English version: Feb 20th, 2025
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Rice Planters on "Mont Royal" near Charleston, South Carolina
[Movie: The Main Family grows cotton.]
Tillet Main
Mont Royal plantation, SC
b. 1794, m. to Clarissa Gault Main, d. 1853
of the family, planter on Mont Royal, husband of Clarissa Main, father of
Cooper, Orry, Ashton and Brett Main, uncle of Charles Main. He dies early on an
illness, whereafter Orry takes over the plantation's management since his eldes
son Cooper takes no interrest in it.
[Movie: matching.]
Clarissa Gault Main
Mont Royal plantation, SC
m. to Tillet Main, d. 1865
of Tillet Main, mother of Cooper, Orry, Ashton and Brett Main, aunt of Charles
Main. Since the death of her husband in 1853, she is apathical and takes no
part in everyday's life. Sie dies 1865 a few weeks after renegade negroes have
ransacked the plantation.
[Movie: Clarissa stays fully sensible and inherits the head of family position from Tillet. She dies exactly during the ransacking of Mont Royal by falling onto a hard surface.]
Cooper Main
Charleston, SC / part time in England
b. 1819, m. 1850 to Judith Stafford
son of Tillet and Clarissa Main, a calm character, but in contrast to his
father, he is not supporting slavery as anchored in society. Therefore, he
early moves out as a businessman in Charleston and successfully manages the
family's see shipping company, In 1850, he marries singer Judith Stafford and
they have two children.
in May of 1861 at the start of the Civil War, Cooper secretly works in England
and returns only around mid of the war. When loosing his son Judah during this
trip, his loyalty to his home state turns into constant hatred, first against
Yankees, then against Blacks and political enemies. For sime times, he serves
for the Confederate Navy Department and undergoes tests with the submarine
"Hunley". After collapsing due to overworking, he again changes
character, this time to a pacifist.
takes part in rebuilding Mont Royal after Cuffey's attack, that is in his
posession after Orry's death, until he leaves the management to Madeline and
resorts to his own businesses. Now he returns to his racial views, that more
and more isolates him even from his own family. He also openly puts pressure on
Madeline, who succeeds nonetheless to rebuild Mont Royal and later hands it
over to Cooper's daughter Marie-Louise. Cooper, whose marriage is just a
formality now, joins the political racist Hampton Clubs.
[Movie: Cooper appears only after the Civil War and terrorizes Madeline, in part through his participation with the K.K.K. He can only be stopped by determined acting George. In the K.K.K. attack to Mont Royal, he hs shot by fellow rider Gettys after he was unable to murder George and Madeline in cold blood.]
Charleston, SC / part time in England
m. 1850 to Cooper Main
The singer and farmers
daughter from South Carolina and Cooper Main marry in 1850 and she delivers his
children Judah and Mariie-Louise. On the return trip from England in 1863,
Judah dies in the attempt to run the naval blockade. Her husband mentally never
recovers from this, is permantly driven by hatred, but Judith continues to
tries in maintaining a good relationship to Cooper's other family members.
[Movie: Her only task is to eavesdrop on Cooper's meetings with the K.K.K. and to warn Madeline on the upcoming attack at the plantation, in which Cooper takes part.]
Judah Tillet Main
Charleston, SC / England
b. 1850, d. 1863 (drowned in accident)
Son of Cooper and Judith Main. On the return trip from England in 1863, he dies during the ship tries to run the naval blockade, is shot at and explodes.
[Film: left out]
Marie-Louise Main German
b. 1852, m. 1868 to Theo German
Daughter of Cooper and Judith Main. Marie-Louise grows up in difficult
and constantly changing circumstances and for this develops into a relatively
normal woman. As early as 16, she falls in love with the Yankee Theo German
after the war and marries him in 1868 inspite of not yet being of legal age and
against the wish of her father. Her aunt Madeline Main provides sanctuary at
[Film: left out]
Brevet Captain Theo German
Charleston, SC
b. 1846, m. 1868 to Marie-Louise Main
Soldier and participant in
the military occupation of Charleston since 1865. The well-bred young man falls
in love with Marie-Louise Main but is strictly rejected by her father for being
a Yankee. So, he stays with her at Mont Royal for some time and marries her in
1868. He resigns from the army and takes a job in a road construction company
in Charleston.
[Film: left out]
Orry Main
Mont Royal plantation, SC / part time West Point / Richmond, VA
b. 1826, m. 1861 to Madeline Fabray LaMotte, d. end of 1864 (killed in action)
son of Tillet and Carissa Main, honest but often in self-doubts. At 16, be
starts the officer's education at West Point. There, he meets George Hazard and
lays the cornerstone for the family friendship. His military services quickly
comes to an end in the war against Mexico when he looses his left arm. After
the death of his father, he takes over the plantation's management. He sticks
to slavery but tries to run it in a more humane fashion. All those years he is
in love with Madeline who is married to Justin LaMotte, until she gets free by
his death, and they get married in 1861.
the Civil War, Orry is serving as a Lieutenant Colonel (later Colonel) in the
Department of the State in Richmond. In 1864, he uncovers Lamar Powell's plot,
pushes his nemesis Elkanah Bent down a cliff into a stream and chases Ashton
and James out of the town. To the end of 1864, he manages to be transferred to
the front line. At his first mission, he is shot dead by a wounded Yankee when
trying to help him. The plantation's management goes to his widow Madeline, the
ownership to his brother Cooper.
[Movie: Instead of Cooper, who is left out during Orry's lifetime, Orry is interrested in innovations, and after the death of his father he invests into a cotton mill together with his friend George Hazard. The wounding in the Mexican war resulted to s stiff left leg without amputation. Orry survives the Civil War - holding the rank of Brigadier General throughout - in a prisoner's camp to be found there by George. He re-unites with Madeline and his son Orry Jr. born in the meantime, and is killed by Elkanah Bent shortly after.]
Ashton Main Huntoon Leaming
Mont Royal plantation, SC / Charleston, SC / Richmond, VA / El Paso, NM / Virginia City, NV / Chicago, IL
b. 1836, m. 1855 to James Huntoon, wid. 1865, m. 1866 to Mr. Leaming (separated)
Elder daughter of Willet and
Clarissa Main, cunning and success jealeous Southern belle, she starts
countless affairs with men like Billy Hazard and Forbes LaMotte. Then she
marries weak and unsuccessful lawyer James Huntoon in hope to ride in society
through him. She plans a murdering scheme against Billy Hazard who has rejected
her courtings and is thrown off the family plantation over this.
During the Civil War, Ashton
starts an affair with war profeteer Lamar Powell and works with him on a
political coup to erect their own Confederation. Orry uncovers this plot, and
Powell dies in an Indian Attack in 1865 (after he has killed James Huntoon and
made Ashton a widow by this), while Ashton sits waiting for him in
permanent use of her body (including a practical marriage for 8 months to the
mine manager - formally never divorced), Ashton and Fenway pillage the mine and
form their own piano factory in Chicago of 1867. When finally getting rich on
it, Ashton wants to take Mont Royal back, but is tricked and then thrown out by
Fenway. Since nobody from her family wants anything to do with her, she ends up
as a bordello madame in Chicago. Besides one abortion - result of a seduction
orgy with cadets inspite being engaged with James Huntoon -, she has no
[Movie: The affair and the scheme against the Confederate government was with Elkanah Bent whom she accompanies until shortly after the war since Lamar Powell is left out. She don't loot out the gold mine in the West and uses a practical marriage in the process, but the piano factory is founded on gold she robbed from her bordell madame Senora Riley in Santa Fe.]
James Huntoon
b. 1830, m. 1855 to Ashton Main, d. 1865 (killed by Lamar Powell)
lawyer from Charleston, who in contrast to his appearance has as a slight
tendency to corruption. Blinded by her outer beauty, he marries Ashton Main in
1855, but she betrays him numerous times and only uses him for her social
standing. At the war's start, James manages to get a small position in the
Richmond Treasury, that is not satisfactory to Ashton. He starts following up
on Ashton. So, her lover Lamar Powell takes him in on his insurrection scheme
to get rid of him on the long journey through the West.
[Movie: Huntoon steadfastly holds his political convictions. With the uncovering of Bent's (not Powell's) pnannings, he takes his marriage to Ashton as terminated and then has no further part in the story.]
Willard P. Fenway
salesman at about 60 years of age. He meets Ashton in the Santa Fe brothel,
gets to be her accomplice and helps her to escape to Virginia City. During her
mostly physical engagement, the pillage Lamar Powell's former mine and settle
down in Chicago where he builds up his own piano factory. With the help of the
cheepest parts on the market, he produles cheep pianos starting in 1867 and
sells them off profitably to saloons, bars and brothels all over the nation.
[Movie: The trip to Chicago doesn't run over Virginia City, see with Ashton.]
