Novel Description Book 2


English version: Jan 24th, 2025


Book 2 - Love and War

Published at: Harcourt Brance Jovanovich, Nov 1983, 1088 pages, todays ISBN 0-451-20082-9


 (Cover 1st U.S. edition, 25th (todays) U.S. edition)



Book 2 - Love and War

Prologue: Ashes Of April

Book One: A Vision From Scott (chapters 1-32)

Book Two: The Downwards Path (chapters 33 - 48)

Book Three: A Place, Worse Than Hell (chapters 49 - 63)

Book Four: "Let Us Die To Free Mankind" (chapters 64 - 87)

Book Five: The Butcher's Bill (chapters 88 - 118)

Book Six: The Lord's Verdict (chapters 119 - 147)



Book 2 - Love and War


Prologue: Ashes Of April

On April 30th, 1861, two weeks after Orry's visit, the house of George's foreman Fenton is burning in town. George (36) rushes to help, but the foreman, his wife and a cousin are dead already. It is said to have been a family tragedy. To George, this event releases the lethargy of the previous weeks, but he also thinks on the years that passed since he met Orry the first time.


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Book One: A Vision From Scott

Chapter 1

C.S.A. Captain Charles Main performs formal drill with Colonel Wade Hampton's volunteers, associated with his partner First Lieutenant Ambrose Pell.

Chapter 2

Charles' troop is attacked by some Yankees. Charles leads a counterattack into the woods and the enemy disperses. When a wounded enemy stays back lying on the ground, Charles has to take action against some of his determined but untrained amateurs who want to kill that helpless man.

Chapter 3

Billy, now a U.S. First Lieutenant, is assigned to engineer Captain Melanchton Elijah "Lije" Farmer in Washington, while Brett stays in Lehigh Station. Washington is more like an overcrowded cauldron. Billy is transfered with his unit to Alexandria.

Chapter 4

At the War Department, President Lincoln gathers with Secretary of War Simon Cameron, the aging Union General in Chief Winfield Scott (75), Secretary of the Treasury Salmon Chase as well as Stanley Hazard and another visitor. Talk is on the situation and the problem to hot have enough weapons for all the volunteer fighters. Lincoln anready has ordered the blockade of the south by sea, but Scott's further planing to take New Orleans via the Mississippi and thereby cut of the South and wait for it's surrender my lack of supplies has no following.

Chapter 5

Cameron wants to get George to his department to handle purchasing of guns. Stanley tries to prevent this, but gets the advice to generte his own war profits by making shoes.

Chapter 6

Brevet Colonel Elkanah Bent (37) hits the bar while Cameron, Stanley and a shady dealer are doing business there for cheap uniforms. A waiter confirms to Bent, that one of the men who has just left was Stanley Hazard. His recent order is sending Bent to the army at the Cumberland, KY under Major Robert Anderson. There, he is to train volunteers at Camp Dick Robinson in secessionist territory. Bent disagrees to this order and looks for ways to avoid that transfer.

Chapter 7

Bent visits his secret mentor who has help him back on track before more than once. Heyward Starkweather from Ohio has connections to high politics and economy and is seclured but very wealthy living at the outskirts of Washington. Bent is his extramartial son. But raching the place, he lears that Starkweather has died that day by a stroke.

Chapter 8

Isabel, nur quite haggardly looking, is outraged when she lears that George and Constance were asked to come to Washington. She calms down only by Stanley reporting on the new business idea.

Chapter 9

Brett (23) drives to Lehigh Station for errands. There, she is harrassed by drunk workers as a Southerner. Nobody helps her exept a jewish store keeper, so Brett has to use all her strength and the whip to escape.

Chapter 10

George is asked to speak for putting up a regiment of volunteers at the citizen meeting, because he is the only man in town who has fought in Mexico. Disgusted, he waits for the mayor to end his war-hungry speech and thinks about the former West Point comrades from the South, who all are or have been formidable officers.

Chapter 11

George, Constance, Brett and the children William (12) and Patricia (11) are at the dining table, and George comforts Brett on the attack in town. Both ruffians were reported by the storekeeper and are in jail now. Furthermore, George has fired them at Hazard Iron. Then he helps Brett on her pain of separation from Billy.

Chapter 12

Cooper and his family arrive in England with the last steamer that left Savannah before the blockade closed up the harbor, and some days in London, they travel to Liverpool by train. His task there is to produce storm boats, that are to harrass the Northern maritime traffic in a way that they have to use blockade vessels to secure their trade lines. In Liverpool, he meets the marine agend James D. Bulloch from Georgia.

Chapter 13

Well covered, Bent watches the burial of his bodily father Heyward Starkweather. He never learns who his mother was. He was given in foster care to the poor Bent family in Felicy, Clermont County, OH. Only via Starkweathers lawyer Jasper Dills he learned at the age of 15 that the Bent's weren't his real parents.

Dispite former orders, Bent goes to see lawer Dills to get recalled his transfer to Kentucky. The lawyer sends him away without doing anything for him. But after thinking on it, he wants to puts a word in for Bent, because now being Starkweather's legal successor he receives payments from Bent's bodily mother as long as Bent is alive.

Chapter 14

George and his forman, young scottish Christopher Wotherspoon, are looking for the reason for the ongoing failures in the new cannon production. George also searches for a decision how he can be of use for his country. He would prefer a line assignement to fight, but it also scares him. He would be more of worth to the War Department, but then he would have to collaborate with Stanley and Isabel.

Constance is clueless because she learned that her father wants to move from Texas to California and she is worried on his age of 60. But she suggests that George shall travel to Washington and look for his decision there. When Brett learns on that, George arranges an escort for her to Washington and Billy because he himself has to solve the production problem before his departure.

Chapter 15

Billy and Brett meet in his boarding house room. The next day - Captain "Lejie" Farmer gave him a day off for that - they go for a stroll on the Presidents Park. The day after that, Brett gets acquainted to Captain Farmer and is impressed by that white-haired former travelling preacher.

Chapter 16

Justin LaMotte thinks on revenge against Madeline and Orry and also gives Orry the blame for his failure in raising his "Ashley Guards", where - in contrast to Wade Hampton's volunteer regiments - dispite colorful uniforms, only a few farm boys have signed up. When a drill exercise under the command of his brother once more has turned into a brawl and Justin is sent for some negroes to go in and quell the action, a shot gets fired and hits Justin in his buttocks.

Chapter 17

Orry is busy running the plantation. He has manage a lot of details - e.g. to find a new overseer - before he can think about the offer to go to Richmond as staff member of special military advisor Robert E. Lee. He would prefer an fighting assignment, and also thinking to be close to Ashton and James Huntoon disgusts him, but is hasn't made a decision yet. First, he signs the obligation to deliver a portion of the crop profits to the government.

His mother Clarissa still is mentally locked-up and doesn't recognize him while she always greets him politely. Madeline is happy with him but shares his sorrows.

Chapter 18

Madeline relays the news to Orry that Justin has died on infection of his bullet wound. Instantly, they start planning their wedding, in part that Orry can follow up on the call to Richmond.

Orry thinks on the negros getting increasingly uppity. Especially Cuffey is on his mind. Flashback: Cuffey's wife Anne had twins months ago, but one died soon after birth. With Brett being away from Mont Royal in dispute with Orry on her marriage to Billy at that time, nobody sent for midwife Aunt Belle Nin. Recently - Cutty now was a foreman - the second girl died while Orry and Madeline were off in Charleston. After their return, Orry at once took care on Cuffey and Anne, but was accused by Cuffey and sent out of his cabin. Shortly thereafter, Anne spoke out to Orry and asked him to sell her as quickly as possible because constantly would beat her and she couldn't stand it anymore. Orry didn't sell her but gave her to a befriended family in Charleston as a house maid.

Another accident occured when Madeline's horse shied because foreman Cuffey was beating 60 year old slave Cicero with great cruelty. Only the interception by slave Andy, who also resisted Cuffey's orders, prevented further harm to Madeline. Orry personally conveyed his thanks to Andy. The next day, Orry learned that Cuffey has retrospectively greatly abused Cicero with a club. So the foreman function went from Cuffey to Andy.

Orry receives the application of elderly Philemon Meek for the job as overseer, but not earlier than in Autumn, and Orry admits that he wants to join the military.

Chapter 19

The capitol of the Southern States was moved after Virginia's secession from Montgomery to Richmond VA, a sophisticated city of 40,000 inhabitants. Ashton is unhappy because James is unable to get a better job than a small worker to the Secretary of the Treasury. They reside in a boarding house room and visit social events to be introduced to influencal people: Brigadier General Beauregard, Attourney General Judah Benjamin and others. James succeeds in having a conversation with President Davis and starts another discussion on the rights of the individual states, that Davis aborts after some time, what provokes Ashton's rage.

James and Ashton are contacted by elegant Lamar Hugh augustus Powell on an investment in blockade runners. But James declines.

Chapter 20

Charles buys an unimpressive Grey from a farmer, that has some talent as a war horse. The circumstances in camp are bad due to rubbish, alcohol, whores, illnesses and dirty water. Charles gets informed by Colonel Hampton that one of his soldiers, cavalry man Custom Dawkins Cramm III (who previously wanted to shoot the Yankee) has been picked up having left his unit without permission to take part in a horse race with the 1st Virginia Cavalry under J.E.B. Stuart. Hampton assigns the chair of a special court-martial on Cramm to Charles. Some officers enjoy occasional dinner parties given and paid by wealthy comrades.

Chapter 21

Stanley buys the momentarily closed Lashbrook Shoe Factory and re-employs the former administrator Dick Pennyford with the authority to rapidly produce cheap shoes for the army as fast as possible. Isabel even plans business over those shoes with the South to maximize profits.

