. - I can't believe, I lost everything. I lost my pride,
George. I sold it. This is my wedding ring. I was thinking that maybe you could
give it to Hope someday. You could tell her, it's from her crazy aunt.
George........................ She'll be proud to
wear it. - When we were little, I remember a boy who made fun of an answer you
gave in class. And without mussing a hair, you knocked him down on the
playground and made him admit that you were right. I admired you then, for
having the courage of your convictions. And I still do. I wish, we could always have been close. I love you. (leaves)
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12.28 - Hard Times
For Maude
At Belvedere,
George and Constance try to comfort Maude after the reverend has left.

Constance.................. Mother is going
to need us now more than ever.
George........................ I know. - Thank you
for coming, Reverend. I'm sure, you've been a great
comfort to my mother.
Reverend.................... And she is much comfort
to me. Your mother is a very strong woman, General Hazard. I'm sure, she's just going to be fine.
Constance.................. Thank you. I'll
see you out, Reverend.
Reverend.................... Thank you. Good day to
you. (they turn off)
Maude........................ (to
George) She's at peace now. No matter what she did, I loved her. I always loved
George........................ I know, Mother. So did
Constance.................. (returns) I'm so sorry for all that you've had to go
through, Mother.
Maude........................ What's important is
that I have the two of you. And that one day, we will be a family again.
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12.29 - George Can't
Find Peace
At night, George and Constance are talking about the results
of the war. George announces that he wants to find Orry, or the war would never
be over for him.

Constance.................. Was it all a
terrible waste, a needless violence that tore our country apart?
George........................ It was a price that
had to be paid. But I'm afraid, it'll be harder to
silence the hatred and the blame than it was to win the war.
Constance.................. The South has
lost so much, so many lives to rebuild. The Mains will need us very much. Oh,
I pray that Orry is alive.
George........................ He's the best friend
I've ever had, Constance. I've gotta find out, what happened to him. Or the war
will never be over for me.
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12.30 - George Searches For Orry
At first, George has no success researching
archives, books and other findings.

Sorry to have kept you waiting so long, General.
George........................ I know how busy you
are, Colonel. I realize, the location of a particular
body is not a priority for you.
We were flooded with dead and wounded after Petersburg. Some of them were never
George........................ Surely somebody noted
General Main's rank or description.
I understand, he was your best friend.
George........................ We were together at West Point.
I see, you've been looking through our records.
George........................ Yes, and I've been
through the personal effects of the Confederate dead, but I find no identification of his body nor record of his burial.
He may have been taken to a field hospital and died there. Or the records
might've been misplaced.
George........................ How can I find out?
I'm afraid, all I can do is authorize you to visit the hospitals and be given
their cooperation.
George........................ I would very much
appreciate that, Colonel.
I'll tell my aid to draft a letter.
George........................ Thank you.
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12.31 - The Reunion
Finally, George finds Orry at a field
hospital near Petersbug, VA. Orry reports that he is looking for Madeline. When
the news on Abraham Lincoln's assasination breaks, George is instantly
shattered. Both friends hold on to each other.

George........................ Do you know anything
of a Confederate General Main?
CS Soldier.................. No.
George........................ Good luck to you. (walks on) - At ease. Know anything of a Confederate General
Main? ...
George........................ (to
Orry) The last time we spoke, I told you to take care of yourself. You obviously
weren't listening to me. (2)
Orry............................. Nobody was
listening in those days.
George........................ I was worried about
you. I didn't know if you'd made it.
Orry............................. You either.
George........................ Charles?
Orry............................. Heard, he's fine. I
don't remember anything. They said, I was unconscious
for days. What about Billy?
George........................ Oh, he's probably
halfway to Mont Royal by now.
Orry............................. Help me get outta
here, George.
George........................ This rank ought to be
good for something.
Orry............................. I've gotta find
George........................ I'll bet, she's home
waiting for you.
Orry............................. You don't
understand. I haven't seen her in almost two years.
George........................ What?
Orry............................. She just
disappeared. I've hired detectives. The only thing I've been able to find out
that she sold her father's house through some Charleston lawyer.
George........................ I'm sorry, Orry, I...
Parker.......................... (upset)
No, don't get the word around!
George........................ Sergeant, what's all
the commotion?
Parker.......................... We've just received
word, Sir. President Lincoln's been shot. He's not expected to live.
Orry............................. God help us.
George........................ Oh, please God.
Orry............................. George, I could
rally use your help right now. (embracing)
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12.32 - The Lawyer
Has A Heart
Together with
George, Orry sees lawyer Miles Colbert in Charleston. On Orry's urgend plea, he
gives in and tells him Madeline's whereabouts.