Brett Main Hazard
Mont Royal plantation, SC /
b. 1838, m. 1861 to Billy Hazard
daughter of Tillet and Clarissa Main, a sweet an sensible person and in this
the complete opposite to her older sister. Brett marries Billy Hazard just
before the Civil War starts, after Orry as the head of family has denied his
consent for a longer time. During the war, she lives in the Hazard's house in
the North and learns how to get along with Blacks through her engagement in
Scripio Brown's orphanage. With Billy in 1865, she first moves to Mont Royal
and then off to California, where they settle down and will get 7 children. She
only re-appears for the family meeting in 1876.
[Movie: During the war, Brett travels with Semiramis from Washington southwards to Mont Royal and learns to take Blacks as equals by freeing her from Yankees and getting friends. Then, she helps Clarissa and Madeline until the war's end at the plantation. Aside from a quick visit to her brother-in-law George at Lehigh Station, she takes no further role.]
Charles Main
Mont Royal plantation, SC / military in Texas / military in the Civil War (mostly in Virginia) / Kansas / Indian Territory / near Fort Worth, TX
b. 1836, illegitime son with Augusta Barclay, m. 1869 to Willa Parker
and orphan of Tillet Main's brother and his wife (dies around 1840 at a ferry
accident), since at Mont Royal, grows up defying education. Only when being
forced into a duel, Charles acceppts social and cultural rules. By Orry's
advice, he receives an officer's education at West Point, befreinds himself
with Billy Hazard, and then serves in Texas under Major Elkanah Bent showing
his abilities as a soldier.
the Civil War, he quits the U.S. Army, signs up as First Lieutenant (later
Captain and Major) with the Hampton Legion and serves as a scout. He is
involved in several battles, and the inhumane events have a profound impact on
his soul that even his affair with the upright small farmer Augusta Barclay
finaly failes on that (she dies 1865 on childbirth of his son). Charles, like
Billy, takes part in the horrendous Battle of Antietam (Sept 15th to 17th,
1862) without seeing him.
the war, he looses several comrades and friends (Ambrose Pell, Abner Woolner).
In May of 1864, he frees Billy Hazard from Libby Prison and some time later
from the hands of cruel Colonel Follywell. By chance, he is present at Mont
Royal when Cuffey's gang attacks and torches the estate on April 2nd, 1865.
the war, Charles several times tries to re-enter the U.S. Army under false
names but is uncovered as a former Confederate officer every time. Starting in
September 1865, he rides out with dealer Jackson to the Indian Territory until
his new partner gets killed by hateful Cheyenne. Charles again tries it at the
army - as a leiutenant instructor of a unit of Blacks - but has slow progress
in overcoming racial and Southern resentments in the unit. He again is
uncovered by Captain Henry Venable and dismissed. After some time as a brutal
saloon bouncer in Abilene, he served as a civilian scout until Custer's brutal
move against peaceful Indians cures him from his hate.
leaves the army for good and learns that Elkanah Bent has kidnapped hos son
Gus. With "Magic" Magee and "Grey Owl" from his former army
unit, he takes up the chase all through the West, has to overcome a cruel
Indian medicine man with Magee's little tricks, and finally is able to free is
son and kill Bent. On his way back, he gets badly wounded during a fight with
"Scar", but is lucky to reach Mont Royal. In 1869, he marries actress
Willa Parker and moves with her and Gus to Texas, where he builts up a huge
Ranch and is honorably called "Colonel Main" by his neighbours.
[Movie: This character is pictured over the full span of the books and the movies almost consistently, just notably shortened in the years after the war. During the Civil War, he holds the rank of Captain, later Major. In the Battle of Antietam, he does face Billy Hazard in person and the nearly kill the other. The liberation of George (not Billy) Hazard from Libby Prison is conducted under General Orry Main's command.]
Augusta Barclay
Farm near
d. 1865 (on child birth)
patriot, smuggling medicine from Union hospitals to Southern troops. In 1862,
she falls in love with Charles Main after meeting him by chance. This
relationship is strained by the events of the war and ends with her death while
giving birth to their son August ("Gus"), about whom Charles doesn't
learn until after the war.
[Film: matching.]
Farm near
Older former slave and now free worker on Augusta Barclay's farm. When Augusta travels to her uncle Brigadier Duncan in Washington in the end of 1864, she lets him go.
[Movie: He stays at the Augusta's farm and waits for Charles to return after the war to tell him on Augusta's death and the whearabouts of his son.]
Bosworth "Boz"
Farm near
Son of Washington, lives and voluntarily works on Augusta Barclay's farm as well. On Orry's request, he helps Madeline get on her way to Washington in 1864 and then leaves the farm with his father.
[Movie: He gets shot near war's end by Norther partisans and is buried by Augusta and Washington on the plantation.]
Augustus "Gus"
b. Dec 23rd,1864
son of Charles Main and Augusta Barclay, is first brought up by Brigadier
Duncan after his mother died on childbirth and Charles is unable to take care
of him. When he is kidnapped by Elkanah Bent, taken to the Indian Terrirory and
abused, Charles frees him and takes him with his future wife Willa Parker to
Texas. On Bent's abuses, Gus stays a solemn person. In 1880, he starts the
officer's education at West Point.
[Movie: matching]
b. 1846, m. 1869 to Charles Main
actress with high sense for honesty, engaged for the rights of Indians. She
leaves New York after having to resist drunk theater owner Claudius Wood with
force, and checks in at Samuel Horatio Trump's theater in St. Louis. There, she
meets Charles Main and helps him to slowly build up a relationship again.
Several times, she visits Charles's son Gus in Fort Leavenworth and gains his
trust. After Charles successfully freed him from Elkanah Bent's hands, she goes
with him to Mont Royal, marries him in 1869, and then establishes with him a
ranch in Texas.
[Movie: matching]
Salem Jones
Mont Royal plantation, SC / several places
d. 1865 (shot by Brett Hazard in fight)
is employed at Mont Royal in 1844 as a slave overseer. The slaves fear him for his
sadistic punishments. He also abuses some of the pretty slave girls. Orry
disagrees on him, finds some fraud done by him and fires him (while Tillet Main
still alive). When the war starts, Jones repeatedly signs up to the army on one
side or the other., only to desert again shorty after with the bounty. When
regognized on this in 1864, he gets branded, has to give up on this and plays
no role in the following story.
[Movie: Jones and Charles Main get into a fist fight at a tavern until Orry intercepts. After Jones has tried several times to get re-employed at Mont Royal, he teams up with Cuffey's gang and takes part in the negroe's attack on Mont Royal by end of the war. In this action, he is shot dead by Brett Hazard.]
Mont Royal, SC
d. 02.04.1865 (shot by Charles in fight)
at Mont Royal, house servant to Tillet and later Orry Main, courts for
Semiramis without success and develops a hatred against the Whites that doesn't
slow down after the freeing of the enslaved. When he gets foreman, his two
new-born twins die one after another and he turns to be so vicious that even
his wife leaves him. When he finally abuses an old and frail negro, Orry
transfer the post as forman to young Andy. Cuffy attacks Andy's love Jane and
is chased off from Mont Royal. On April 2nd, 1865 - shortly before the end of
the war - he leads an attack by maroding Blacks on the plantation, burning the
main building to the ground, while being stabbed to death by Charles in the
evolving fight.
[Movie: Cuffey is unmarried and leaves Mont Royal on his own choice after Lincoln's emancipation proclamation. On re-appearing with his gang, the characters are matching again.]
Mont Royal plantation, SC
young slave woman at Mont Royal. She is abused by overseer Salem Jones and
secretly loves Charles Main. After threats by already dismissed overseer Jones,
she runs off during the war.
[Movie: Semiramis accompanies Brett to Washington after her mistresses marriage, returns with her to Mont Royal during the war, stays on the plantation after Lincoln's proclamation by her own choice, and builds up her own small fortune with former slave Ezra. By mid of 1865, she has no further role - replaced by theme by black woman Jane.]
Philemon Meek
Mont Royal plantation, SC
d. 02.04.1865 (shot by renegades)
over 60, Meek arrives at Mont Royal in the fall of 1861 as overseer after Orry
haven filled out this post after Jones' dismissal by himself, and thus gives
Orry the liberty to aswer the call of the Confederate government to Richmond.
Shortly before the end of the war in 1865, he is shot dead by renegade Blacks
attacking the plantation.
[Movie: left out, the plantation is run by Clarissa and then also Brett over the years of war.]
Mont Royal plantation, SC
[Movie: Priam succeeds run reach the North and later joins John Brown. In the attack of Harpers Ferry, he faces Orry again and prevents his former master to be shot. When the militia arrives at the scene, Priam gets shot during the fight.]
[Movie: Homer throws a stick, and he survives the duel unharmed.]
Jane "
Mont Royal plantation, SC
m. 1865 to Andy as Mrs.
of Aunt Belle Nin and a free black woman after the death of her mistress. On
their way to the North, she arrives at Mont Royal with Aunt Belle at the
outbreak of the war and stays there after her aunt has died since young forman
Andy shows interrest in her. After the war, she marries Andy and they take the
family name of "Sherman".