Kapitel 22

Just barely, Charles can keep a thief from the notorious Zouaves regiment from Louisiana to grab his beautiful saber made of Solingen steel that was a present from Orry.

Kapitel 23

On July 1st, 1861, George reaches Washington. He first beds in a hotel while Stanley and Isabel can take over the house of an old widow. George doesn't find them there because they are still in New England. The next day, he appeard and spoke to the leader of the office of armory, Colonel Ripley, who himself rejects any innovation in weaponry.Even after a conversation with Cameron, George postpones his decision, but tends to accept with greatest care.

Chapter 24

Stanley can complete the acquisition of the shoe factory in Lynn and already has received a contract to supply shoes to the government. He now sees himself in a superior position in the War Department that George.

Chapter 25

Ambrose Pell's negro Toby as well as two servants of an aristocratic captain from the "Tiger" company have run off. With Hampton's consent, Charles and Ambrose set out to look for them. On a small farm they meet young widow Augusta Barclay from the Fredericksburg area, Spotsylvania County. She smuggles chinin from Washington into the South. When six Yankees are riding in, Charles and Ambrose hide the young woman in the attic.

Chapter 26

Charles confronts the young Second Lieutenant Prevo leading the troop of the Georgetown Mounted Dragoons. He avoids an armed fight with Prevo's outspoken corporal and is able to prevent a search of the house after the woman.

Chapter 27

Charles and Ambrose stay on the farm over night while Charles gets to know Augusta better.

Chapter 28

While Constance is packing for Washington on July 13th, suddenly Virgilia (37) appears, durty and ragged. She is able to convince Constance for shelter and agrees to her demand of behaving strictly sensible. Also, George may not be informed about this. Constance is aware of the things Virgilia has stolen and sold off to survive, and she plans on convincing Brett to tolerate Virgilia's presence.

Chapter 29

Orry and Madeline marry in a very small ceremony at Mont Royal. On the family side, only mentally absent Clarissa takes part. A small distraction occurs when slave Cuffey gets noisy.

Chapter 30

George - in full uniform as a captain - meets with Billy in a Washington restaurant. They wish each other best of luck. Shortly after that, Constance and the children arrive. They reluctantly comply to an invitation from Stanley and Isabel for dinner. Stanley brags on his wealth and takes every chance to belittle George, so by his better position to Cameron, in critizising West Point, or the shoe supply contract.

Chapter 31

Virgilia's behaviour towards Brett is not self-righteous anymore but impolite in other ways. Nevertheless, Brett sensitively gets Virgilia to at least take care of her own body. Very slowly, Virgilia's mood shifts from indifference to pride.

Chapter 32

Like many others, George drives out with his family to picknick on an outlook with a carriage where the coming battle near Manassas is expected to be observable. But they arrive late at noon to only hear some gun fire. They meet many acquaintances there, including Stanley and Isabel, but don't take further notice to them.

When they disappointedly turn for returning, they get into the chaotig flight of beaten Union soldiers. Again and again, George has to interfere to re-open the blocked path, while Stanley and Isabel let their carriage rush by in panic. Soldiers force George to hand over the carriage and they have to continue to Washington on foot. On their way, they meet Stanley and his family at the road side with their overturned carriage. Stanley looks pittyful, and they pick up him, Isabel and the twins.


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Book Two: The Downwards Path

Chapter 33

Colonel Bent and his roommate Colonel Elmsdale watch the Union soldiers returning to Washington. Bent now fears that the war will drag on by this defeat and he finally will have to go to Kentucky.

Charles was dispatched with his unit to support Beauregard in the Battle of Manassas (or Bull Run). But being unable to use the train, they arrive after the South has won the battle already.

Tom Jackson and his brigade stood like a stone wall near Henry House what earns him the nickname "Stonewall" Jackson.

Chapter 34

George collects informations on the battle from the Union position. Blame for the defeat was given to Scott and McDowell, and George's West Point acquaintance George McClellan was tasked with overall command. Then, George is sent on an inspection tour of the Cold Spring Foundry near West Point and visits his former place of education.

After that, office routine takes over for George. In August, he is promoted to Major, Colonel Ripley now is a Brigadier General. But he has no joy in his unsatisfying work. Good offerings often could not facilitated by bad dicisions, hasitations, Secretary Cameron's influence and internal schemes, and it has to be acquired what was available worldwide after the Rebels have plundered the markets.

One evening, President Lincoln appears at the arsenal where George inspects inferior foreign long guns. Es reports that he sent buyers to Europe himself because he is disappointed by the work of Cameron's and his people. His only praise is to George.

Stanley recllections on the walk back from Bull Run is fragmentary, but he blames it on George and blocks his work wherever possible. He also senses that Cameron's department is under bad critics, because the army lacks on material of any kind - except shoes. He seeks advice from Isabel, but she is angry over Constance making connections for her and George that she would like for herself.

Chapter 35

The Hampton's League is in camp North of Centreville and is reorganized on their losses. Charles is invited to an officer's reception in Richmond. At the ballroom, he watches Ashton and James Huntoon crowding around the President. But he also meets West Point comrade Fitzhugh Lee, a nephew of Robert E. Lee, as well as Colonel J.E.B. Stuart, who had made him that haircut back then at West Point and is the commander of the 1st Virginia Cavalry today. Augusta is among the guests as well, and Charles talks and dances with her a great deal of time. When parting, she asks to see him again.

Chapter 36

James Huntoon is tasked with minor works at the Treasury, but he is not satisfied, in part over Ashton as well. Lamar Powell visits the Huntoon's at their house and provides details on his offer. He plans to import luxury goods from Europe and sell ot with high profits. James declines a participation and prevails in that. The followup arguments with Ashton sends him to the couch for the night.

Ashton investigates Powell's address and pays him a conspiratorial visit. Without long tit-for-tat, they end up in bed and Ashton gets fully satisfied. So, Ashton signs an investment over 35,000 Dollar for his ship.

Chapter 37

Secretary of War Cameron is critizised from all sides, and Stanley and Isabel talk on separating from him. Isabel plans on aligning with Senator Benjamin Wade from Ohio, Cameron's radical opponent. Stanley gets an appointment to Wade and hints to deliver internal informations from the War Department. Wade shows interrest.

Chapter 38

Arthur Scipio Brown (27), half-negro from near Boston and fan of Dr. Martin Delaney demanding the return of negroes to countries like Liberia, has a short and interresting conversation with George and Constance. He works as a hotel clerk and takes care of colored refugee children. Constance accompanies Brown to his small flag to visit the 12 children and the elderly nanny there. With George's consent, Constance offers her support.

Three days later, Constance and Brown travel to Lehigh Station with three of the children. Constance is amazaed on Virgilia's exterior changes. She advises the Hazard workers to remodel the former refugee's barn, but the workers show resistance. When a hateful parole was written at the barn's warn, Constance gets one of the rebelling workers to be fired.

Chapter 39

The wealthy widow Burdetta Halloran (32) gets on her way to Lamar Powell, that hasn't sent word for some time. But Lamar brushes her off at the front door saying, that he replaced her with another woman.

Chapter  40

On November 7th, 1861, Commodore Du Pont's flotilla takes Beaufort harbor near Hilton Head island. Robert E. Lee, having some failures in Western Virginia, receives command of the new Department of South Carolina, Georgia and East Florida. On his way, Lee appears at Mont Royal with three of his staff officers and talks to Orry. That is when Orry is glad to accept the position offered in the War Department in Richmond.

After Philemon Meek has arrived at the plantation and Orry is satisfied with the man, and while Orry gets ready for the journey, the old midwife Aunt Belle Nin arrives at Mont Royal. She brings along her young niece Jane, wo he freed after her mistress' death. Madeline accepts to let them stay as long as Aunt Belle's broken leg needs healing before they want to travel on to the North. Foreman Andy is fascinated by Jane. The next day, Orry departs for Richmond.

Chapter 41

In Summer of 1861, the United States Sanitary Commission is founded under director Frederick Law Olmstead to help avoiding unnecessary losses due to lack of hygiene in the camps. Women all over the north are organizing markets and collections on this. Constance as well holds a market in a Hazard storyge building to generate donations. Brett and Virgilia, who gets praised for her looks and manners, take part in that.

Two weeks later, a newspaper article on Constance's highly successful efforts is relayed to Miss Dorothea Dix (60), having the prime oversight on the Union Army field nurses. Virgilia takes interrest in the work of a nurse and asks for a letter of commendation. Shortly after, she speaks to Miss Dix and is accepted.

Chapter 42

Orry moves into a room of a Richmond boarding house and enters his duty as Lieutenant Colonel under Secretary Judah Benjamin, including holding contact with the problematic Chief of Military Police: Brigadier General John Henry Winder, a West Point associate of President Davis and maltreter of people. Orry's inaugural visit to him is less pleasant.

Orry is invited to a dinner party of Navy Secretary Stephen Mallory. On an evening stroll with Benjamin, they meet Ashton and James. After a short conversation, they part again, but the Secretary correctly senses the tensions between the siblings.

Ashton visits Powel as often as possible. The man shows himself as a fiery patriot, but declining the President and plans to draw wealth from the war and then take over a leading role in the country. To James, especially as a lover, Ashton has nothing but scorn.

Chapter 43

Birry writes in a letter to Brett, that he has returned to Washington with Company A, now being formed with Company B from Maine and Company C from Massachusetts as an engineer battalion under Captain James Duane with assignment to McClellan's Army of the Potomac. Brett is lonely after Constance as well as Brown have left for Washington and Virgilia is with Miss Dix. She helps sweet Rosalie at the negro orphans house over her sorrow of a dead turtle. This way, she doesn't take notice that Rosalie is a black child.