Orry............................. Sir, I know that my
wife sold her house through you. You have to know where she is.
Colbert........................ I'd like to help you,
General Main, but I've never in my entire life violated my word to anyone.
Orry............................. Madeline and I love
each other, Mr. Colbert. Hasn't this war caused enough pain? Please, Sir.
Colbert........................ (sits
down) I... I could tell, how much your wife cared for you, and that troubled me
all the time I was holding my silence. And there has been enough pain.
Orry............................. Then you can tell
me where she is?
Colbert........................ I can no longer keep
two people apart who should be together.
Orry............................. Thank you. Sir. (sighes)
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12.33 - The Reunion (2)
Orry instantly goes to
Madeline's residence and Madeline openes her door Tür. First, both are stunned,
but when Orry tells her that the past doesn't matter anymore, the hold each
other tight. Finally, Madeline presents their son to Orry.

Madeline.................... (to
the baby) Oh, you look so much like your father sometimes. You do. (knocking, she openes the door) ---
Orry............................. You really are
here. I was afraid, you wouldn't be.
Madeline.................... Oh, you must hate me for
leaving you the way I did.
Orry............................. I know why. Ashton
told me.
Madeline.................... But then you know why I
had to leave. She said, terrible things would happen.
Orry............................. Maybe that was true
once, but you don't have to be afraid anymore. No-one will ever hurt us again.
Madeline.................... You mean, you'd take me back? You'd still want me?
Orry............................. (they
embrace) I never wanted you to go. I love you, Madeline, I always will.
Madeline.................... I love you, too. Please
believe me, I love you, too.
Orry............................. I do.
Madeline.................... But I have to tell you,
there's another man in my life now. - Orry Nicholas Main, your son.
Orry............................. (laughes
deeply touched) I love you. (kiss)
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12.34 - Mont Royal Under Attack
Start 1.18.27, Length 7.09
> Clarissa Main (†)
> Charles Main
> Billy Hazard
> Brett Hazard
> Ezra
> Semiramis
> Salem Jones (†)
> Cuffey (†)
> Madeline Main
> Orry Main, CS (still in uniform)
> Orry Main, Jr.
> Brigadier General
George Hazard, US
> Supporting roles: gang members
> Statist: coach driver
Location 1: Mont Royal, dining room
Location 2: Mont Royal, stairs
Location 3: Mont Royal, alley, driveway, veranda, back
While George,
Orry, Madeline and their son are on their way to Mont Royal, Salem Jones,
Cuffey and their gang are sneaking up to the big house and throwing burning
torches through the windows. Charles, Billy, Ezra and even Brett take up arms,
Cuffey gets inside and is shot by Charles, when Clarissa drops to the ground
hard. Alarmed by the noise Orry and George are gallopping up, while Ezra is
wounded when trying to get help. Salem Jones catches Semiramis, then Brett,
until Billy intercepts. When Jones is about to kill Billy, Brett shoots Jones instead.
Orry and George rush into the house and rescue Clarissa, Charles and his son.
While the house is burning to the ground, Orry has to learn that his Mother had