[Movie: left out. A colored woman Jane - in this character the follow-up of Semiramos - works with Madeline at Mont Royal after the war, marries black Isaac Kano and gets his woddow shortly afterwards.]
Andy "Sherman"
Mont Royal plantation, SC
m. 1865 to Jane as Mr. Sherman, d. 1848 (shot by the K.K.K.)
slave at Mont Royal, gets promoted by Orry instead of Cuffey to foreman. He
falls in love with educated and self-confident Jane and assists her in fending
off sneaky Cuffey. After the war, he marries Janes, they take the family name
of "Sherman" and stay at the plantation for wages. He is pulled over
to their side by Republicans in the election runup and is sent to the
constitutional convent of Charleston in Januarary of 1868. When he tries to
alarm the militia at the Klan's attack on Madeline's school, he gets shot.
[Movie: left out, by theme replaced during the war by colored Ezra who admires Semiramis and forms a couple after the war's end to receive a parcel of land on Mont Royal. After the war replaced by colored Isaac Kano, who gets confronted by the K.K.K. on his return trip from the Charleston convent and put to the rope.]
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Foundry industrialists at "Belvedere", Lehigh Station, Pennsylvania
William Hazard
Lehigh Station, PA
m. to Maude Hazard, d. 1848
of Hazard Iron, husband of Maude, father of Stanley, Virgilia, George and Billy
Hazard. He dies around the end of the Mexican War and leaves behing the
profitable industrial company "Hazard Iron Works".
[Movie: matching]
Maude Hazard
m. to William Hazard, d. 1865
of William, mother of Stanley, Virgilia, George and Billy Hazard. After the death
of her husband, she remains head of the family and makes her influence felt at
Hazard Iron in the assignment of responsibilities for years to come. During the
war, she pulls her out of this and takes care to charitable work. She dies to
the end of the Civil War.
[Film: matching. After the Civil War she has no further role, and no notice of her death is given.]
b. 1821, m. 1847 to Isabel Truscott, div. 1870
son of Williamd and Maude Hazard and father of twins Laban and Levi. Stanley
and his wife Isabel, married in 1847, exersize control over Hazard Iron until
George returns from Mexico in 1848 and equally shares the management
responsibility with his brother. When George uncovers some fraud and pushes him
out of the management, Stanley fully turns to politics and obtains a position
under Secretary of War Cameron in Washington. There, he builds up a great
fortune by producing cheap shoes with the Lashbrook Shoe Factory in Lynn and is
able to expand his political influence - always driven by greedy Isabel.
looking out for maximum chances, Stanley several times changes political sides.
An affair with actress Jeanny Canary is tolerated by Isabel for some time, but
there as well Stanley takes issues with her intrusiveness. After the war he
sells of the shoe factory, takes leading position in the Freedman Bureau and
increases his alcohol consumption. In 1868, he takes advantage of the uncovered
Mercantile Enterprises scandal, where Isabel is involved, engages his nur
sensible son and lawyer Laban and gets devorced from Isabel. He gains a seat in
Congress in 1870.
[Movie: Stanley was never fully pushed from Hazard Iron management and even replacec George's part in that during the Civil War. He does not engage in shoe production, but arranges the production on inferior weapons by cheap metal for maximum profits. When George finds out on that to the end of 1864, Stanley and his wife, who is behind all this, are facing a jail sentence. He enters politics only after the war as head of the Freenman Bureau. After uncovering Isabel's fraudulent businesses in South Carolina, he throws her out of his house. His children Laban and Levi are completely left out.]
Isabel Truscott Hazard
b. 1819, m. 1847 to
is wife of Stanley and thus marries into the industrialists family. She is ever
greedy for micht and wealth and constantly drives Stanley forward for more
money and influence, thereby even using illegal methods. She never bothers on
the education of her twin sons Laban and Levi.
Stanley has lost the management of Hazard Iron, she goes to Washington with him
and is the driving force behind his political career and his frequent changes
of affiliation. After the profitable business with inferiour shoes was given up
by war's end, she engages in selling of goods in South Carolina under
extortionist conditions and sets um the front company Mercantile Enterprises
for this with Lawyer Jasper Dills as the only person knowing both sides of the
scheme. As this gets pulled to light in 1869, Stanley transfers the sole
responsibility on her and gets to be divorced.
[Movie: Isabel is the driving force behind war profits that Stanley pulls from the production of inferior canons through the front company Axol Iron. In South Carolina, she appears in person and noth behind a front company or layer Dills and doesn't engage in Gettys' store but in Cooper Main's exploitation of phosphates..]
b. 1848
of Stanley and Isabel Hazard. Not educated by his parents but by some helphes
house maids, he is a permanent source of trouble and turns himself into a
flailing youth, costing his parents a lot of money for damage control.
Nonetheless, as a young man he studies law and represents his father Stanley in
the devorce case against his own mother. In contrast to his twin brother Levi,
he is invited to the great family meeting of 1876.
[Movie: left out]
b. 1848
Son of Stanley and Isabel Hazard. Like his twin brother, Levi turns into a flail. He never learns an ordinary profession and has no role in the story after being sent off to a boarding school in 1863.
[Movie: left out]
Virgilia Hazard Grady Brown
b. 1824, m. 1853 to "Garrison" Grady, wid. 1859, m. 1870 to Scipio Brown
of William and Maude Hazard. She is a stron-willed, attractive and extremistic
abolitionist and is often the source of intrafamiliar disputes. In 1859, she
marries former slave Grady whom she herself has helped to run off in South
Carolina. They join up with John Brown and she loses her husband during the
Harpers Ferry insurrection. In 1862, her sister-in-law Constances helps her to
an employ as nurse under Miss Dix. When it gets apparent that she let a
Confederate soldier bleed to death, she need the help of Congressman Sam Stout
and starts a hidden affair with him. After Stout has put her down in January of
1866, she shortly takes care of a 90 year old lady and then teaches colored
orphans in Scipio Brown's institutions. She and Brown continue their political
activities, but much less radically, and marry in 1870. Before that, Virginia
overcomes her dislike against quadroon and widow of family friend Orry Main,
Madeline, and supports her to keep Ashton from snatching the plantation Mont
Royal from her.
[Movie: Virgilia is personally present at Harpers Ferry, gets caught, locked up, and later taken from the assylum by Congressman Sam Greene. This man is the one who helps her to be a nurse. The wounded Southern soldier in the hospital dies by his own hand and not willingly by Virgilia, but she is in lack of witnesses and thus charged with murder. So she hides with Greene as his mistress, but when he sends her of after some time, she shoots him dead. For this she is convicted and put to the gallows, and so she has no part in further events after the war.]
"Garrison" Grady
m 1853 to Virgilia Hazard, d. 1859 (shot by militia)
coachman of James Huntoon turns into an runnaway slave by Virgilia's help.
During the Hazard familie's visit at Mont Royal, she provides him the means to
run off to the North, where they meet up again and marry. Their life together is
poor but driven by the radical fight against slavery. They team up with John
Brown, and Grady gets shot by militia appearing to end the insurrection at
Harpers Ferry. He took his first name "Garrison" after his runoff
from civil rights activist William Lloyd Garrison.
[Movie: matching. In Philadelphia he lived with his wife Virgilia in a primitive basement appartment.]
Arthur Scipio Brown
b. 1834, m. 1870 to Virgilia Grady
man from near Boston and activist for Negroes. He takes care of an orphanage
for black children when Constance Hazard offers him a storage building in
Lehigh Station to support his efforts. To the end of 1864, he volunteers for
the U.S. army. After the war, he returns to care for orphans and gives Virgilia
a job in teaching them. In 1870, he marries her.
[Movie: left out. Constance does provide a room in Lehigh Station, but not to a single person but to the "Underground Railroad" movement.]
George Hazard
Lehigh Station, PA / part time West Point / Washington, DC / Lausanne, Switzerland / Charleston, SC
b. 1825, m. 1848 to Constance Flynn, wid. 1868, m. 1877 to Madeline Main
of William and Maude Hazard. George befriends with Orry Main in New York City
on their way to their West Point edication as soldiers. He saves Orry's life in
the Mexican War, joins the management of the family foundry Hazard Iron after
that war, and invests in Orry's brother Cooper's building of a big merchant
vessel. He meets his wife Constance Flynn on the way to Mexico and marries her
after the war. They receive the children William III and Patricia. By his
friendship to Orry, he gets into conflict of interrests as the society over the
two differend social systems. During the Civil War, he serves as a captain
(later major) in the bureau of weapon purchase under Colonel Ripley and as late
as 1865 as a railroad engineer under Colonel Herman Haupt.
the war, he financially supports the destroyed plantation Mont Royal. When Constance
gets murdered by Bent by end of 1867, George flees to Lausanne in Switzerland
and pulls himself out of society for a longer period of time. He returns in
1868 and sets up a great gathering of the Main and Hazard families in 1876
during the 100 year anniversary of the United States. Finally, he marries Madeline
to get over their respective lonelinesses, and moves in with her to a town
house in Charleston.