Chapter 44

Aunt Belle Nin dies on October 10th, 1861 on blood poison and is buried at Mont Royal. The same day, a fire storm destroys 600 buildings in Charleston. Foreman Andy is flirting with Jane, but Cuffey harrasses her. The following day, Madeline askes Jane to natuarally take a seat at the breakfast table. Against her feelings for Andy, she still wants to leave but looks for a way to help the plantation. Against all customs, Madeline lets Jane visit the family library.

Chapter 45

George is upset on his sensless work. His boss, old Ripley, still declines all kinds of innovation using silly arguments. Constances reports on an invitation to the reception of Major General George Brinton McClellan ("Little Mac"), being General in Chief since November 1st.

Stanley thinks that his business interrests are in dager by the momentarily depression in Washington, and he starts stealing secrets from Cameron's department and deliver it to one of Wade's confidants. At noon, he gets done one of that fashionable, harmonically staged photographs from him and his family. He then tells that Stanton, one of Cameron's lawyers, has written and instantly published a report, saying that Cameron allededly has spoken out to arm run-off slaves. The President is outraged.

Chapter 46

Christmas coming up, George meets with Billy at the arsenal. The same evening, he is invited for dinner with Superintendent Emeritus Sylvanus Thayer (76), who also likes to attend McClellan's reception. Thayer tells George that he would be of better service for the Union in the field than behind a desk.

Short of the closing of the year, the reception of George's former classmate McClellan es held. Other than military men and their wifes, many politicians are present, including Stanley, Isabel and even Cameron. Senator Wade signals to Stanley thinking on taking him over. When the brothers met - Stanley always closely followed by Isabel - Stanley already hat a lot of punch. Then President Lincoln strolls along and talks with Constance with ignoring Stanley and Isabel. The greetings with McClellan are heartfelt, but George keeps his reservations on that overly seif-concious general.

At Mont Royal, Clarissa suffers a stroke and will likely stay paralyzed half-sided.

Chapter 47

On Christmas Eve, George is mad and talks with Constance on the illusion of a 90 day war.

Chapter 48

In the quiet phase after Manassas, Hampton is elevated to brigade command by adding further units while Charles leads on his scouting party. At winter quaters near Dumfries, he builds a wooden shack for him and Ambrose. One time, he is able to ride over to Spotsylvania County to visit Augusta, but the elderly free negro Washington reports to him that she is off to town with his son Bosworth. Besides that, life in camp is plagued by bordom during the cold winter time. At Christmas eve, Lieutenant Ambrose Pell does not retorn to camp from a scouting mission.


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Book Three: A Place, Worse Than Hell

Chapter 49

On his retorn trip from Brigadier General Stuart's headquarters, Charles and five of his men bump into some Yankees in the fog. Charlestonian First Lieutenant Reinhard von Helm, the replacement for Ambrose Pell was described to Charles as a intriguing coward and idiot making his career solely on the help of well-known persons. In this situation here, Helm shows extreme carelessness and causes a skirmish. After Charles' men chased off the Yankees and killed on of them, Charles picks up a lost and brand new Spencer repeating rifle and copper bullets from the ground and surveys it the next day at the shooting range. The soldiers present are devestated on the accuracy of that weapon.

The coming day, Charles receives a small book with poems via field mail from Augusta, keeping it with him from how on. That evening, after another incident, he throws von Helm out of his shack.

Chapter 50

Under pressure, Simon Cameron resigns to be sent as the U.S. ambassador to Russia. On saying good-bye, he tells Stanley that he is aware of Stanley's connections to Senator Wade. His successor will be lawyer Edwin McLasters Staton, pushed through by Wade.

Some Union victories in Western Kentucky and Western Tennessee put an old West Point comrade of George into the spotlight: Ulysses "Sam " Grant, now a brigadier general. Lincoln issues Order No. 1 for McClellan to march off for Richmond until Februars 22nd, 1862 at the latest. But McClellan again hesitates.

Chapter 51

Charles' commander, Major Calbraith Butler, summons him in, with Colonel Hampton also waiting there. They tell him that his unit has turned against him and that Hampton wants to use him as a scout according to his skills. Charles asks for a short leave and rides over to Augusta. He stays the night but doesn't dare to sleep with her fighting his desires. At early morning, they were disturbed by a Southern troop passing by, and Charles rides off in a confused state of mind.

Chapter 52

Cooper has success with Captain James Bulloch to get out blockade running ships who leave England under a fake name, change their captain in Nassau and receiving their armory at see from another ship. This shows the ineffectiveness of the sea blockade as ordered by Lincoln. One gunboat delivered that way is to attack Union merchant vessels to force Lincoln to withdraw forces from the blockade for escorting and protecting his trade lines. On March 22nd, the "Oreto" is finished for that who will be named "Florida" after the planned change of flags. A second one, the "Enrica", also aledgedly for a shipping company in Palermo, is under construction.

Nevertheless, maximum secrecy is required, because Yankee spy Dudley can uncover their schemes any moment. In a Liverpool bar, Cooper is contacted by private detective Marcellus Dorking. Cooper's activities are well-known to him and he offers money. But when he indirectly threatens Judith and the children, Cooper throws him out of the bar.

Chapter 53

Elkanah Bent, now a colonel, gets command over an Ohio regiment in April - just before the start of the Battle of Shiloh against Albert Sidney Johnson's army, where the commanders of about every regiment fell victim. Bent is desparate and gives blame to division commander William Tecumseh Sherman. At the last minute, Bent is transferred from line to staff duty under Anderson, but this commander subsequently is replaced by General Sherman and Bent gets sent out again.

The young Ohio men under his command, as well as Bent without any fighting experience, have no chance against Hardee's onslaughting rebels, so he retreats with his unit, even clearing the passage to the rear against his own men by force. After being knocked unconcious by a granade detonation, bent finds himself relatively unhurt among several dead and wounded. To avoid blame as commanding officer, he wounds himself in the thigh.

Both sides claim Shiloh to be a victory, while Johnston did make ground on the first day but was killed and Grant pushed back the rebels to Corinth the next day. Bent has to declare himself several times, but Sherman distrusts him and pulls him off the command. One month later, he is transferred to staff service in the occupation forces at the Gulf, signalling clearly that his carreer turns to the end.

Chapter 54

Billy commands a troop to built a pontoon bridge over the Black Creek. His works are hindered by rain, mud and partisan skirmishers. With McClellan's army, he was shipped to the peninsula between the York and James River, after the general had lost the position als General in Chief on March 10th, formally on his hesitation. Now he organizes the attack on Yorktown.

When the Confederates pull back out of Yorktown at eary May, Billy has to discover that they were fooled by wooden fake guns. That way, Magruder's units could fortify a better position uphill.

With Abner Woolner and another scout, Charles rides between the lines at Yorktown for days. When they watch a Yankee troop on the road, one of their horses neighs and they can make their escape only narrowly.

First Lieutenant Billy Hazard is provoked by patronizing Second Lieutenant George Armstrong Custer, who just had graduated at West Point last of his class in 1861. He starts a brawl with Custer's comanion Captain Rawlings until Billy's friend and superior officer Lije Farmer intercepts on his side.

Chapter 55

From within the surrounded city of Richmond, also being overcrowded by refugees, Orry daily listens to heavy artillery fire outside of town where McClellan has taken position. After the fall of forts Henry and Donelson, Secretary of State Benjamin is replaced by George Randolph. Davis issues a draft order for men from 18 to 35 years. Robert E. Lee takes over command of the Army of Northern Virginia, while Orry has to defend himself against several plots.

After he makes love to Ashton, Lamar Powell tells of his plans to eliminate President Davis on alledged incompetence. James Huntoon is angy over his assumption that Ashton is constantly with another man and he on the other side has to work like a slave to pack up the Treasury into boxes. He gets train tickets, but Ashton refuses to leave town.

James finds bank receipts and confronts Ashton. She openes to him her partnership in Powell's blockade runners, having made that way more than 250,000 Pound Sterling in two runs. In the following arguments, Ashton suppresses James' upcoming manly uprightness.

Chapter 56

McClellan is compelled to retreat from Richmond after Lee succeeded to get Stonewal Jackson's support. That way, "Old Bob" can make good on his starting weaknesses and flank out "Little Mac". The command takeover was feared for him being the known best soldier of his time.

George has a lot of work to do in Ripley's team, but gets increasingly frustrated on that, as well on watching his incapable brother getting accepted by Stanton and even rising to his executing deputy. Stanley tells George over dinner that West Point will be closed due to lack of funds.

On July 29th, with local dignitaries, Cooper takes part at the maiden run of ship No. 209 he helped organize with Captain Bulloch under great secrecy. At the last minute, he can fend off agents Maguire and Dorking who want to prohibit the departure. Bulloch explains to the passengers that they will return on a tow ship because this ship will go to America to engage at the war under her name of "C.S.S. Alabama".

George travels to Lehigh Station checking on things, then travels on to Braintree, MA and meets "Old Sylvanus" Thayer. They conclude on steps necessary to save West Point.

In Washington, the high commander in the West, Henry "Brains" Halleck is called in as new General in Chief and successor of McClellan who himself still commands the Army of the Potomac.

Charles and Abner are scouting around Frederick, MD and find out that the inhabitants don't really want to be "liberated" by the Confederates. When they let a 55,000 strong army pass them coming from Virginia (with the cavalry led ny Major General Stuart), senior Brigadier Hampton rides over to them and reports that Charles' former adversary Captain von Helm was drunk at drill exercises, fell off his horse and as broken his neck. Private Cramm has deserted. Charles sees that the infantry soldiers  are more ragged than a year before, lots of them not even have shoes.

Chapter 57

In September, the cavalry marches in full line, followed up by Lee's divisions. Slowly, McClellan forms his army against them. On September 12th, Lee dares to split his army, Stuart follows the western detachment. But McClellan aproaches faster as usual and thwart's Lee's ruse with the partitioned army after some of his men before found three cigars wrapped into a sheet with Lee's written Order No. 191.