Charles....................... (in
the dining room) Well, Ezra, that's a mighty big section of land you got there.
I reckon, you're gonna need a family to help you
work it.
Ezra............................. We've been thinking
about that.
Charles....................... Well, you gotta do
more than thinking. (all laugh)
Cuffey......................... (outside)
Now, burn it.
Brett............................ (in
the dining room, cries out, as torch crashes through the window)
Ezra............................. I'll get the guns.
(fight) (1)
Brett............................ (beneeth
the stairs, to Clarissa) You stay here. I'm gonna get Billy's shotgun.
Billy............................. (to Charles) I'll cover the front, you cover from here.
Ezra............................. I'll take the other
Semiranis.................... (cries
out as Cuffey grabs her) No! No!
Charles....................... Cuffey! (shoots him) Semiramis, get the hell out. The fire is out of
Orry............................. (in
the oak alley, halts) Mont Royal. (to the driver) You stay here with
Madeline and the baby. (pulls his gun, to George)
George. (they ride off)
Ezra............................. (in
the hall) I gotta go for help. If I can make it across the river to the
Harper's place, I can get some men and attack them from the back.
Semiramis................... No, Ezra.
Ezra............................. I got to. They're
gonna overrun us. Take this rifle. You protect yourself.
Semiramis................... Ezra.
(kiss, Ezra runs out and gets shot) Ezra! (runs to him) Come on, get up, get
up. (Jones grabs her) No! No!
Brett............................ (cries
out, as Jones grabs her) Billy!
Billy............................. (cuts in, out of bullets, fight)
Jones.......................... (shot
by Brett) Hhhhh...
Orry............................. (runs
inside) Mama? Mama?
George........................ Charles, where are the
Charles....................... Billy and Brett are
out back.
Orry............................. Mama?
I'll get her. I'll get you outta here, Mama. Hold on. Hold on. Let's get outta
here. (outside) Hold on, Mama. Please, Mama. Hold on,
Mama. Mama? We can't save it, Mama. We can't save it,
Mama. Mama? Mama? Mama? Mama? Madeline had a baby, Mama. You're a grandmother, Ma.
Mama, Mama, oh please don't die. Mama... (cries)
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12.35 - The Old South Is Laid
To Rest
Orry carries out the
funeral of his mother on the plantation's family cemetery. George, Charles,
Madeline, Billy, Brett, Ezra and Semiramis are attending. The remains of the
big house are standing in the background, resembling hardly more than veranda
colums and chimneys, all blackened by smoke.

Orry............................. 'And he said unto her: I am the resurrection
and the life. He that believeth in me, though he were dead yet shall he live. And whosoever liveth and believeth in me shall never
die.' - My mother lived to see her way of life disappear from the face of
this earth. Yet, she blamed no-one and she hated no-one for it. Clarissa Main
was a loving and compassionate woman. I think, she would have agreed with Mr.
Lincoln. 'With malice toward none and
charity for all, let us strive to bind up the nation's wounds, to care for him
who has borne the battle, and for his widow and orphan, to do all which may
achieve and cherich a just and lasting peace among ourselves and all nations.'
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12.36 - The Very Best
George comforts
his friend and announces that he wants to re-invest into their cotton mill and
use the profits to rebuilt Mont Royal. Then George and Orry take out their
respective half 10-Dollar notes and, as promised in 1861, after four long years
full of war, oppositions, missunderstandings and deprivations they put them
together again.

Orry............................. I'm glad, my father
didn't live to see this. I got married here, George. It was the happiest day of
my life.
George........................ We can't fool
ourselves by thinking, it'll be easy to rebuild this
country, Orry. It won't be. We've all suffered too much. But in a way, our
families have been blessed and our friedship's endured. So maybe, it's up to
us, in our own way to start healing the wounds of this nation. I... I wanna
re-invest in our textile mill, Orry. (takes out the
half 10 Dollar note) And I want you to use the profits to rebuild Mont Royal.
Orry............................. (takes
out the other part of it) The best friend, a man could ever have, George. (embrace)
George........................ We're family, Orry.
You remember that.
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12.37 - Departure
Finally, the surviving members of
these troubled times are leaving the ruins that once has been their home.

(no dialogue)
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12.38 - Credits
Episode 12
Season 2
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