[Movie: Constance and George receive their only child, girl Hope, only just before the Civil War. George doesn't invest with Cooper (who is left out) but builds up a partnership with Orry Main for his Charleston cotton mill. George - nit Billy - is captured by Confederates in the spring of 1864, gets turtured under Major Turner at Libby Prison, and is broken free by Orry and Charles. After the war, he does extensive work in rebuilding Mont Royal - even after Constance's death - tracks Bent down and thus supports Charles in search of his son Gus.]
Constance Flynn Harzard
m. 1848 to George Hazard, d. Dezember 1867 (murdered by Elkanah Bent)
of lawyer Patrick Flynn of Corpus Christi, TX, an irish beauty George falls in
love with after the Mexican War. They marry with Orry as his best man and she
moves in with him at Lehigh Station and they marry. Her children are William
III and Patricia arriving one year after another. Constance accompanies George
to Washington and only returns to Lehigh Station when George moves to the
front. During and after the war she provides space for Scipio Brown to house
some of the colored orphans he takes care of. With George being out on business
trip shortly before Christmas of 1867, she is brutally murdered by Elkanah
[Movie: Constance meets George not before the war in Corpus Christi but near the end of it in Mexico City, where she accompanied her father to, a military doctor. She only has one child, Hope, and this as late as in 1861. Nevertheless, in the third season, two children are depicted shortly.]
William III. Hazard
b 1849
Son of George and Constance Hazard, studies at Yale after the war. He parries devote Polly Wharton, gets to be a methodist minister, and stays without children.
[Movie: left out in seasons one and two. In season three as a minimal statist.]
Patricia Flynn Hazard
b. 1850
Daughter of George and Constance Hazard. Learns in a boarding school in Bethlehem after the war. She marries editor Fremont Nevin from oil town Titusville, OH and delivers the children Constance Anne, Fremont Jr. and George Hazard Nevin starting in 1870.
[Movie: left out in seasons one and two, replaced by Hope born 10 years later. In season three as a small statist appearing at least 5 years younger and not mentioned by name.]
William "Billy" Hazard
Lehigh Station, PA / Civil War several places / San Francisco, CA / Los Angeles, CA
b. 1835, m. 1861 to Brett Main
son of William and Maude Hazard. He follows the tracks of his brother George
and attends West Point. There, he befriends with Charles Main, just like George
and Orry before them. First, Billy gets attracted by Charles' cousin Ashton,
but then he finds out on the fine qualities of Brett and marries her. He barely
survives a murderous scheme put up by Ashton in revenge.
is a military engineer before and during the war. Like Charles, he is in the
brutal Battle of Antietam, but they don't meet there. During July of 1863 and
May of 1864, he is kept as prisoner under inhumane conditions in Libby Prison,
until Charles busts him out. One more time Charles saves him, this time from
the hands of brutal Colonel Follywell. By war's end, he leaves the army and
moves to California with Brett, where he rises a construction company. They get
seven children, and Billy only appears again at the great family re-union of
[Movie: During the war, Billy is not an engineer but a sharpshooter and this is much closer to the fighting action. At the battle of Antoetam, he does meet Charles on the battlefield and the nearly shoot at each other. It was not Billy in Libby Prison but George. After he left with Brett for California, he does not take part in any events after the war.]
George William, Clarissa und Alfred Hazard
b. 02.12.1865, 1868 and 1874
First, second and seventh children of William and Brett Hazard. The four other children are not mentioned by name.
[Movie: all left out]
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Plantation owners on "Resolute" near Charleston, South Carolina
Justin LaMotte
Resolute plantation, SC
b. 1810, m. 1844 to Madeline Fabray, dt. 1861 (following a bullet wound)
owner of Resolute in South Carolina, neighbor to Mont Royal. By an arrangement
of her father, he marries several years younger Madeline Fabray. Justin is a
very domeneering husband living by ancient standards and thus admits women to
have no own oppinions. He has a hot
temper and no patience with his fellow human beings. When he prooves Madeline
to lie at him, he locks her up for some time and drugs her with a tonic to get
her submissive to him. When Madeline finally escapes over to Mont Royal, she
wounds him badly in the face in the process with a saber sparking his thoughts
on revenge. During the Civil War, he raises a militia unit together with his
brother, but they fail by the inability of the men. Before this unit is ready
for action, Justin dies by a bullet he accidentally received during a brawl of
these men.
[Movie: Justin not only thinks of revenge: When Orry is off to the president's staff in Richond, he forcibly takes Madeline back to Resolute, conflicting some damage at Mont Royal. Orry learns on this and confronts Justin. During this fight, je falls out of an upper window and dies on broken neck.]
Madeline Fabray LaMotte Main Hazard
Resolute plantation, SC / Mont Royal, SC / Richmond, VA / Lehigh Station, PA
b. 1825, m. 1844 to Justin LaMotte, wid. 1861, m. 1861 to Orry Main, wid. 1864, m. 1877 to George Hazard
of Nicholas Fabray. The creole southern beauty gets married to plantation owner
Justin LaMotte as arranged by her father. On the trip to the plantation, she
occasionally meets Orry Main. They both instantly feel to be attracted to one
another. Madeline's marriage is filled with distrust, pain and abuse. As often
as possible, she meets with Orry in an old church ruin. Justin believes her to
be betrayung and locks her up in a room, When her health fails, the doctor
gives her a drug tonic to calm her down on Justin's informations of acting
chance, Madeline learns on the murder scheme by Forbes LaMotte against Billy
Hazard and escapes over to Mont Royal, wounding Justin in the process. Orry
Main takes her in and protects her from her revengeful husband until Justin dies
in 1861 by an accidental bullet. Orry and Madeline marry and move to Richmond for
his service. She has to leave town in 1864 since her blood secret of being
one-eighth colored is made public, moves in to Lehigh Station, and shortly
after that, Orry is killed in action.
takes over the management of the burnt Mont Royal plantation for Orry's brother
Cooper not being interrested in that. She shows a caring, humanly character but
is still despised by most of her neighbours as being partly colored. Even the
local Ku-Klux-Klan group attacks her frequently, especially on her school for
colored folks. After years in poverty, she gains wealth by phosphates to be
found in the plantation soil. To escape her lonliness, she marries equally
widowed George Hazard in 1877.
[Movie: Justin starts couring her only at Resolute with her father present. Her first meeting with Orry takes place when he is on his way to West Point about two years earlier and before being introduced to Justin. Madeline and Orry are writing letters, but they were intercepted by Madeline's father to get her accept Justin's bidding. When Orry leaves the plantation at the start of the Civil War, Justin takes Madeline back to Resolute by force and she has to be freed by Orry once more. When being confronted with her blood secret by Ashton, she secretly leaves Mont Royal and hides - now being pregnant by Orry - in Charleston for the rest of the war, where she uses Justin's fortune to support poor refugees. During this time, she is courted by Rafael Beaudeen until he gets shot by Elkanah Bent. Finally Orry is able to locate her and gets reunited with her and his recently born son Orry Nicholas Jr..]
Nicholas Fabray
d. ca 1850
producer and father of Madeline LaMotte. He meets Justin LaMotte in New Orleans
who starts courting for his daughter. But Madeline consents only after her
father suffers a stroke. Thus, he sends her to Resolute for the marriage, only
accompanied with his maid Maum Sally. He as no further role, and after he
suffers a second stroke some times later, he soon dies. In his last days, he
informs her daughter in a letter on her mother, a quarter Black, whom he has
married out from a brothel.
[Movie: Nicholas Fabray is a merchant, is present at Resolute in person, and resides in Charleston with Madeline during intercepting the mail contact of her with Orry to not endanger his marriage plans for her. He later dies in Charleston on an illness after telling Madeline her secret in person on the death bed.]
Resolute plantation, SC
d. 1865 (killed by marauding bands)
LaMotte is not as domineering as his brother Justin, but he clings to old
values as well. He own another plantation nearby but is present at Resolute
very often. His wife and mother of his son Forbes takes no role in the events,
she is depiced as mentally weak. Francis unsuccessfully takes part in raising
the "Ashley Guard" militia at the outbreak of the Civil War but
always stands back behind his brother. After the forceful death of his son he
just seeks an explanation but no revenge. Thereafter, he stays withdrawn until
being put to the rope by a band of marauding Blacks.
[Movie: left out.]
Forbes LaMotte
Resolute plantation, SC
b. 1832, d. 1861 (stabbed in fight)
of Francis LaMotte, tall but lazy and mostly drunk even at young age. Brett
rejects his courting and so he starts an affair with Ashton. The day of Brett
and Billy's wedding, Forbes performs a murderous plan for Ashton, but the
scheme fails and Billy kills him with his saber during the ensueing fight.
[Movie: matching, only Forbes is no drinker but a relatively good looking, potent but characterless young man.]