On September 15th, Stonewall conquers the armory and corn depot of Harpers Ferry and tales 11,000 Yankees as prisoners. The next day, Charles and Abner are in the rear guard of "Old Jack" on his way to Sharpsburg where Lee is in position. At sunrise on September 17th, the battle begins. Charles is ordered to replace a fallen officer ant take part in infantry fighting. When the rebels hold the upper hand in their sector, Charles pulls himself out again. He supports some soldiers to roll a cannon into position while the tow horse is wounded and the lieutenant is incapable. A major takes his name and thanks him. On his way back to headquarters, he is hit by a bullet but that got reflected by Augusta's book he is wearing on a string around his neck. Tha masses of men savaged and dying deeply engraves into his soul.

The following day, Lee retreats back to Virginia crossing the Potomac River again, having lost 23,000 men in one day. Charles watches the ambulances looking for survivers all over the fields and woods. Lee is lucky that McClellan ultimately doesn't follow up and just took a defensive position.

Chapter 58

Billy and his unit arrives at the battlefield on South Mountain by September 15th, when the ambulances still are busy. He has to build a ford through Antietam Creek. The engineers are not engaged in the big battle, but were ultimately used on the 17th. Then, Billy helps to repair the Harpers Ferry bridge after destruction by the rebels.

On September 24th, Lincoln issues the Emancipation Proclamation wherof all slaves in the South would be free by Januar 1st, 1863.

Cooper receives a letter asking him to be of service for the Navy Department in Richmond. Since he still is loyal to the South, he and Judith decide to return home.

Chapter 59

Colonel Elkanah Bent is in the occupied city of New Orleans, and with disgust he watches a parade of the newly formed 1st Louisiana Native Guards, a black unit. He has succeeded to be transfered to policing service what vested him with some powers. To his surprise, he sees Stanley Hazard in company with Colonel Andrew Butler, the brother of the commanding general.

Stanley seals a deal with Andrew Butler exchanging is shoes made by Lashbrooks in Lynn with cotton for the North. Both partners know that business with the enemy is against the law.

To the close of November, the replacement of General Butler as commander of the Army of the Gulf approaches. Bent enters the etablossement of Madame Conti and mixes with the waiting and drinking soldiers there. Madame Conti re-recognizes him and attaches him to one of her ladies. Under a pretense, he provokes a general brawl to distract Madame Conti. Then he cuts the portrait of Madeline's mother out of its frame, gets surprised by Madame Conti and beats her down in merciless fashion.

Chapter 60

The Army of the Potomac under Burnside reaches positions at the Rappahannock, the engineers are housed in shacks of the Falmouth camp. Billy suffers from a feverishy cold, when he takes part to build a bridge close to the watch fires of the rebels. He gets under fire, loses concious and is carried to the hospital. That way, he misses the devestating Battle of Fredericksburg starting at December 11th.

Chapter 61

By night, only President Lincoln, Secretary Stanton, his adjutant Major Albert Johnson and Stanley Hazard are waiting in the department, when news on Burnside's defeat begin comming on.

With skill and authority, Virgilia runs a ward in the Union Hotel turned hospital in Washington, when the first wounded are coming in from the battle. She manages to get her assistant Louisa Alcott, being appalled by the disgust at hand, used to that work. Then the new doctor Erasmus Flyle of Washington starts to compliment her, but she ignores it.

Chapter 62

The day General Butler is replaced in New Orleans by General Banks, Butler orders Bent in his office, accused him of having provoked the fightings at Madame Conti with the establishment being totally destroyed, further accuses him on theft and on the attack on the Madame, and denotes him to a Lieutenant. Bent therafter deserts the army and leaves New Orleans with the next steamer.

Chapter 63

On December 22nd, 1862, Charles finally has a chance to ride over to Augusta after having been deployed nearby for weeks. He senses danger, enters the house over its roof and frees Augusta from the hands of two Yankee scouts. He kills the younger, wounds the elder one and lets him escape, when Augusta keeps him from shooting the man in the back. Thereafter, Charles and Augusta have wild and intense sex together.


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Book Four: "Let Us Die To Free Mankind"

Chapter 64

At New Years Eve, George and Constance visit a church service. Despite some rowdies throwing stones at the windows at midnight, there is a sense of hope. But also Lincoln's proclamation for setting free the slave is enacted and not just a few people in the North fear the consequences.

Orry talks to President Davis at the new year reception and mentiones that Madeline will come to Richmond. Beyond several other acquaintances, he meets Ashton, James and another man he doesn't know (Powell).

Chapter 65

Madeline departs from Mont Royal. Cuffey has been captured and brought back seriously ill. Philemon Meek does good work, is to old for the second conscription act as well and therefore can stay at his post. Jane works for wages as a housemaid and teaches the other negroes. Cuffey obviously still wants to have her but Jane has more and more feelings for Andy.

After one of Jane's lessions, the blacks hold a discussion if it is worth to know how to read, write and calculate. Cuffey is first to decline it and promotes an unforgiving revenge. Jane and Andy are kissing.

Senator Sherman, brother of the general, discusses resolution 611 with George, bringing the end to West Point because the federal funding.

Chapter 66

In Nassau, Cooper returns with his family to the American continent. One week later, the blockade runner "Water Witch" comes in coaded with cotton. Soapes, mate of the ship, confesses that they take up sherry, cigars and other luxury goods for the return trip and plan on breaking through the blockade near Wilmington.

Cooper talks to Captain William Ballantyne the next day when the captain fills out loading papers alledgedly going to the Bahamas. When cronfronted with Soapes' informations, he hildes behind the ship owners of whom he mentiones Ashton Huntoon by name.

Chapter 67

George visits the Senate debate on the proposal on West Point funding and witnesses his previous effords over a heated discussion finally bare fruits. The proposal is passed with 29 to 10 votes, what upsets Stanley that much that he leaves the chamber without a greeting. But George ultimately sees now that he cannot support this political circus any longer.

Stanley receives Stanton's order to support Colonel Baker to investigate on the goverment critics who mark themselves with copper pennies of 1857 at ther coats. This order is highly conspiratively, since Baker is head of a secret detective bureau that even the President doesn't know about.

George meets Christopher Wotherspoon from the foundry and accompanies him in a freight train taking cannons they delivered to the arsenal. There, he meets the unconventional Brigadier General Haupt who even hasn't formally accepted his appointment to general yet. A civil engineer by profession, he now works on repairing railroads.

During this time, Charles visits Augusta three times and sleeps with her every time. He also takes two long guns and amunition with him for Washington and Boz.

Chapter 68

At the hospital, Virgilia is present as Congressman Samuel G. Stout is part of a visitation. She instantly is fascinated by Stout, but she steps back when he said to be married while still being ready for adventures.

Chapter 69

In a shady bar, Bent secretly meets Dills, and the lawyer hands him a letter of application for Bent to get a post at the internal security group. Bent is delegated to assistant Stanley Hazard being responsible for that. Wir greatest self-control, Bent, calling himself Ezra Dayton, succees in being passed to Colonel Baker.

Chapter 70

Cooper and his family are on board the blockade runner "Water Witch", when the moon suddenly comes out from the clouds while sneeking through the blockade and the ship is taken under fire. The ship sinks, the captain dies, while Cooper, Judith and the children manage to jump off in time. While swimming, Judal is hit by parts of the exploding boiler and dies. Exhausted, Cooper, Judith and Marie-Louise reach the coast and manage it to the next fortification on foot.

Chapter 71

Orry and his West Point friend George Pickett share the dissatisfaction on how the war progresses and his work for General Winder. Then he picks up Madeline from the depot.

Washington and Boz are worried and tell Augusta Barclay to leave the farm and go to Richmond, since the Union troops will march directly over her land. But Augusta wants to stay for Charles to find her.

Brett's only joy is her work for the black children. She has some discussions with Scipio Brown over North-South- and Negro-issues until she sees that he only lets her look into the mirror. Slowly, she begins to honor him.

By April, Bent alias Dayton succees to being employed in Colonel Bakers secret police. To test his skills, he is sent behind enemy lines in Virginia for his first order.

Chapter 72

Cooper fels sick on pneumonia and has to stay in the same room as Judith and Marie-Louise for a month. He changes is standings dramatically in that time period and now he wants to go to Richmond, first to take revenge on Ashton for Judah's death, and second to put all his energy in for the Confederacy's war effort.

Chapter 73

Ashton is in an exclusive delicatess store when she has to escae from a mob of angry women looting and pillaging in the streets. She drives to Lamap Powell, and after one round in bed he inserts her in his plans to kill President Davis and his cabinet and erect his own Confederacy in an mostly uninhabitated area of New Mexico. To finance this, he has acquired a profitable gold mine in the West by questionable means.

James spts Ashton coming out from the delicatess store and escape with her carriage. He sees proof to his assumption that she betrays him.

Chapter 74

Charles again sees for Augusta. After making love, he also advises her to seek shelter in Richmond, but the stubborn woman rejects Charles worrying for her.

Chapter 75

Andy confesses his love to Jane at Mont Royal, and she replies the same. Cuffey hides behind a shack and then harasses her unethically. Andy and Mr. Meek arrive to help and beat Cuffey off, who utters wild threads while backing up.

Chapter 76

Billy arrives a small farm house with his unit. With little resistance by the farmer, he pulls down the barn to aquire wood for the river crossing. Later, they cut trees, where Billy's friend and commander Lije (Colonel Melanchton Elijah Farmer) is killed by a fallen tree.

Chapter 77

Stanley, having spent all night in the War Department's telegraph room, sees George in the dining room. George tells him that he has seen Virgilia in a carriage. But Stanley still wants nothing to do with her. Then, news arrives that General Hooker was successful and Stonewall Jackson was wounded. To Stanley's lack of understanding, George is filled with consternation.

Chapter 78

Virgilia drives to Washington to plea for a re-assignment to Miss Dix on difficulties with the new chief nurse Mrs. Neal. But Miss Dix keeps her reserve. On her way back, Virgilia by chance crosses path with Congressman Stout. They have a private conversation with both expressing their desire for each other. But Virgilia stays stedfast because Stout is married.

Chapter 79

As ordered, Bent alias Dayton meets a messenger. After he received the informations, he stabs the man in cold blood.

The following day, May 13th, Orry takes part in the funeral procession of General Thomas "Stonewall" Jackson in Richmond. He and Augusta take in Augusta Barclay and her two helpers for some days, finding her to be quite self-confident by sympatically.

Bent also is in Richmond and sees common faces in the crowd. He learns that they are James Huntoon and his wife Ashton, and he connects her looks with Orry. Then he determines Orry's address. Observing the house, he watches Madeline leaving, recognizes her face from the portrait of Madame Conti's and learns that she is Orry's wife. Then he has to leave Richmond since the messenger's body was found.

Chapter 80

For the Navy Department, Cooper has to perform senseless tests with log torpedos, but he stubbornly puts all his energy in this. Navy Secretary Mallory conferrs with Cooper on a second submersible boat developed by engineer H. L. Hunley, that is capable of pulling torpedos behind it and should be better suited for action than the "David" with the load pushing ahead.

Madeline never gives up to invite Cooper and Judith to dinner. Finally they comply, and she and Orry learn on the background on Judah's death and the owners of the "Water Witch". Orry worries over Cooper's changed manners and that he visuably drinks heavily.

Stunned, George reads reports on General Jackson's funeral in Richmond. But his rejoices to see Colonel Orry Main in the list of mourners, the first sign of his friend since the start of the war. He hopes that Orry has found a more satisfying occupation that he himself.

Inebriated, Cooper in Ashton's and James house, crashes some precious china and confronts them with his accusations. Ashton first reacs affected, but when accused of greed, gets him thrown out.

Chapter 81

Bent alias Dayton reports to Colonel Baker, who questions him on rumors in Richmond that some Lamar Powell plans on erecting a new Confederacy. The next task for Bent is to arrest the government critic and Cincinnati Globe's publisher Eamon Randolph.

Chapter 82

During preparations for one of the typical parades by J.E.B. Stuart, Charles is ordered to see General Fitzhugh Lee, a West Point comrade who has made a rapid career presumably with the help of influencal relatives The general friendly welcomes Charles and offers him command of a regiment in the rank of a colonel. When Charles points out that he fights for his home only and that scouting is what he does best, Fitz Lee quickly terminates the conversation.

After the parade, Charles and the other men were woken up early because the enemy has approached to close. When Charles and Abner bump into some Yankees, Charles first wants to make way and Ab accuses him of cowardice for that. There, Charles sees that by his love affair to Augusta je nearly has lost his fighting spirit. Back with his unit, he is involved in the fighting, during which Wooler gets killed.

The casualty list of Brandy Station is long. Wade Hampton's brother has fallen, hitting the General hard. Charles's commander Calbraith Butler looses one leg, and Stuart isn't successful for the first time. Charles, being promoted to Major, has rising doubts on his relation to Augusta in times like these.

Chapter 83

Stanley demands in unexpectingly strong manner, that Isabel leaves Washington with him and the twins on rumors that Lee was practically knocking at the door. He argues, Stanley has to let him go given his knowledge on Baker.

Bent and two detectives enter the etablissement of Mrs. Devores to get Eamon Randolph. When the suspect doesn't comply instantly, Bent brutally beats him down and influcts serious wounds. One whore manages to escape.

At Lehigh Station, with Stanley and his family back in their house, drunken Stanley tells Brett that General Meade has replaced Hooker. When starting to brag about how the Yankees would treat the South after their undoubtedly final victory, Brett breaks off the conversation.

Chapter 84

Lee has disappeard in enemy country, Rosecrans sits in Tennessee, and Grant slowly chokes up Vicksburg. Orry, being worried on these news, is still frustrated over the pernament conflics on the inhumanely overfilled prisons on the one side and the friction on that matter with the Secretary, his superior. Orry hears from a smuggler post box and sends George a long letter - without knowing if it ever will reach him.

Ashton talks with Powell, to home she has grown obedient, how to deal with James getting increasingly suspicious. Powell decides to integrate James into his plans for keeping control over him.

Stanley just wants to leave Lehigh Station with Isabel on informations that a battle is about to be fought there, when he is summoned by Stanton. The secretary is upset and sehds him to Capitol Spare prison with Colonel Baker waiting for him there. He inspects the beaten-up prisoner Randolph and learns that the escaped whore has talked and that Randolph has to be set free shortly.

Stanley is very resolved and demants that Baker will reprimand agent Dayton accordingly for this abuse of power. Baker then orders Bent to his office and dismisses him from service. Bent is upset, blanes others for his fate, and changes sides.

Outside Richmond, Powell informes James on his planes. James not clearly agreed to them, but Powel is sure to have him in his hands.

Chapter 85

Charles and his new companion, farmer boy Jim Pickles, find some yankees, questions a wounded man for unit and destination and fends off a possible attack from the back in coldblooded action. Three brigades had crossed the Potomac on June 27th and are now in the enormous battle of Gettysburg. Charles bares witness of horrible scenes with sounded soldiers on flat wagons.

On July 4th, the battle os over, Lee has to withdraw, casualties estimated on 30 percent. Orry's academy comrade George Pickett has been nearly butchered down with his unit on open field. That disturbed the formerly cheerful officer in a way that he won't later recognize Orry when seeing him.

In new York, the protests against the subcription order turn into a general riot.

For the first time, George tells Constance openly that he wants to swap his desk duty for active service. With her encouragement, he talks to Colonel Herman Haupt of the railroad regiment, his commanding General Henry "Brains" Halleck and with Stanton, wo approves the move after an unpleasant conversation.

Chapter 86

Billy and other engineers are traveling on a working train to repeatedly rebuilt a bridge over the Buill Run. There get attacked by partisans under Major John S. Mosby and Billy is the only man captured alive. Mosby himself prevents that one of his subordinates simply shoots him.

Chapter 87

By August, Richmod suffery by extremely hot weather. James has quit believing in the goals of the goverment and his department, suddenly visits Powell and by chance missed finding Ashton there in his bed. He declares to Powell to take part in his scheme. Ashton is asked by Powell to embolden James from now on in his new role.

Billy and other captured Union men were carried to Libby Prison north of Richmond, the former factory buildings of "Libby & Son Shipping & Colonial Merchantile". There, Corporal Clyde Vessey forces them to submissive actions.

George finally receives Orry's letter and is glad to learn that his friend has married Madeline and that he is well. Then he reads in astonishment that Orry as well is unsatisfied with his work.

Bent, calling himself Captain Erasmus Bellingham now, in a restaurant questions Lamar Powell on his plans. He produces his prepared story, being from Maryland, sympathizing with the South and having been wounded recently under General Longstreet. Although Powell admits to nothing, Bent feels victory. The next day, he visits Ashton and shows to her the robbed painting of Madeline's mother.

Accompanied by Jim Pickles, Charles visits Augusta. But again, the evening was not always spent in harmony. Even Jim sees Charles' ways changing to the worse.


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Book Five: The Butcher's Bill

Kapitel 88

Charles keeps changing constantly. Wenn often cited for his courage and the care for his comrades, he often spends time with his horse and in reading novels on the Wild West. Not just the men but also the horses don't get enough food for some time now. Major General Hampton orders him in and offers him command of a brigade and a promotion, but Charles again declined.

Navy Secretary Mallory sends Cooper to Charleston to work on the submersible "Hunley". He takes his family and assistant Lucius Chickering with him. The city has changed from a graceful, enegant harbor town to a run-down camping site, marked by siege and bombardment. Cooper manages to re-use and renovate his former house. Not much is left from the C.S.C. after being taken over by the military, besides the blockade makes any sea travel impossible. Then he starts working on the "Hunley" with the same diggedness as ever.

Beauregard wants to give up ob the submersible after several failed attempts, when the "David" hits a mark and the U.S.S. "New Ironsides" has to be pulled out for repairs. Now, Cooper is able to convince Beauregard, that the "Hunley" is even superior to the "David".

At the next test on September 15th, led by Hunley himself, the engineer dies together with the whole crew. Cooper gets the boat lifted and surveys the causes. To his family he increasingly gets ruthless. Finnally, Beauregard agrees in January to assemble a new crew under Captain George Dixon. Cooper himself wants to take part in a prolonged submersive test.

Chapter 90

Since six months, Billy is at Libby Prison. Gotten  skinny with a long beard and haggard face, he sits with several hundred other prisoners in one of the large rooms. The prison is totally overfilled and icecold in winter time. On December 25th, Corporal Clyde Vessey is transfered as night guard in Billy's room and from then on torments Billy constantly.

Quarres increase between Cooper still working hard on the submersible and Judith, because she doesn't want to maltreat the workers with him besides himself, and that he would risk his life in the submersive test.

Chapter 91

By his friendship to a young prisoner, Billy acquires some paper and writes a letter to Brett. But Corporal Vessey snatches the letter and fiests on Billy's anger until the tortured man flipps out and beats Vessey to the floor.

Chapter 92

Cooper performs the prolonged submersive test under Captain Dixon with six more crew members. The test is successful, the vessel had been under water for over two hours. The men and especially Cooper are euphoric and cannot wait to see the Hunley place her first torpedo into the rump of a Union ship.