Desmond "Des" LaMotte
Charleston, SC
d. 1868 (eaten by an aligator)
to Justin and Francis LaMotte, former dancing teacher, appears 1865. The
fanatic Southener is the only survivor of Captain Ferris Brixham's Palmetto
Rifles and wants to punish all Main's for having shamed his family. He is a middleman
between the Mercantile Enterprises represented by lawyer Jasper Dills and the
store owner Randall Gettys. Since he cannot performe dancing as his former
profession anymore, he works at the docks for some time in 1866 until being
pocked up in prison for attacking some Blacks. By end of 1867, he teams up with
Randall Gettys and Captain Jolly to form the lokal chapter of the Ku-Klux-Klan,
even with founder and former Confederate General Nathan Bedford Forrest once being
present. After the forst attack on Mont Royal's schoolhouse fails misably, at
the second run, Desmond drops into the swamps in pursueing Madeline and the
teacher (the latter he manages to shoot dead) and is being eaten by an
[Movie: left out.]
Maum Sally
Resolute plantation, SC
House slave of Nicholas Fabray, is sent with his daughter Madeline as her maid to Resolute. When her owner sufferes a second stroke, Maun Sally returns to New Orleans and turns into a free Black after his death.
[Movie: Maum Sally is a free Black and Madeline's personal maid. She stays with her all the time, even after Madeline is locked up by Justin. In trying to help her out, Justin LaMotte pushes her down the staris and she dies on broken neck.]
Resolute plantation, SC
[Movie: Nancy first appears shortly before Maum Sally's death. She is friendly, but follows Justin's orders by the book. The trip to the abortion is made by Maun Sally instead of her.]
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in order of appearance
Elkanah Bent
West Point, NY / military in Mexico / Washington, D.C. / military in Texas / Richmond, VA / several places / Indianergebiet
b. 1824, d. 1868 (hanged)
son of incest by mentalls heritable sick Mr. Todd and his daughter. After they
blame industry agent Heyward Starkwether as to the father, Elkanah was brought
up by the pool farmer family Bent in Felicy, OH. From young age, he thinks of
himself for higher office and thus starts a West Point education. There, he is
appointed as drill master to younger cadets around George and Orry. When they
oppose harrassements of the fat, sweaty and unsympathetic cadet - ultimatey leading
up to his dismissal from the academy - he starts seeking revenge on them.
the influence of his "father", Bent is re-admitted to the academy and
meets up with George and Orry again in the war against Mexico where he already
gained a reputation als
"butcher". He takes advantage of his superior rank and thus is
reponsible for Orry loosing an arm in the process. After years of staff work in
Washington, Bent is transfered to the line and arranges to be commanding
officer of Charles Main to pick up his revenge. But all his attempts to get rid
of Charles fail, since the young man rejects any intrusivnesses by the disagreeable
the start of the Civil War, Bent (nor a major) is able to avoid front line
service with the help of lawyer Jasper Dills, who continues the business
contracts of his deceased "father". But when sent into action
nonetheless (now as a Brevet Colonel), he fails miserably due to pure fear,
gets stripped of his command and is transfered to the occupation units in New
Orleans. There, he finds the portrait of Madeline's mother in the Madame
Conti's exclusive club and takes it by force. This is followed by his demotion,
whereupon he deserts from the army.
some time, Bent serves as Ezra Dayton as a secret police officer for the Union
under Colonel Lafayette Baker, but gets famed by exceptionally brutal methods
(that way, me murderes a Southern courier in Richmond in cold blood), leding to
his dismissal. He changes sides, now calling himself Captain Erasmus Bellingham
of Maryland, and teams up with Lamar Powell to pull personal profits from his
insurrection scheme. When Orry uncovers Powell's plans, Bent is pushed down a
high cliff into the river. It takes some time to regain his memory, but bodily
damages remain.
the war, Bent takes up again on his revenge and brutally kills Constance Hazard
by end of 1867 after learing the whereabouts of the other Main and Hazard
family members. After disguising as a farm worker for some time, he kills the
old couple running the farm, kidnaps Charles' son Gus and flees to Indian
Territory to be found there months later. As Charles frees his son, he finally
puts an end to Bent on the rope.
[Movie: Bent's extramartial father is Senator Edwards, his mother remains undisclosed, and a lawyer representing the father's interrests is left out. Bent was raised in Georgia, branding him as a Southener and thus standing for on the Southern side during the Civil War but ohny to his own gains. By appearance, he is slender, able for perfect manners, and runs (instead of Lamar Powell) the affair with wealthy widow Burdetta Halloran for financing ships to import luxiry goods with her money. Then, he manages to get Ashton Huntoon into his bed and his plans to overthrow President Davis. After Orry arrests some blockade runners and uncovers the plot, he has a fight with Bent with the storage barn exploding in the process. By chance, Bent survives this and starts his tour of revenge against Orry, George and Charles whom he blames for all the failures in his life. After the war, he killy Orry by stabbing him into the back. Ashton realizes that Bent has used her only and pushes him down a cliff into the river (what replaces Bent's similar fall after the uncovering of Powell's scheme). After some times in memory loss, he serves as telegram courier in Lehigh Station waiting for George's return to hurt him by killing George's wife Constance minutes before his arrival. Next, he snatches Charles' son Gus and takes him to the Indian Territory. After Charles and George set out for him together, he gets captured and finally put to death on the rope.]
Cadet Caleb Slocum
Cadet, harrassing Billy Hazard at West Point with brutality. Charles also clashes with him.
[Movie: left out]
Kadett Dillard McAleer
West Point, NY
Cadet in Billy Hazard's class, who as to leave the academy again after an escalated quarrel on his origins during summer camp of 1852.
[Movie: left out]
Camp Cooper, TX
Second officer with Charles under Captain Elkanah Bent in Texas. At first, he brings trouble to Charles and need some time to accept him as partner. In fighting against uprising Indians, he is shot by Bent when watching his superiour preparing to kill Charles from behind.
[Movie: left out]
Major Robert Anderson
Fort Sumter, near Charleston, SC
of Fort Moultrie near Charleston, SC, later at Fort Sumter during the outbreak
of the Civil War. He allows Billy to leave the fort in time before the
bombardment (April 12th, 1861) to marry Brett before being transferred to
Washington, D.C.
[Movie: matching]
Colonel Wade Hampton
War service, several places (CSA) / Columbia, SC
planter, rises the successful Hampton League from volunteers in 1861 on his own
expenses, with Charles being a member of it. After Hampton receives his pardon
a long time after the war's end, he actively engages on the reconstruction of
South Carolina, partly by fighting Back majorities in politics. After a dirty
campaign, he gets to be gouvernor of South Carolina in 1869.
[Movie: Hampton only appears in person when Charles gets orders as a scout at the outset of the war. Charles serves in this unit throughut the entire war.]
First Lieutenant Ambrose Pell
War servuce, several places (CSA)
d. 1861 (killed in action)
Starting in May of 1861, a comrade and friend of Captain Charles Main during the Civil War. He don't return from patrol on Christmas Day of 1861.
[Movie: Ambrose is killed in the Battle of Antietam in September of 1862 by explosion of an gun made by Stanley Hazard's front company Axol Irol.]
Captain Melanchton Elijah "Lije" Farmer
War service, several places Orte (USA)
d. 1863 (by accident)
walking preacher and by 1861 U.S. Captain of Engineers, with Billy Hazard serving
in his unit. A friendship develops between the faithful commander and Billy. By
mid of 1863, Farmer is hit by a felled tree when he selflessly rushes to save a
young soldier.
[Movie: left out. Billy serves under the strict Colonel Hiram Berdan with the sharpshooters.]
Cavalryman Custom Dawkins Cramm III.
War service, several places Orte (CSA)
Young cavalryman under Wade Hampton with high self-esteem, feeling mistreated by Charles' instructions. When he takes part in an forbidden horse race of another unit, Charles has to lead trial over him. He deserts by end of 1862.
[Movie: left out]
Second Lieutenant Prevo
War service, several places (USA) / Washington, D.C.
Georgetown Mounted Dragoons, is turned back by Charles from Augusta's farm in 1861 where he was looking for the smuggling women. After the war, they meet again when Charles was looking out for Brigadier Duncan in his (now colonel) office.
[Movie: left out]
West Point, NY, war service, several places Orte (USA)
West Point comrade of George and Orry. In November of 1861 after the defeat of Manassas / Bull Run, he gets overall command on the Union army. He gains plenty of critics by his lack of resolve, so that this high command is stripped from him on March 10th, 1862.
[Movie: only as a cadet in the West Point class with George and Orry]
General Fitzhugh "Fitz" Lee
War service, several places (CSA)
Nephew of General Robert E. Lee and West Point comrade of Charles Main, 1861 Confederate officer with exceptionally fast developing career (being Charles' West Point class, he is a Major General by end of 1863).
[Movie: left out, only mentioned by Charles once.]
General James E.B. "Beauty" Stuart
War service, several places (CSA)
West Point class above Charles Main, by 1861 Colonel, later Brigadier General and cavalry commander in General Lee's Army of Northern Virginia.