Chapter 93

Corporal Vessey complains on Billy to prison comandant Captain Turner. But because the one-armed Colonel (he speaks about Orry) is checking in to often, they plan on a punishment outside the prison. So, Billy is tied to a cart rolling up and down a bumpy road. Thereafter, an old doctor has to take care of him for days.

Standing on Fort Sumter, Cooper watches on February 17th the first submersive mission with a torpedo. As planned, the U.S.S. Housatonic was sunk, but the Hunley herself doesn't return. This event increasis Cooper's hatred on the Yankees in such extremism that even a conversation with his wife gets impossible.

Slowly, Billy recovers and is able to leave the sick station and is greeted happily back in his big room. There, he learns on the big escape during his time of unconciousness, and that Vessey had been demoted. Being asked who did this to him, Billy remains silent. It is March 1st, and on the outside they hear U.S. artillery.

Chapter 94

Finally, George learns on the whereabouts of Billy being missed since the end lf last year, and instantly he conferrs with Brett and Constance. He wants to ask Orry to gather imformations on Billy. A dubious messenger is hired to smuggle a letter to Richmond. While waiting for an answer, George is informed that he is transfered to active duty at last. And then a letter returns on similar secret paths Orry agrees to take action on the matter, but wants to call on Charles to help him.

Chapter 95

George enters his line duty in the locomotive shed of Alexandria. But his superior is not Herman Haupt as he had hoped but grumpy scotsman Daniel McCallum. After George tricked him, 20 colored men are assigned to him as his workforce.

Chapter 96

Burdetta Halloran visits one of the very vew remaining receptions in Richmond. Looking for a person she can trust, she sees Orry and learns that he is working for Mr. Seddon. The next day, she visits Orry at the war department. She presents him maps and activities of Lamar Powell on a farm bought by him at the river outside of town, and she tells him, that they stack up weapons there for the plot to assassinate the President. While such plans to eliminate polititions come in on a regular bases, and they mostly fall out to be baseless, Orry this time gets suspicious due to the detailed informations.

Chapter 97

In April, Charles visits Augusta at her farm after having bivouacked not far from it all winter long. After a romantic night and a quick argument over breakfast, Jim arrives with Orry's letter he has found lying in the woods for weeks when the messenger has been killed. Charles instantly rides off for Richmond.

Chapter 98

Cooper works like crazy, is of evel mood at home and makes it very hard on Judith, his daughter and his assistant Lucius Pickering. Cooper and Judith are invited to a reception of General Beauregard wo has been assigned to the Departments of North Carolina and Southern Virginia and thus the defense of Richmond. On their way, they have to wait for a group of captured Yankees to be paraded through the streets to their prison. Cooper flipps out, starts a brawl where he out of his mind even goes after a woman who just wanted to calm him down. After uttering accusations on the death of his son and even hearing church bells that were brought to safety months ago, he collapses.

Chapter 99

Hidden by underbrush, Cuffey shoots at Andy with a musket but misses. Meek takes defensive measures since he has often heard about thieving gangs of former slaves, one of which is Cuffey with now. The next day, Andy is sent to Francis LaMotte to borrow some pickling salt, but finds the neighbor in the woods hanging from a tree, his body full of bullet holes.

At night, Orry carefully stalks to the farm house being told my Mrs. Halloran. Inside he can see Powell, three other men and a woman. Powell presents a shipload of precision guns. Orry identifies the voices of James and Ashton Huntoon. But then Powell and the other men feel alarmed and Orry has to retreat quickly. In talk with Madeline he tries to find the best actions to take. By her persuasion, he only wants to go against Powell and not mention Ashton and James in the process.

Orry visits Secretary Seddon who fetches General Winder as Chief of Secret Police and orders him to send men to the farm at Wilton's Bluff. Seddon wants to inform the President, and Orry should go after Powell. But he had already disappeard from his private residence.

Winder reports, that there were no traces of activity to be found at the farm, and no boxes of amunition either. Orry suspects that Winder and his assistant Israel Quincy are part of the plot or have been bribed.

The same evening, Charles arrives at Orry and Madeline.

Chapter 100

Since his breakdown, Cooper is laying on his bedapathetically, while Pickering and Navy Secretary Mallory were called to Charleston. Mallory talks to Cooper in harsh words and indirectly demands him to resign. After Mallory has left, Cooper wakes up from his lethargy, recovers slowly and regains his ability to think clearly. He even rises, greets his daughter and reveives Stephen Mallory, declaring to him that he don't want to support the war anymore but preach peace and emancipation and therefore will move to Mont Royal.

Chapter 101

Orry and Charles draw plans how to get Billy out of Libby Prison and on his way home. Charles keeps Orry from going with him because he would be too recognizable by his missing arm.

With a forged order for bringing the prisoner over for interrogation, Charles enters the prison. Billy appears in terrible condition but recognizes him. Charles has to shoot Corporal Vessey to leave the building with Billy.

Chapter 102

With grey vest and forged papers, Charles and Billy reach Richmond. They exchange all news important to them. Then, Billy rids a mule off to the North.

The next day, Orry informs Charles on the plot uncovered by him and that Ashton is involved in that.

Chapter 103

On his way North, Billy meets three rebel soldiers, shares his ration with them and learns some facts on the progress of the war. But the rebels, all of them deserters and on their way home, take his mule and his papers before they disappear.

Slowly, Billy works his way amd is surrounded by battle noise several times. One officer takes him for a deserter, points out the direction to the battle lines and tells him that Stuart was killed at Yellow Tavern. Later, he receives a musket and has to take part in the fighting on the rebel side. He crawls from the rifle pit, crosses the field to the Union soldiers, is hit by a bullet and drops to unconciousness.

In the night to May 10th, George leads repair works on the Aquia & Fredericksburg line. He just ordered a pause from work, when a train with wounded men passes him with - what he has no way of knowing - his brother Billy.

Chapter 104

Virgilia and other nurses are taken to a provisional hospitals at Falmouth under Mrs. Neal, where the badly wounded were carried to. At first she refuses to take care for Southern wounded as well, but then she also cares for a rebel soldier but lets him bleed to death on purpose.

Chapter 105

Salem Jones signs up to the Union Army in New York State under the name of Stephen McNaughton. A lot of shady figures use this practice with him. Jones needs money and wants to collect the volunteer bonus, only to desert shortly after, just like the last four times. But the major in charges sees through him, gets his head shaved bare and brands him with a "D" under his right eye. But Jones tries again to desert on the next night march.

Mrs. Neal confronts Virgilia on the Southerner blead to death and accuses her for purpose. Virgilia insists on a mistake, but Mrs. Neal wants to report on that to Miss Dix. Virgilia leaves the tent hospital and traves to Washington to see Sam Stout.

Chapter 106

Billy was sent to the Harewood Convalescent Hospital to cure on his lower leg passthrough wound.

Lincoln gets nominated for a second term as president. This day, Isabel and her boys travel to Newport for vacation. This comes handy to Stanley who recently started an affair with stupid but bodily attractive 20 years old variety dancer Jeannie Canary. He gives in to watch with her the fireworks in town and be being spotted by Congressman Henry Davis of Maryland, opening his affair to the public.

After the death of J.E.B. Stuart, to Charles astonishment, Wade Hampton only gets part of the responsibility he could expect being the oldes brigadier. Back from Richmond, he continues to worry over Augusta since the Union army again has moved passed Fredericksburg. In a fighting, Charles sees General George Custer on the other side, shoots at him but misses.

The next day, Charles and Jim fight against a unit of General Phil Sheridan and are able to push them back by evening. When following up, they find several dozen horses shot dead by the Yankees, that must have been completely healthy and just hindering the soldiers right now.

Outside the gates of Richmond, fightings occur at Cold Harbor and then at Petersburg, after that the Potomac Army resorts to a siege. Orry and Madeline can see the end coming. Orry talks to Major General George Picket who hints to have a field command for him. Secretary Mallory informs Orry on Cooper's change of mind. Then he learns that some prostitutes have asked for passes to leave the town, which is an unmistakable sign of the coming fall of Richmind.

At the farewell reception for Secretary Memminger, Orry and James are both invited since originating from the same home state. Both have their wifes with them. Orry talks to somewhat shallow looking Ashton on Powell's businesses and confronts her and James with his knowledge on the plot.

But Ashton tries to silence him with her informations on Madeline's blood heritage. In front of the guests, she tells Madeline what she has learned. James resolutely pulls Ashton out of the room, but Madeline sees herself exposed.

Virgilia sends a message to Sam Stout and waits for him in her hotel room. There, she tells him about the wounded Southerner and Mrs. Neal's threat. Stout promoses her to help and demands a physical quid pro quo that she is more than willing to give.

Chapter 108

Since his affair is affair is now out in the public, Stanley flees to Newport. But the next day, Isabel confronts him on the tart and demands only that he will not show up with her in public again. Isabel is reasoning that she still needs Stanley for her goal to achieve social standing in Washington after the war with his money and his connections.

Chapter 109

On June 16th, Billy returns to the engineers, this time shortly outside Petersburg, and has thoughts on the changes in Charles.

Chapter 110

Similarily altered as Orry after the Mexican War, Cooper returns to Mont Royal. He refuses to take notice of the war, although Sherman already is standing outside Atlanta, and he writes memorandi to peace negotiations. Newpaper reports that his former ship "Alabama" was sunk in the English Channel. Cooper's reaktion to this is pacifistic, and he worries for the ship's crew.

Secretary Judal Benjamin summons Orry and opens to him the thank of the President for his care on his wellfare. But he also hints that his informations are put down as so many other rumors Asked on his satisfaction, Orry admits to think on a field command and then has to answer on Ashton's accusations against Madeline. The President wishes Madeline to leave Richmond. Orry terminates the talk with Benjamin in foul mood.

Orry engages young civil employee Josea Pilbeam from the department to investigate on Ashton. At night he tells Madeline he hadn't been able to find that Captain Bellingham, and that she has to leave town, but not for Mont Royal but for Lehigh Station for crossing lesser fighting areas.

In disguise of a black frock, Orry alias Reverend O. O. Manchester rides out to Augusta Barclay's farm near Fredericksburg, that is looking run-down with the town-down stables and all the trees cut. Orry tells on Madeline's problem and Augusta has Boz accompany him back to Richmond.

End of June, Orry, Madeline and Boz leave Richmond and part at Augusta's farm. While Madeline and Boz get on their way to the Potomac, Orry returns to Richmond. There, Josea Pilbeam waits for him with the information that James and Ashton have been out of Richmond for several hours and have met Winder's assistant Israel Quincy and an unknown fat man at the old farm.

Chapter 111

Orry sneeks to the wooden barn of the farm the same way again, but this time the field is freshly plowed. Since it is a abandoned farm, Orry recognizes that the weapons must have been hidden inside the field. Through the gap in the wall, Orry sees James, Ashton, Quincy and Captain Bellingham, identifying him quickly as Elkanah Bent. Powell himself is not present. Orry confronts the group and informs them that the plot has been uncovered. In the emerging fight, he shoots Israel Quincy and the barn gets set on fire. While James and Ashton escape, Orry and Bent wrestle with Bent falling backwards out of the window, drops the cliffs closely behind it and splashes into the river water below.

Orry directly rides back to Secretary Seddon's house, wakes him up, and presents the secured proof articles (one of the bombs disguised as chuncs of cole and a floor plan of the Treasury and the President's rooms with markings for the planned places of detonations). Then he reports were to find the precision guns melted down by the fire, as well as Powell's personal things in the attic of the farm house and the dead body of Winder's assistant Quincy. Then he walks over to Ashton's house and demands that she and James leave town immediately or will be called on by him. One hour later, the Huntoons were gone.

Orry first declines the official written presidential commendation, but then accepts it under the condition to be transferred to General Pickett's staff at the front.

Chapter 112

Lawyer Jasper Dills tries to gather informations on Elkanah Bent's whereabouts for not loose a welcomed side income. He first interviews Colonal Baker of the Secret Police, who only could tell him that "Dayton" was seen in Richmond. Then he meets Stanley Hazard as Secretary Stanton's confidant. But even on a "donation" of 1000 Dollar, he only gets the information that no informations are available.

Brett increasingly recuses herself from public live in Lehigh Station, and only the work with the cildren gives her joy. By letters she learns on Billy's release and recovery. When news arrives that Madeline is in Washington, she instantly travels there with Constance to pick her up. First thing, Madeline reveals to them her blood heritage, what makes Brett quite uneasy due to her upbringing.

Andy once more neary gets attacked by maroding gangs consisting of negroes and deserted whites. Even Cooper admints that the plantation has to prepare for an attack.

Orry rides on a supply waggon to Chaffin's Bluff where Pickett's division forms the right end of the innermost of five defensive rings of Richmond, and he reports to the general.

Chapter 113

At Belvedere, living together for the three women Madeline, Constance and Brett is plagued by their worries for their husbands and the truth on Madeline. This way, no joy can develop.

Chapter 114

Discouraged, Charles rides out the dangerous path to Augusta's farm - for the last time, he plans. After a quick meal they sadly agree that they cannot be together given Charles' momentarily mental state. Charles says good-bye and rides off. Augusta stays behind and regrets to not have told him that she is pregnant by him.

Chapter 115

George is busy working in the railroad corps in City Point while Billy takes part in the siege of Richmond. General Seridan finally took Atlanta, and the other generals also send better news.

Scipio Brown has signed up as a Lieutenant of the 2nd U.S: Colored Troops and pays his good-bye to the ladies at Belvedere - especially Brett, who remarks afterwards that she shortly had feelings towards that colored man. She connects this new sentiment with her doubts on Madeline, then instantly visits her and begs for pardon.

Chapter 116

For the first time, Billy commands an engineer detail made up of black men and is delighted on their courage and deployment. Then, George pays a visit and they exchange news but are depressed on the conduct of the war.

Chapter 117

Ashton and James travel aboard the "Royal Albert" from Hamilton, Bermudas (where the money made by the scheme is in the bank - to Virginia. James is seasick while Ashton longs for sex with Lamap Powell. Powell, who first hid himself at the farmhouse attic and then in Wilmington, has received Ashton's message and met them on the Bermudas. It satisfies him to hear that Ashton still submits herself to him, mentally and physically.

On his way back from Charleston, where he could hardly collect any usable weapons, Cooper is confronted by Cuffey, speaking from a hiding place. After some threats, Cuffey pulls back again.

Chapter 118

Orry now rides in the Army of Northern Virginia, by this time consisting solely of ragged, mostly barefooted, inside and outside scarred men. They find a badly wounded Yankee, and when trying to help him, the man manages to shoot Orry at close range. Thus, Orry's line duty lasted just a few days.

Sherman has reached Savannah and with that he completed his march to the sea as a success. There is joy over this at Belvedere but not shared by Madeline and even by Constance.


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Book Six: The Lord's Verdict

Chapter 119

A letter by "J. Duncan, Esq." to "Maj. Chas. Main, Hampton's Cavalry Corps, C.S.a." is sorted out by zealous postal officers in Richmond as undeliverable.

Chapter 120

Charles keeps on fighting, but he doesn't see sense in it anymore. Even General Hampton, revered by Charles, has lost his typical confidence, and after a promotion has taken a staff position. Under Cailbraith Butler, Charles moves to South Carolina to resist Sherman's returning gang. Thoughts on Augusta are hunting him this ice cold January. His comrade Jim Pickles has deserted because his mother is badly ill or has already died.

By chance, Charles spies a partisan troop about to force some Yankees to be burnt to death. Their commander is Colonel Fillywell, a preacher whose cruelty has been reportet several times before and who takes his fun on some Yankee engineers now who were just trying to collect some firewood. When Charles intercepts to end this, he is threatened by Follywood. Then he recognizes Billy Hazard as the Yankee troop's officer. Charles decides to act. He shoots Follywell with his shotgun and opens the fight, during which he gets knocked off his horse. Billy saves him but is wounded himself. When the Yankees gain the upper hand, Charles makes his escape on his badly wounded horse. He barely makes it to a Confederate post as his faithful horse dies.

Two days later, Charles leaves the unit on a train to South Carolina to look for a replacement horse.

Chapter 121

In a arduous journey, Ashton, James and Powell are traveling with forged papers to St. Louis via Montreal, Windsor, Detroid and Chicago. There, Powell and James continue on to Powell's gold mine. Ashton is to directly go and walt for them in Santa Fe. Ashton wants to get rid of James, and Powell makes some vague remarks about a long and dangerours trip to the West. They don't get it that James is watching them. When they part ways, James hands Ashton a closed envelope for the case of emergency.

George shortly leaves his workers to drink some creek water. A seemingly friendly rebel appears on the other side. They start to talk to each other, and George learns the circumstances of Orry's death.

Chapter 122

Stanley has rented a spacy appartment for Jeanny Canary, and he frequently visits her there. Without asking Stanley's brothers, Isabel has remodled Fairlawn to her permanent residence, after placing their two uneducatable sons to a boarding school. In his own house, Stanley meets Ben Wade who reports on fruitless peace talks. He cannot grant the desired post as chief of the office of supplies to Stanley, but will put in his word for one of the assistants.

Cuffey now has gathered 52 men who are living and have armed themselves by raids and thefts. Now, he is waiting for his idol General Sherman, because then the Confederats have to pull off all available men from the Charleston defenses and make way for him to go into action.

Chapter 123

Ragged and dirty, Charles reaches Mont Royal. The plantation had been spared by Sherman as the whole Ashley district, that delivers a unreal peaceful impression. Clarissa Main still absently sits on the veranda all day, but Judith and Cooper give him a warm reception. Asking, he tells them that he is pracitcally looking for a new horse since Petersburg.

Charles notices fewer black folks on the plantation, but they show more self-consciousness than before. He greets foreman Andy, Jand and the overseer Philemon Meek, who tells him on the guerilla band being active in the area. Then Charles has to report on Orry's death.

Chapter 124

Billy is sent home after he has received a bullet wound in the chest during the fight with the partisans. Brett lears by a letter from George to Constance on the death of her brother. But she is strong and relays it to Madeline. After a short faint, Madeline behaves bravely.

Chapter 125

On February 17th, Sherman enters Columbia and burns the city to the ground. Two days later, this news arrives at Mont Royal. In the evening, a black boy reports on Cuffey's group closing up to the plantation. With Jane dissenting, Cooper, Charles and Andy begin to set up the defenses.

Chapter 126

Virgilia awaits Sam Stout in her room, who first had to take his wife and children zu the depot. He hands Virgilia a ticket to the inauguration ceremony, but he insists that they keep their affair hidden from the public. Virgilia reads the draft of his speech and gives advices to make it better and more captivating. She now sees herself back in the track.

Chapter 127

On April 2nd at 6 o'clock in the morning, Mont Royal is attacked by guerillas. They torch the kitchen building and shoot Meek when showing himself in a window. A breaking oil lamp sehts fire in the parlor. Charles and Cooper take positions at the entrance. Bullets come in through closed doors and they defend themselves with only little success. The upper floor is engulfed in flames, when Cuffey appears at the stairs, armed with a longknife. With Charles pistol empty, he can only use his parade saber, but the blade breaks when stabbing the black man. Cuffey stumbles back into the parlow and dies in the flames.