[Movie: left out]
First Lieutenant Reinhard von Helm
War service, several places (CSA)
d. 1862 (horse accident)
Inexperienced soldier from Charleston, SC with influencal backing. He replaces Ambrose Pell as Charles Main's partner in 1862, but Charles is transferred as a scout soon after. Von Helm dies on broken neck when falling of his horse in drunkenness.
[Movie: left out]
Major Calbraith Butler
War service, several places (CSA)
Charles Main's direct commander in Hampton's regiment.
[Movie: left out. With the exception of Colonel Hampton in 1861, Charles independently rides out for most of the time and is never seen with a superior.]
Lieutenant Abner "Ab" Woolner
War service, several places (CSA)
d. 1863 (killed in action)
Scout and Charles Main's partner from early 1862 on. Abner is killed at the Battle of Brandy Station mid 1863 while Charles survives and receives a promotion.
[Movie: left out]
Colonel Herman Haupt
War service, several places (USA)
Formally a Bradier General, civil engineer and chief of the railroad engineers. In 1863, he offers George Hazard a spot in his unit, that George takes in May of 1864.
[Movie: left out]
Major John S. Mosby
War service, several places (CSA)
Commander of a partisan unit. He saves Billy Hazard from being shot by one of his men after captured from a supply train, and sehds him off to Libby Prison.
[Movie: matching, but instead of Billy he takes George as prisoner.]
Corporal Clyde Vesey
Libby Prison, Richmond , VA
d. 1864 (shot by Charles Main)
prison warden in Libby Prison. He harasses and tortures the captured Yankees,
especially Billy Hazard. When he tries to stop Charles from taking Billy out of
the prison, Charles shoots him dead.
[Movie: Not the corporal (names Strock) but the commanding officer Captain Thomas Turner (im absense of General Winder) is the one who abuses the inmates - here not Billy but George Hazard making himself a special target for Turner by his upright behaviours. Turner dies in the fight with Orry and Charles by falling into his own knife.]
Brigadier Jack Duncan
During the war, Duncan (finally as a Brigadier General) serves in the staff in Washington and is transferred by end of 1865 as a captain to the West. His brevet rank gives him the right to still be addressed as General. In his house, Charles' son "Gus" is raised as long as his father is unable to take care on him. By the start of 1866, Duncan moves to the officers quarters of Fort Leavenworth, KS.
[Movie: Brevet Brigadier Duncan (first name Matt) lives in St. Louis with his wife Maureen and "Gus".]
Captain Henry Venable
Several places in the West
cavalry officer. He knows Charles from West Point and uncovers him when trying
to re-enter the U.S. army after the war. Years later, this event repeats itself
when Charles leads the instructions on a company of black soldiers under
Colonel Grierson.
[Movie: Captain Venable shows hostility against Charles during his time as horse instructor and as a civilian army scout but cannot harm him - with the exception of an unfair fist fight. Venable's cruel massacre against peaceful Indians (instead of General Custer) leads to Charles' final departure from the army.]
General George Amstrong Custer
War service (USA) and military, several places
b. 1839, d. 1876 (killed in action by Indians)
Point graduate of 1860, quickly rising to General's rank by skillful public
appearance and military success during the Civil War. After some time as a
security advisor to the President, he is arrested on July 28th, 1867 on grounds
of deserting, but his sentence is just one year of suspension from service. When
preparing for a move against the Indians, Charles Main is part of the enterprise
as a civilian scout. The brutal winter campaign is successful but gains
critizism to Custer on his reckless proceesings - even against his own men.
Charles leaves the army because of this for good. At a similar campaign, Custer
and 300 men were all killed at Little Big Horn on July 6th, 1876.
[Film: left out. Captain Venable executes the massacre against peaceful Indians instead.]
Colonel Benjamin F. Grierson
Military, several places in the West
b. 1839
of the 10th. U.S. Regiment in Kansas, that consisted a unit of Black men raised
under his leadership. He takes Charles in as a successful instructor until he
gets again uncovered as a former Confederate officer and is dismissed. By
thankfulness of the good service his unit has shown, he delegates two men to Charles'
search for his son.
[Movie: left out. A similar role has Major Shagrue.]
Corporal Wendell Phillips "Magic" Magee
Military, several places in the West / Indian Territory
The black man joins the regiment in 1867 under Charles' instructions. The popular man entertains with small magical tricks, befriends himself with Charleston and supports his search on "Gus".
[Film: matching]
"Graue Eule"
Military, several places in the West / Indian Territory
Southern Cheyenne, track guide for the army. By mid 1867, he serves in the company of Blacks with Charles and slowly begins to trust him. He also supports Charles the coming year to track down Bent and find his son "Gus".
[Movie: left out]
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in order of appearance
d. Sept of 1860
London, England
Engineer and constructor of ships. Cooper Main admires his work and travels to England to see him in 1856.
[Movis: left out]
John Brown
Harper's Ferry, VA
d. 02.12.1859 (executed)
leader of a group with abolitionistic views from Osawatomie, KS. He kills
several slave-owning settlers along the Pottawatomie and wants to install his
own government. As "Captain", he leads the occupation of Harpers
Ferry, VA on October 17th, 1859 to capture weapons for his planned uprising.
The attack is beaten down by militia under Robert E. Lee und J.E.B. Stuart,
whereby Garrison Grady, former slave and how husband of Virgilia Hazard, is
with the killed. John Brown is captured, tried and hanged the same year.
Simon Cameron
politician from Pennsylvania, Secretary of War under Lincoln in 1861, then
being receiver of donations by Stanley Hazard for years. As being familiar with
the Hazards, he provides a spot for George in the procurement department, but
he himself earns critizism for alledged scheemings. In the spring of 1862, he
resignes under pressure, is seht to Russia as an ambassador, returns in 1863
and finally turns to Stanley Hazard in 1865 to regain a foothold in Federal politics
again. When holding a seat in the Senate again in 1867, he gives Stanley the
advice that his further political career demands the divorce from Isabel.
[Movie: appears briefly in 1861 during a cabinet meeting with President Lincoln prior to the Battle of Manassas.]
Abraham Lincoln
Washington, D.C.
gest. 1865 (assassinated)
of the United States of America. On November 6th, 1860, he is elected as
successor of Buchanan, giving the South the trigger for secession. His role is
limited - aside of some formal appointments - to sorrofully wait for incoming
telegrams in the War Department, mostly bad news from battlefields. On
September 17th, 1862, he issues the Emancipation Proclamation, granting all
slaves in the Southern states their freedom beginning on January 1st, 1863. On
April 15th, 1865, only a few days after the war ended in Virginia and shortly
into his second term, he es assassinated and killed by fanatic John Wilkes
[Movie: Lincoln repeatedly discusses strategical options with his cabinet and with his advisor Colonel George Hazahrd and feels sorrow on the great loss counts. Towards the end of the war, he sees the problem to re-unite this devided country.]
Colonel Ripley
Elderly officer, by 1861 chief of the weapons office, but hostile to any form of modernization. George serves under him in the procurement office. During the war, he gets promoted to Brigadier General.
[Movie: left out]
Senator Benjamin Wade
Washington, D.C.
Democratic Senator of Ohio, starting 1861 most vocal critic of Secretary of War Cameron. By 1866, he serves as President pro Tempore in the Senate.
[Movie: left out]
Ms. Dorothea Dix
Washington, D.C.
b. 1801
Head of the nurses of the Union side. Virgilia applies to her at the start of the war to make herself useful as a nurse.
[Film: matching]
Judah Benjamin
Richmond, VA
Confederate Secretary of State, with Orry Main being one of his subordinates. By mid 1862, when McClellan takes position outside of Richmond, Benjamin is replaced by George Randolph.
[Movie: left out]
Brigadier General John Henry Winder
Richmond, VA
Chief of Confederate military police with very harsch style of leadership.
[Movie: left out, is only mentioned as inspector of Libby Prison.]
Stephen Mallory
Richmond, VA
Confederate Secretary of the Navy. He gets Cooper Main after his return from England in 1863 to serve under him in improving of the submarine "Hunley".
[Movie: left out]
Edwin McMasters Stanton
Washington, D.C.
Lawyer to the radical Senator Benjamin Wade, by 1862 successor of Secretary of War Simon Cameron under Lincoln and later Johnson. When he should be replaced by Ulysses S. Grant early in 1868, he refuses to leave the department.
[Movie: appears during the Civil War ohne in cabinet meetings under Lincoln, as well as after the war at Constance's funeral reception to convey his condolances.]
Emeritus Sylvanus Thayer
Washington, D.C.
b. 1785
Aged superintendent h.c. of the U.S. army and acquaitance to George Hazard. Thayer, who was essential in forming the academy of West Point, supports George to avoind the lingering closure of the academy during the Civil War.
[Movie: left out]
Jefferson Davis
Richmond, VA
Appointed as President of the Confederates States of America in 1861. He only appears on receptions and balls. On April 2nd, 1865, he flees with some members of his staff from Richmond and is captured in May 13th near Irvinville, GA.