The hordes take away all of worth, jewelry, wine and liquor, before they pull back. Badly wounded, Charles manages to get out and then collapses. The other survivers hide in the rice fields for the rest of the day: Cooper, Judith, Marie-Louise, Clarissa, Jane, Andy, kitchen maid Sue, her two sons and old Cicero. When darkness returns, Charles, Cooper and Andy dare to return to the house. But the formerly big estate has turned into smoldering ruins and a sole brick chimney. Ironically, Cuffey's mule is waiting at the back of the house, and Charles takes it as his replacement horse.

Chapter 128

The same day, President Davis gets notice on the breakthrough at the Richmond defenses. In the evening, he, his wife and some of the secretaries will leave the city in an extra train to security. Shortly before departure, the freight cars are opened for the public. A cruel fight ensues on the few spots available there.

Chapter 129

Burdetta Halloran has secured some Union flags in time that she now puts on her house, when the troops ar marching into Richmond, led by a colored regiment. She is addressed by an officer, but she cannot know that he's from Billy Hazard unit.

Billy shaves his face and steps out into the streets without a gun. He helps a colored man in a quarrel with Lute Fessenden, the man who formerly has harrassed Brett, to enter the recruiting office.

Chapter 130

Charles helps to built a temporary shack from the partly burnt wooden planks and to acquire some of the scarce food from the neighbors. Tired and burned out, armed only with his army pistol and the broken saber, he sets out back to the North.

Chapter 131

On April 9th, Palm Sunday, Billy takes Brett to a walk at Lehigh Station. They talk about Lee's army being almost done. Brett tells him about Stanley's projection for the time after the war and she asks Billy to allow her some time at Mont Royal to help out there. Then she tells him that she is expecting his child.

The same day, George is busy in Petersburg repairing the Petersburg & Lynchburg railroad, when a rider comes in reporting on the surrender. After everyone initial is stunned, they all break into cheers.

Chapter 132

Stanley is dissatisfied on the drunken mob brawling in the streets for days, the splashing fireworks and ringing bells. He ends his works at the War Department to enter his new assignment as assistant in the Freedman Bureau under General Howard that Wade handed to him. This evening, Jeannie Canary asks him to go to the Ford Theatre with her because Lincoln would also be there, but Stanley agan has to decline.

On this very evening, April 15th, 1865, Abraham Lincoln is shot in that very theater. His dead body lays in state in the East Room of the White House for one day. Dispite of the long queue of waiting people to pay their final respect, Virgilia is among the few that actually can do it, and she looks at the dead man with some form of satisfaction.

Chapter 133

James Huntoon suffers badly at the dangerous two week transport trip of two waggons, hiding gold woth 300,000 Dollars in their double floor boards. Six horses each were tamed by drivers, led by scottish scout Banquo Collins. The route from Virginia City runs through Indian Territory, and Collins has gained some idea of the freight as well as on the fact that they were followed by Jicarilla Indians. Just as Powell wants to eliminate James, the Indians attack.

Chapter 134

Somewhere in North Carolina, Charles meets a Colonel telling him that Lee has surrendered more than three weeks ago and that the war is over. First, Charles is devestated. Then he realizes that he first has to help Mont Royal and then must see Augusta in Virginia as fast as he can.

Chapter 135

Powell lures James away from the camp fire, shoots him in the back in cold blood and pushes him into a canyon. Then he gets striked down by a tomahawk himself. Collins manages to pull back from the fire in time before the drivers sitting there fall victims to the Indians. Collins hides and watches as the Indians set the waggons on fire and let them roll into the canyon. He plans to retrieve the gold there later on.

Chapter 136

At Mont Royal, news on the state of their country ls relayed by homecomers passing through. Hunger is everywhere. Cooper uses old tools to works in a field. Just Andy, Jane, Marie-Louise and sometimes Judith are of any help to him. Cicero is too old for hard work. On one of these days, Clarissa peacefully passes away. When they are about to bury her, Madeline, Billy and Brett arrive.

Jasper Dills arrives in Richmond, is appalled on the destruction and meets with one of Lafayette Baker's former agents hired by him. The only usable information to gain is that a farmer saw a body floating in the James Rover last June that could match "Captain Dayton". But Dills resolves to pretend to the source of his side income that Bent is living in the West being a successful farmer.

Chapter 137

Clarissa Gault Main is buried at Mont Royal. In the light of the burnt-down ruins of the big house, the survivors see this as the irretrievable end of the past.

Three days later, Charles is back again, but he is grumpy and hardly talks. Some days later, Wade Hampton stopps by, having heard on Clarissa's death and the fire, and is surprised to see his old scout Charles he was looking for. Other than most of the soldiers from the South, Hampton as a general had to lay off his uniform. They exchange latest news. Hampton wanted to close up with Davis, but the president's location is unknown. Lincoln's murderer Booth was shot. Bitterly, Charles declines Hampton's offer to support him rebuilding the state and gets on his way to Virginia.

On Saturday, Mai 13th, Jefferson Davis and his entourage are captured near Irwinville, GA.

George and Constance reach Charles by sea and are horrified on the destruction and the negroes hanging around everywhere. George is still in the army but has laid off his uniform. At Mont Royal, George sees the conditions of the impoverished family Main and wants to visit George's grave. But only a wooden cross signals his resting place because his coffin has burned somewhere in North Carolina in a train crash. Nevertheless, George pays his final respects to his old friend.

After a poorly dinner, George tries to reestablish the bond between the Main ahd Hazard families, and even difficult Cooper agrees. Then George hands Cooper the bag that Orry has brought in 1861 with part of his investment debt, containing a credit letter from his bank at Lehigh Station over 40,000 Dollar and the promise to provide as much as needed.

Chapter 138

For three weeks now, Ashton has waited in hot and dusty Santa Fe, when some soldiers take a dead man into town and report that he had been ambushed on his waggon treck by Indians. One soldier confirms to Ashton that it was Powell's waggons and that everyone else is dead as well. Ashton is devestated but resolves to look for the gold in the canyon. She doesn't moan over James.

She then openes the letter James has given her in St. Louis. She reads that James has strong suspicions for her cheating on him with Powell and, in case he dies before her, the money from the "Water Witch" all goes to his relatives with leaving Ashton empty-handed. After a freakout and a sleepless night, Ashton focusses on the gold in the canyon and starts approaching the wealthy men in town.

Chapter 139

Madeline questiones all blacks on the blacks on the plans for the future. Cicero is more than 70 and to him the sudden freedom seems to be scary. But Andy and Jane are thinking to stay for some time and work for wages and to marry at Mont Royal.

Chapter 140

Charles arrives at Barclay's farm and finds the house to be vacant and closed-up, the fields and gardens to be neglected. A mysterious poem written on a bookmark in her most revered book at the bed side gives him a hint that she left and nobody shall find her. A store owner in Fredericksburg tells Charles just that she sent off her negroes and has disappeared months ago. Sensing the truth, Charles even reads the wish of death from the poem, and that depresses him very much.

Chapter 141

Three men under a corporal from Illinois are searching in the rubble of Richmond for government papers. They find boxes of undelivered letters, partly burnt or wet. They open the letters and find the one from Union volunteer Brigadier J. B. Duncan to Charles.

Duncan writes about his niece Augusta, that she was pregnant but didn't tell him no apply no pressure on him. Due to complications, Duncan has her brought across the Potomac to his house, where Charles Augustus was born on December 23rd. Augusta died within the hour. Duncan plans on raising Charles jun. until Charles can take him in his care.

The soldiers agree to try to deliver this touching letter despite all difficulties.

Chapter 142

Charles is roaming around, aimless and quarrelsome, his mule had run off. Then he remembers the name of U.S. Brigadier Duncan and he wants to question him on Augusta. So he gets on his way walking to the North. He catches up with a black family moving the same direction, and he assists them to pull their cart.

Chapter 143

After having served in General Halleck's staff during the entire war, Secretary Stanton transfers Brigadier Jack Duncan to line service. Now he has to fight Indians with the Western cavalry. Duncan is still waiting on a sign of life from Major Main from the South.

Charles inquires the War Department on Duncan, but the staff refuses to answer a former rebel. When a colonel steps in, Charles recognizes him as former Lieutenant Prevo whom he has tricked from searching Augusta's farm. Prevo is very friendly and helps Charles to acquire Duncan's address.

Chapter 144

Duncan informs his young irish nanny Maureen on the upcoming move to the West. She is enthusiastic and wants to go with him and little Charles. The house maid Mrs. Caldwell will stay in Washington and receives an ample bonus for her service.

Charles and Prevo drink some Whiskeys and talk on past experiences. The moment they part ways, Brigadier Duncan boards the train with Maureen and the baby.

Chapter 145

Charles arrives at Duncan's house, but can hardly just hold up the carriage of the house maid. Together they instantly drive to the depot. Charles has to run and catch up with the train to pull himself up on the last car before a conductor halts the train.

Charles 146

Thanks to Duncan, Charles doesn't get arrested but peacefully has a conversation with him in his old house. Duncan tells him the whole story, that Charles simply can't get his head around. Duncan, repeatedly pointing out how decent Augusta has been and that she has loved him even as the war took bad impact on his character, still keeps some distance to Charles. Charles, overrun by the informations, is unable to decide quickly to take over his son.

Amidst a nightly thunderstorm, Charles walks to Georgetown and visits Augusta's grave. There, he collapses in devestation and search of a decision. Only by noon he returns, wet and dirty, and says that he had thought it through.

Chapter 147

George and Constance return to Lehigh Station and have thoughts on what the war has done to the individual members of the two befriended families.

Charles rides 1st class with Duncan to Baltimore after having bought an appropriate suit. Charles had told Duncan that he wants to join the regular army in the West. There, Maureen brings in the baby and Charles for the first time take his son on his arm.




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