[Movie: Davis personally summons Orry Main as a Brigadier General to his advisory staff, repeatedly takes him in for tactical considerations and also reveals his doubts on the condict of the war to Orry until he finally asks Orry for service on the front lines. To James Huntoon, Davis steadfast stands for a central government in order to win the war.]
Colonel Lafayette Baker
Washington, D.C.
1863-65 chief of the U.S. secret police, only reporting to Secretary of War Stanton.
[Movie: left out]
Samuel G. Stout
m. 1868 to Jeannie Canary
Dispite being married, he starts an affair with Virgilia in 1863 who supports
him in his political ambitions. In January of 1864, he is elected to the Senate
and termintates the affair instantly. Stout joins the radical views of Senator
Thaddeus Stevens against president Johnson. Soon after, he starts another
afair, this time with dancer Jeannie Canary (the former aiffair of Stanley
Hazard) and marries her in 1868 after having devorced his wife. Besides that,
he is engaged in the company exploring the phosphates in the Ashley District,
SC. He takes great public interrest especially in the school for Blacks on the
Mount Royal plantation.
[Movie: left out. There are parallels to Congressman Sam Greene, who secretly craves for Virgilia and helps here numerous times (the exit from the asylum after Harpers Ferry, the post as a nurse etc.), that she finally repays him with her body when seeking help against charged for murdering a Confederate officer. Virgilia supports his career with receptions. When Sam Greene wants to quit on her for his ongoing career, enraged Virgilia shoots him death. The involvement in the phosphate exploration in South Carolina is performed by Isabel Hazard.]
Thaddeus "Thad" Stevens
Washington, D.C.
gest. 1868
Democratic politician, rises radical claims of submission of the South after the war and this evolves to one of the harshest enemies of President Johnson. Gathering similar Senators with him, he organizes hearings to the impeachment proceedings against Johnson, that finally failes. He then dies with 76 years on age.
[Movie: appears just briefly in end of 1865 on the reception for Constance's burial in Lehigh Station.]
General Ulyssus S. Grant
War service, several places (USA) / Washington, D.C.
b. 1822
Point graduate ahead of George and Orry and later successful U.S. general in
the Civil War. In 1868, he is appointed by President Johnson as the new
Secretary of War, but resigns after Stanton's refusal to leave office. The same
year, he is elected the 18th U.S. President and enters office on March 4th,
1869. He only appears in person - besides a brief conversation with George
Hazard ahead of his engagement with the railroad engineers - at his
inauguration exchanging some words with Stanley Hazard.
[Movie: George Hazard, then military advisor to President Lincoln, recommends Grant as formidable General in Chief of the Union anry and personally gets hin contact for this with him. Grant conveys him to a line command and promotion to Brigadier General, frequently takes him in to strategy considerations, and uses George as adjutant at the surrender at Appomatox Court House.]
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in order of appearance
Alice Peet
Laundry woman and whore near the academy of West Point. With her help, George and Orry get notorious instructor Elkanah Bent been expelled from the academy in disgrace.
[Movie matching.]
Patrick Flynn
Irish father of Constance Flynn. George and Orry meet the lawyer and his daughter when having a layoff in Corpus Christi; TX. Flynn thereafter has no role in personal, stays back in Texas and relocates to California at the outbreak of the war. He only sends letters from time to time, this also in advanced age to the family gathering in 1876.
[Movie: Flynn is army doctor engaged in Mexico where George meets his former wife near the end of this war while taking care of hospitalized Orry. Flynn leaves America after the war for his home country and then has no role in the coming events.]
Whitney Smith
Slightly overstrecthed beau who challenges Charles Main to a duel for aledgedly having messed around with his fiancé Sue Marie Smith. Charles wins the duel but doesn't kill Smith.
[Movie: matching.]
Friend of Whitney Smith and second at the duel with Charles Main.
[Movie: matching.]
Editor of the Charleston Mercury and as earky as 1853 a vocal speaker for secession.
[Movie: left out. Early claims for secession are uttered by Justin LaMotte.]
Charleston, SC
Doctor for Justin LaMotte. He prescribes a tonic for Madeline that Justin uses to get her addicted and quiet.
[Movie: matching. The doctor's name is not mentioned in the movies.]
Madame Conti
Owner of a noble brothel in New Orleans. Bent recognizes a face on a portrait at the wall, and Madame Conti tells him that it shows one of her former ladies - a quadroon. In 1862, Bent sparks a brawl inside the etablissement to steal the picture actually showing Madeline's mother. He beats down Madame Conti in the process and gets sued by her afterwards, leading to his demotion in rank and subsequent desertion from the army.
[Movie: matching at the start. The brawl is not in the movie. It is not shown how Bent gets hold of the portrait.]
friend and second of Forbes LaMotte at the fraudulent duel with Billy after his
wedding to Brett. Preston secretly spills some powder for Billy's pistol. When Forbes
lost the duel, Smith is chased off the scene by Charles.
[Movie: matching. Preston does doesn't reach coachman Homer to stab him since he is distracted by Charles riding in.]
Heyward Starkwether
Washington, D.C.
d. May of 1861
but very seclured living mysterious industrialist and alledged father of
Elkanah Bent. When Bent wants to see him in 1861 for help against being
transfered to the front, Starkwether just has died on a stroke. All business
procedures are continued by his personal lawyer Jasper Dills. It is years later
that it gets known that Starkweather was tricked and is not Bent's physical
[Movie: Not Starkwether but Senator Edwards of Ohio, who lives in fear of uncovering this illegitimate fatherhood, is Bent's father. He appears only once when Bent presses him for a commission in the U.S. Army before the war with Mexico.]
Jasper Dills, Esq.
d. 1792
shady and insecure lawyer Dills takes over all business precedures from his
deceased client Heyward Starkwether, among them the checks on Elkanah Bent to report
Bent's physical mother on her son. When he loses contact with Bent, he makes up
informations to keep the financial grants afloat. After Bent was out of the Union
army, Dills arranges him a spot as a detective in the secret military police
under Colonel Baker. Shortly before war's end, Dills learns that Bent has been
fired from that position as well and that he probably has joined the South. He
searches him in Richmond of mid 1865 to no avail. After the press wrote on Bent
having killed Constance Hazard in Pennsylvania, Bent's mother summoned him,
accused him of misinforming her and stopped her payments. But Dills is not
disappointed on this, given the very mysterious circumstances of Bent's
origins. Because he already has found a new viable sorce of income by dealing
with pardon documents for Southerners. When he acts as shadow man for
Mercantile Enterprises, and after that scheme gets uncovered, he breaks and
tells all names.
[Movie: left out]
Captain James D. Bulloch
Liverpool, England
Confederate agent from Georgia, working with Cooper in Liverpool, England of 1861 to build ships to run the Union naval blockade.
[Movie: left out]
Christopher Wotherspoon
Lehigh Station, PA
Young forman of schottish decent at Hazard Iron. George transfers responsibilities and management to him when he pulls himself out to Europe after Constances' death.
[Movie: portrait as Irishman of mid age called Jack Quinlan. He runs Hazard Iron in own responsibility after Constance's death because George then only turns on finding Bent.]
Lamar Hugh Augustus Powell
Richmond, VA
the Civil War breaks out, Powell runs an affair with widow Burdetta Halloran to
use her money - and later that of James and Ashton Hontoon - to finance blockade
running ships to smuggle luxury goods from Europe to Richmond for his personal
benefit. When James reclines at first, he starts an affair with Ashton who gets
obedient to his lovemaking. So, he takes Ashton in to his plans to overthrow
the Davis government and install his own Confederation ancient runnings. After
the war, he is killed by Indians on carries out a gold shipment to finance his
plans, just after he has killed James.
[Movie: left out. The funding, blockade runners organization, and the affairs with Burdetta and Ashton as well as the scheming on insurrection are done by Elkanah Bent. When James Huntoon is taken in, he reports it directly to President Davis, and the scheme gets ended before the war ends.]
Burdetta Halloran
Richmond, VA
b. 1839
Widow of a rich industrialist from the North, short time lover of Lamar Powell who only seeked out her money for his blockade runners. By dissatisfaction over Powell, Burdetta openes herself to Orry Main who crashes Powell's plan based on her informations.
[Movie: matching, but lover of Elkanah Bent instead. She first appears in Washington, D.C.]
Aunt Belle Nin
d. 1861 (blood poison
Near Charleston, SC
black woman serving as medicinal midwife in the swamps and takes on the
abortion for Ashton. At the start of the war, she plans to walk to the North
with her niece Jane, but falls ill and takes a break at Mont Royal where she
dies on blood poison.
[Movie: She only appears performing the abortion.]
Mrs. Neal
Nurse overseer in the military hospital in Washington, D.C. that Virgilia serves in. She criticizes Virgilia to not treat Southerners with equal care and is attacked by her therefore.
[Movie: matching, but not in Washington but a field hospital in Virginia.]
Captain William Ballantyne
At Sea
on the blockade running vessel "Water Witch" owned by Lamar Powell
and Ashton Huntoon. At a blockade run with also Cooper, Judith and their two
children on board, the ship es spotted. The stubborn captain denies returning
into open sea, whereafter the ship gets under bombardment and sinks. Only
Cooper, Judith and Marie-Louise are able to reach the shores, Judah gets hit by
a piece of iron and dies.
[Movie: left out.]
Eamon Randolph
Washington, D.C.
of the Cincinnati Globe with critical views on the government. He is arrested
by Bent alias Dayton in his capacity as secret detective, but Bent uses so much
brutal force in this that Randolph successfully sues over this conduct and has
to be realeased again.
[Movie: left out.]
Jeannie Canary
b. 1844, m. 1868 to Sam Stout
but bodily attractive dancer in a varieté. 1864, Stanley Hazard takes her for
his affair until Isabel cuts off this relationship after the end of the war.
1867 she gets to be the affair of Senator Sam Stout and later marries him.
[Movie: left out.]
Banquo Collins
Virginia City, NV / Sanda Fe, NM
Rough track leader. He runs the treck of heavy wagons of Lamar Powell and James Huntoon hiding 300,000 Dollars in gold. At a night camp, they are attacked by Indians and Collins survives heavy Rauher Treck-Führer. Er leitet den Wagenzug von Lamar Powell und James Huntoon, in dem Gold für 300.000 Dollar versteckt ist. Bei einem Nachtlager werden sie von Indianern überfallen und Collins überlebt als Einziger. Er findet das von den Indianern nicht entdeckte Gold und prahlt damit - auch bei Ashton, als er sie als Hure in Santa Fe antrifft und es ihr aber nicht gelingt, ihn als Partner einzuwickeln.
[Movie: left out.]
Washington, D.C.
of irish decent for Gus Main in the house of Brigadier Duncan. As his secret
affair, she regards Charles as unfit to take care of his son. But she cannot stop
Elkanah Bent to kidnap Gus in 1868 and Charles to take his son after he rescued
him from Bent.
[Movie: Maureen is the wife of Brigadier Duncan.]
Claudius Wood
and theater owner in New York. The drunkard artist harasses Willa Parker, who
only can save herself by the end of 1865 with stabbing a saber into his leg and
then hide and run. In 1868, the by this time discarded and unfit for work man
sees Willa in St. Louis and has to be hindered by Charles to do something to
[Movie: left out.]
Randall Gettys
Near Mont Royal, SC
of a small store with racial views. Without knowledge who is behind the
Mercantile Enterprises, he opens several more of this small stores all over the
Ashley District and tricks colored workers with overflated prices into gag contracts.
WIth Desmond LaMotte and Captain Jolly, je erects the local Ku-Klux-Klan
chapter. He gets shot but not killed when leading the charge on Madeline's
school at Mont Royal. When the military prosecuter threatens him to be deported
to a prison island, he breaks and tells all on the Klan members and the explorative
methods of Mercantile Enterprises.
[Movie: Gettys is the driving force of the local Klan cell. This
way, he also applies pressure on Cooper Main to take part in the attacks. In
the last of these attacks, he shoots Cooper in cold blood after his comrade has
refused to do the same to George and Madeline. Gettys himself is then shot by
Senora Vasquez-Reilly
Santa Fe, NM
of a primitive brothel in Santa Fe where Ashton serves for some months in 1865
to earn money while looking out for a new partner. On her escape, Ashton shoots
Raoul, the cousin of the senora.
[Movie: She is addressed as mit Madame Rosa. Ashton steals and takes as lot of the gold the senora has stacked up.]
Leverett Dawkins
manager. With war profits he erects the Palmetto Bank in Charleston and takes
over the loan on Mont Royal. But he rejects investments for modern machinery as
for prematurely repayment of the loan to keep Madeline in financial dependency
- in correspondence with Cooper - for as long as possible. When Ashton
"Fenway" appears in his bank, he gets Cooper to sell Mont Royal to
[Movie: The banker is named Mr. Keyes and also is Cooper's finance broker in business matters. But he provides no financing on the phosphate explorations since Mount Royal is not under Cooper's control. He is not participated in Ashton's takeover attempt on Mont Royal.]
Prudence Chaffee
Mont Royal plantation, SC
b. 1842, d. 1868 (shot by Desmond LaMotte)
School teacher, takes over the education of black children and other persons at Mont Royal in 1865. As a farmers' daughter, the also inserts her power in practical things to do. The school rises quite a pubically and is more than once the aim of attacks by the Ku Klux Klan. In 1868, Prudence is shot in one of those attacks by Desmond LaMotte.
[Movie: she survives all the attacks. As a pragmatical person, she pulls Madeline back to the grounds of reality several times.]
Adolphus O. "Holzfuß" Jackson
Several places in the West
d. 1866 (killed by Indians)
of about 50 years of age, setting out from St. Louis to trade goods with
Cheyenne tribes for horses. After the successful tour in 1865 to 1866 with
Charles, Jackson is killed at the outset of the next tour in September of 1866
by revengeful Cheyenne "Scar" in an attack and gets brutally
mistreated. Only Charles survives this event.
[Movie: matching.]
Several places in the West
d. 1866 (killed by Indians)
Mentally dumb but harmless nephey and follower of Jackson. Just like "Woodfoot" Jackson, he dies in the Indian's attack in September of 1866.
[Movie: matching. He is called Jim.]
Pater Lovewell
Epicospal pastor in the Ashley District. After getting known that Madeline has one-eighth of negro blood, he rejects her from his chorch door. In 1868, he even joins the local chapter of the Ku Klux Klan under the leadership of Desmond LaMotte. During an attack on Mont Royal, his identity is disclosed, he kills Captain Jolly by a spent bullet, and then he quickly leaves the district.
[Movie: matching, but he doesn't take part in the Klan.]
Captain Jack Jolly
Near Mont Royal, SC
d. 1868 (shot by spent bullet)
Civil War cavalryman under Nathan Bedford Forrest with ongoing deep racist
views. With his delapidated folks, he settles down in the woods at Gettys'
store, conducts a unmorally life supported by robery and raids, and is pointed
on Madeline by Desmond LaMotte and Randall Gettys. He gets involved in the
local Klan chapter. In conducting an attack on Mont Royal, he accidentally gets
shot by Father Lovewell.
[Movie: Jolly appears without a family and leads the Klan chapter. At the attack on Mont Royal, he gets shot by black workers.]
Septymus Glyn
Indian Territory
d. 1868 (shot by Bent)
Illegal dealer of whiskey, guns and love services by a young Indian woman to Indians. He briefly meets Charles when he still is riding with Jackson. In 1868, he gets shot by Bent in his cabin who wants to stay and wait here for Charles Main in search of his son.
[Movie: The first meeting with Charles ist left out. And Bent doesn't shoot him but stabbs him with a kniufe. In the movies, he is spelled "Glynn".]
Dutch Henry Griffenstein
Several places in the West
a buffalo hunter and helper to Buffalo Bill Cody. He meets Charles in September
of 1867. In 1868, he offers Charles a job as a scout under Custer for the
campaign against Indians. After the first massaker, Custer sends him out on
scouting mission from that he don't return.
[Movie: left out]
Jupiter Smith, Esq.
Lehigh Station, PA
for George Hazard. He is George's confident in erecting the bank in Lehigh
Station and runs the businesses of Hazard Iron during George's stay in Europe.
Also he calls for Virgilia and present her the chance to help Madeline in
keeping Mont Royal against Ashton.
[Movie: he is a Pinkerton detective and searches for traces of Elkanah Bent in George's order until George takes it on himself in St. Louis to track his enemy down.]
Miss Todd
Cincinatty, OH
geb. ca. 1790
mother of Elkanah Bent. Equipped with a heritable mental illness (appears to
outstanders by stubbornness and self-overvalueing), the ancient lady has been
impregnated by his own father as a girl, blamed the fatherhood to Heyward
Starkwether who was courting for her at this time, and sent his son Elkanah to
poor farmers Bent in Ohio. Since then, she supports Starkwether and after his
death his lawyer Jasper Dills with monthly payments for reports on Bent's way
of life. When learning on Constance Hazard's murder from the papers, she
realizes that Dill's reports are false. She calls him in and cancels the
[Movie: left out]
"Green Grass "
Indian Territory
girl. Charles meets her in 1866 with Jackson in her village, when she signed to
him wanting to be his girl. In 1868, Charles meets her again in the cabin of
Septymus Glyn who has lurked her away from her tribe, made her addicted to
alcohol and hires her out to other men. Bent uses her as well after having
killed Glyn. Charles takes her after Bent's death to the next indian village to
let them treat her wounds afflicted by Bent in the fight.
[Movie: She is wounded during Charles' rescue of his son by a bullet and it is not clear if she survives..]
LeGrand Villers
Chief salesman of Willard Fenway. For some time, he is Ashton's lover until Willard sends her out of his house after her selfish actions in South Carolina. Later, he meets Ashton by chance as a brothel madame.
[Movie: left out]
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